09 outubro 2013


R.T. News - 08 Oct 2013 - clik 1clik 2
"Tentam deflagrar 3a Guerra Mundial. Dólar já em colapso, Congresso comprado, imprensa controlada, ouro acabando".
"Governo é controlado por conglomerados de corporações".
Delatora é ex-advogada senior Banco Mundial, coração do sistema.

1) - the transition of economic strengths from the western countries to the east is going to happen, but it’s going to happen in a smooth way. It’s not going to be a transition through a currency war like that terrible corrupt group is trying to manipulate everyone into. We’re going to have a peaceful power transition this time around; we’re not going to have the World War III. They try to pull it off in Syria, they are now thinking they can pull it off in Iran, it’s not happening. The citizens of the world see what they are doing and we’re not letting them get away with it this time. The government is controlled by the conglomerates or the corporations.
2) - There is a terrible currency problem. We’re on the verge of the currency war. The Federal Reserve is printing dollars like there is no tomorrow. And if they keep going the rest of the world is not going to accept them. As it is the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have decided that they are going to finance the trade among these countries with assets and pay for the difference in gold. 
3) - there is a loss in confidence in the fiat currencies that are issued by those private banks. They like to consider themselves as ‘public banks’ but they really owned by private entities. And these currencies are about to crash because they are valueless, that’s what always happens to paper currencies that aren’t backed by assets.
4) - Central Banks are running out of gold and the rests of the world are lining up to buy them. If you want to buy gold today, you have to pay today a premium. 
5) - The mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the same companies, private companies that own the Federal Reserve System.
6) - When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican.