09 dezembro 2013


Forbes Magazine, Russel Sage Foundation - Dec 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Cem milhões abaixo da linha da pobreza, são 33% dos EUA todo".
Imprensa em silencio absoluto.
Governo diz que são só 15%. Alguém acredita?
The “Inequality Boom” is what social scientist Sheldon Danziger, President of the Russell Sage Foundation here in New York, uses to describe the current condition of 100 million Americans — if the cost of housing, transportation and healthcare were subtracted from the median income of full-time workers. It’s a boom because under Danziger’s hypothesis, 100 million Americans is a whopping 33% of the total population; the Census Bureau figures only 15% of Americans, or 45 million, are below the $24,000 annual income level for poverty in a family of four. Danziger has been on the poverty solution academic beat almost since Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson declared war on poverty 50 years ago, and is now ensconced at one of the oldest foundations in the nation, established in 1907 for “the improvement of social and living conditions in the United States.” 
Danziger’s work is cut out for him since there is growing income inequality in the U.S. as the political controversy over reducing the level of government transfers promises to increase poverty and widen income disparity. For example, there is the growing threat that the food stamp program, now being used by 47 million people, is scheduled to be reduced. Plus, the extension of unemployment benefits, which stabilized many of those hurt by the Great Recession, is is to be substantially limited in availability. At the same time, 70% of the new jobs created by the slow economic recovery are part-time, less than 29 hours a week, without health insurance, and cannot be sufficient to support a family of four. Danziger can wax enthusiastic about the theme of what he calls “the golden age in America”, when between 1947 and 1975 (see chart) family income adjusted for inflation showed more than 90% increases in family income for the 20% segment of America. In fact the 60th percentile group in the middle had their income increase by the largest degree, 99.2%. That amounts to a near double in family income from 1947 to 1975.