YouTube VIDEO - December 18, 2010 - clique aqui 1 .
Povos acordando: proliferam-se inflamados discursos, reação contra governo global tirânico.
clique aqui 2 . It will go down in history as a very important speech because Alex tells the complete truths of our age, and expresses the deepest hopes for a free America, and a free world. Professional politicians can’t reach this type of emotion in a speech because they lack wisdom, depth, virtue, the love for freedom and humanity, and the full understanding of the monumental political crisis facing Washington, and the world. The atrocious crimes against Iraq, Afghanistan, America, freedom, and humanity by America’s top political leaders, and highest institutions must be met with harsh punishment.
This age calls for righteous anger against the individuals who engineered the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Alex Jones is venting that righteous anger, as we all should do. If you are politically and spiritually awake you are glad and excited that a dynamic and authentic human being like Alex is gaining in popularity and esteem.