12 fevereiro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - 02 Jan 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
OBAMA ASSINOU: governo tem poder legal de raptar cidadãos, lei NDAA. Basta ser 'suspeito'.
É obvio que uma detenção sem processo legal é um rapto.
On the last day of 2011, Barack Obama, who swore an oath to uphold the constitution of the United States, destroyed said document in a swift stroke of the pen, signing in to law the treasonous National Defense Authorization Act which allows the President to arrest and execute any one he sees fit. 
The NDAA’s detention provisions place enormous power in the president’s hands. They empower our government to ignore constitutionally guaranteed First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights. The authority to arbitrarily detain anyone on the basis of mere suspicion is the very definition of authoritarianism. the NDAA’s detention provisions effectively suspend due process. Sections 1021 and 1022 allow the military to detain anyone whom it -- without judicial review -- decides “substantially support[s]” al Qaeda or “associated forces” until the “end of hostilities.”
MSNBC - Feb 2013 - clique aqui.
Governo pode matar qualquer americano, em qualquer lugar do mundo, sem evidências.

The NDAA even allows the military to ship off “covered persons” (including US citizens) and hold them overseas indefinitely. “[The NDAA] enshrines extraordinary rendition into law,” said Fairfax, California City Councilmember Larry Bragman (G). “We must resist. We must oppose. We must reverse.”

Arbítrio detona garantias de direitos civis. Extinto habeas corpus.
As Americans, we should not trust any president with the powers authorized by the NDAA. 
Not President Obama. Not President Bush. Not the next president. Not any future president. Yet, last December, Congress gave every future president this unchecked executive power. Our defense must not come at the expense of our freedom. Representatives Smith & Amash -- like "We the People of the United States" clamoring across the country -- aim to unite our divided nation under the liberty promised by our Constitution. Everyone who has taken the oath of office owes them a vote.
The Tenth Amendment Center - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
Cidadãos batalham para anular em seus estados este 'poder de raptar' do governo federal.
President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in 2011. Parts of that law make America into a war zone. The military has special powers in a war zone. It can snatch anyone and hold them indefinitely, without trial. Americans could be subject to a military tribunal instead of a civilian court. Strip away the euphemisms. If you remove due process then detention is kidnapping. It’s that simple.