28 março 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Russia Insider - Mar 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Triunfalismo e paranóia pós-911 levaram EUA a fazer na Ucrânia este desastre geo-político".
Katrina vanden Heuvel , editor and publisher of magazine The Nation. She is a self-described liberal and progressive. Member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The key points of Vanden Heuvel's captivating speech:
- These are tough times for those in the US who challenge the orthodox conventional narrative on the Ukraine conflict.
- Even "US progressives" who are against an increase in the US military budget, which will inevitably happen in a new Cold War, are content with Washington's policy. 
- McCarthyism is still in the DNA of America's media. 
- If you question the ruling narrative your patriotism and sanity will be questioned. You will be marginalized and vilified.
- Policing the world does not make the US more secure.
- Most liberals and progressives sign on to the Clinton project of NATO expansion.
- American understanding of diplomacy is "my way or the highway". No room for compromise.
- Liberal interventionists like "hawk" Hillary Clinton hijacked progressivism.
- US media blindly accept the official US government version of events in Ukraine, and it is complicit in creating the false narrative that may lead the US toward war.
- Liberal hawks and neocons share strong residual anti-Russian Cold War sentiments.
- "Putin demonization" is Obama's "Russia policy".