23 janeiro 2016


YouTube VIDEO - Architects, Engineers 9-11 - Jan 2016 - clik 1 - clik 2 
9-11, DOCUMENTÁRIO: arrasa a versão oficial, cheia de absurdos. Foi crime local, não atentado.
Autoria: bombeiros, policiais e soldados - socorristas do atentado.
- There was the miracle of the nineteen hijackers who defeated a multi-billion dollar air defense system with two-dollar box cutters — five of whom would later return from the grave. 
And then there was the miracle of flight school dropout who, after accomplishing 270-degree turn that pilots with 30 years of experience could not execute, maneuvered commercial jetliner toward his target as though he were backing family car into garage.
There were miracles of passenger cell phones functioning at altitudes of 30,000 feet, well above their operational range; 
of a hijacker's intact passport found unscathed amidst pulverized debris at Ground Zero; 
of oxygen-starved, carbon-based office fires reaching heat hot enough to melt steel; 
and straight-down explosive collapse of two 110-story towers in less than 20 seconds.

One of the many 9/11 miracles: the miracle of the most important building never heard of — World Trade Center Building 7. This 576-foot steel-framed high-rise , consisting of 47 football-field-sized floors of structural steel and concrete, each supported by 80 columns, WTC 7 was not hit by a plane. But on September 11th, it fell suddenly and symmetrically through itself into a smoldering mass of melted steel and pulverized rubble in less than seven seconds. The official explanation: random office fires on the 12th floor.