30 agosto 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Real News Net - Correio do Brasil - InfoWars - Sputnik News .
Aug 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3clik 4 - clik 5 
EUA, ex-militar: "democracia na surdina sob controle de 400 ultra-ricos, que são 0,001% do povo".
Ex-funcionário norte-americano e coronel reformado do Exército dos EUA afirmou, neste sábado, que a política do seu país é determinada por 400 pessoas cujas fortunas são superiores a vários trilhões de dólares. Na entrevista à rádio lituana Baltkom, o coronel Lawrence Wilkerson, ex-chefe de gabinete do secretário de Estado norte-americano Colin Powell, afirmou que a linha política é estabelecida por cerca de 0,001% da população norte-americana. São os oligarcas que chefiam todos os processos ‘nos bastidores – disse Lawrence Wilkerson.
O ex-funcionário do segundo escalão do governo norte-americano também mostrou a sua indignação com este cenário: Nos EUA há cerca de 400 pessoas, trilionários cujas fortunas ultrapassam a casa dos 15 zeros. Esta distribuição de riqueza no país é indecente, ofensiva. A desigualdade é enorme. Assim, enquanto os EUA impõem a democracia ao resto do mundo, parece que, com tal sistema de administração, eles não sabem realmente o que significa o “governo do povo”, afirmou.
Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell claims that US politics is determined by about 400 people with a combined wealth of trillions of dollars who control government decision-making from the backstage.

ANKARA(Sputnik) – US politics is determined by about 400 people with a combined wealth of trillions of dollars who control government decision-making from the backstage, Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to former US Secretary of State Colin Powell, said in an interview with Radio Baltkom. Thus power is concentrated in the hands of about 0.001 percent of the US population, Wilkerson told the Latvian radio station, stressing that it is great inequality. According to the former official, US foreign policy has generated catastrophic results, particularly in the Middle East. Wilkerson told Radio Baltkom that the 2003 US invasion of Iraq disrupted the balance of power that had been maintained in the Persian Gulf for over 50 years. The current volatile situation in the region is the result of US actions, Wilkerson, who served as chief of staff to Colin Powell between 2002 and 2005, stressed. The Middle East has recently seen the advance of ISIL jihadist group. ISIL began fighting against Syrian government forces in 2012 and launched an offensive on Iraq in 2014. The group has seized vast territories across both countries. US President Barack Obama established an international anti-ISIL coalition in September 2014. Coalition forces have been carrying out airstrikes against ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria, although no breakthrough results have been achieved so far.