05 agosto 2011


The Sidney Morning Herald - 5 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Espanha e Itália se preparam para o impacto. Contágio se espalha na zona do Euro.
Ever since the European debt crisis began, the risk of contagion - of problems spreading from smaller countries to bigger ones, like Italy and Spain - has worried government officials and investors. Now another type of contagion is causing concern: the risk of problems spreading to big banks, especially in Italy and Spain. The growing vulnerability of the giant banks in these two countries is spurring investor fears that Europe's latest bid to get a handle on its festering debt crisis, adopted just a few weeks ago, has come up short. The banks own so many bonds issued by their home countries that they are being weakened as the value of those bonds falls, amid concerns that the cost of government borrowing could become too expensive for Italy and Spain to bear.