29 maio 2011


Gold Seek - 19 May 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, inflação anualizada já bate em 30%. Padrões de vida podem cair rapidamente.
The cost of imported goods rose at an annualized rate of almost 30% during April of 2011, following a 36% (annualized) rate of inflation in March. This inflationary shock is hitting US consumers hard. Because there has been no accompanying average rise in income, this means that average standards of living are already beginning what could become a potentially rapid descent. This predictable inflationary shock is the true cost of enormous US government budget deficits and irresponsible monetary creation policies by the Federal Reserve. The falling dollar has led to rising import costs, meaning the deficits are being paid for not by taxes, but by reducing the value of the savings of Americans as well as the buying power of their income. To survive this devastation, our best chance is to stop doing what financial "authority" tells us to do, and instead change our generational profile so that inflation redistributes wealth to us instead of away from us.