CNBC - Thursday, 4 Nov 2010 - 4:35 PM ET
Congresso: é abrir "caixa-preta" do Federal Reserve.
Fazer reforma monetária, diz Ron Paul.
clique aqui . Ron Paul, the Republican Congressman from Texas, is the ranking member of the monetary policy subcommittee, and when the next Congress takes over he’ll likely be the chairman of the subcommittee. Congressman Paul has some big plans. “I will approach that committee like no one has ever approached it because we’re living in times like no one has ever seen,” Paul said in an interview with NetNet Thursday. Paul said his first priority will be to open up the books of the Federal Reserve to the American people. “We need to create transparency there. To see what it is they are buying and lending, and who it is they are dealing with,” Paul said. “We will have to have monetary reform,” Paul said.