17 julho 2013


Daily Mail UK - 17 Jul 2013 - clique aqui.
Grã-Bretanha hipócrita vendeu 12 bi em armas a 27 tiranos brutais da sua própria lista negra. 
Ditadores que esmagaram protestos pró-democracia. São 12 bilhões de libras em gás lacrimogêneo, balas de borracha, etc.
Britain has sold more than £12billion of arms to countries on the Government’s own blacklist for human rights abuses, a damning report reveals today. Ministers approved the export of sniper rifles, machine guns, bullets, tear gas, military vehicles and other ‘crowd control’ equipment to 27 authoritarian regimes. Critics said the report laid bare the ‘dirty secret’ of the UK selling weapons and other hardware to brutal dictators who have crushed pro-democracy protests.