05 agosto 2012


Press TV News - 02 Aug 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA financia bárbarie, massacres na Síria, usa seus mercenários. 
Imprensa abafa horrores da "oposição".
They were dragged out to be executed in a small, dusty courtyard in blazing sunlight. The victims were half-naked, dazed, their underwear soaked in blood, their legs bleeding from torture inflicted earlier. “God is greatest,” rang out the calls among the blood-lusting spectators. They also shouted slogans in support of the Free Syrian Army. This was summary “justice” by the armed opposition groups that the Western governments are striving to empower in “liberated” Syria. Placed against a wall and kneeling, the victims were blasted at close range with automatic weapons. As the crowds parted, the video shows naked bodies slumped in a soiled heap. In another clip of the same execution courtyard, a group of cowering people is similarly riddled with automatic fire. After the hail of bullets subsides, a pile of mangled corpses is displayed, with grotesque satisfaction