24 outubro 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Oct 2015 - clik 1 
DOCUMENTÁRIO: "Como EUA e Europa tornaram Ucrânia num estado falido, cheio de fascismo".
Expulsar ou exterminar os nativos descendentes de russos.
This full length GRTV documentary looks at the fictitious land of Nulandistan that has been constructed out of Ukraine.The GRTV documentary deconstructs Nulandistan and the propaganda of the Obama Administration, the US Department of States, US officials, and their allies about the crisis in Ukraine and takes a look at their growing frustration towards the Russian media, particularly RT, for challenging their account of the events on the ground in what they have declared is an intensifying information war. The full length documentary starts by looking at the self-benefiting description of the EuroMaidan protests that US officials have used and how it has grossly diverged from reality. Then the Odessa Massacre is econstructed for audiences. The documentary then looks at the situation in East Ukraine, including the violence and referenda. The events in East Ukraine are then contrasted to the positions of US officials and Russia. This documentary shows how the reality of events in Ukraine has been been misappropriated and propagandized to support US foreign policy and to justify tensions against Russia.