18 dezembro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - BBC, UK - Dec 2012 - clique aqui.
Documentário da BBC: "Al Qaeda nunca existiu, é armação dos governos, é fabricar inimigo".
2007 – According to this BBC documentary there’s no such thing as al-Qaeda – at least not as we’ve come to know it. It’s a fraud perpetrated on the British and American people by the governments to scare us into submission. While Osama bin Laden did have links to Islamic fundamentalists and terrorists, he was not the leader of a powerful, cohesive group called Al Qaeda. The US government built him up into such a figure to give Americans a face – an enemy – to hate in their push for public support of multiple wars planned for the middle east.

YouTube VIDEO, R.T. News - Dec 2012 - clique aqui.
Ex-Diretor da CIA: 
"Al Qaeda não existe".
Historian Michael Scheuer, an author of "Through our enemies' eyes", who worked for the agency for over 20 years till 2004 and at one time was the chief of the CIA's 'Bin Laden unit', says America's greatest enemy -- radical Islam -- never existed: neither when Bin Laden was alive, nor BBC's killer documentary called "The Power of Nightmares". Top CIA officials openly admit, Al-qaeda is a total and complete fabrication, never having existed at any time. The Bush administration needed a reason that complied with the Laws so they could go after "the bad guy of their choice" namely laws that had been set in place to protect us from mobs and "criminal organizations" such as the Mafia. They paid Jamal al Fadl, hundreds of thousands of dollars to back the U.S. Government's story of Al-qaeda, a "group" or criminal organization they could "legally" go after.