06 outubro 2010


MONEY NEWS - Monday, 24 May 2010 08:37 AM - By: Julie Crawshaw
 Jovem bilionário T. Kaplan aplica em ouro quase toda sua fortuna.
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Billionaire Kaplan Bets Most of His Wealth on Gold - Unlike most fund managers, who allocate a small percentage of the portfolios they manage to gold, billionaire commodities magnate and Tigris Financial Group head Thomas Kaplan reportedly has gone all in on gold. "I've reached a point where I feel the only asset I have confidence in is gold," Kaplan says. Reflecting his conviction that global economic instability could bring rising demand for gold, Kaplan has gone further than perhaps any other major investor, betting the majority of his wealth on gold and other precious metals. "You've got a perfect storm with no apparent solution," he told The Wall Street Journal.