06 janeiro 2014


YouTube VIDEO - USA Watchdog - Jan 2014 - clik aqui
John Williams: "Dólar 2014 tem vendas maciças, e vira pânico. É fuga de perdas, aí acaba o jogo".
John Williams of Shadowstats.com has a grim view of 2014. He says, “It’s really going to be a currency panic . . . when the fundamental selling pressure really starts to pick up, when the selling gets heavy . . . in turn, the weakness will be seen in a spike in oil prices and a spike in gasoline prices.” Williams says there will be a panic out of the dollar and he predicts, “Once you see a massive sell-off here, I see the game as being over.” Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with economist John Williams.