Rússia já acusa EUA: "promove terrorismo em escala planetária".
He accused Washington and its allies of “promot(ing) their own view of the world and promot(ing) their vision of how all countries must live, including through using military force, including through changing legitimate governments – all this brought to life so many uncertainties and gave rise to people who want to use terrorist means to achieve their goals.” “They think that if somebody is allowed to use force, why don’t we follow the same example and promote our ideas. That’s how ISIL announced its goal to create the caliphate from Spain to Pakistan on huge territories.”
“Whenever you start expanding your ideology not by persuasion but by force, you create so many risks and so many dangers – be it the promotion of communism like the Soviet Union used to do, be it the promotion of democracy in spite of all the cultural differences and ignoring the traditions and values of the people whom you want to ‘make happy’, or be it terrorist ideas of the caliphate.” Lavrov expressed concern about America’s “very huge military buildup in Asia, including under the (phony) pretext of countering the North Korean threat but the scale of the buildup is way beyond the need and disproportionately huge” because China and Russia are the real targets. He took dead aim at Washington’s deplorable foreign policy, a hegemonic agenda threatening world peace. Its so-called European and Asian missile defense is for offense. Renouncing the important ABM treaty was hugely destabilizing. “It triggers buildup and brings us back to the mutually assured destruction logic as it relates to strategic stability,” Lavrov stressed.