13 maio 2011


YouTube VIDEO -  Fox News - 19 Jan 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, imprensa: "Nós 'libertamos' o Iraque, deviam nos pagar em petróleo, seria justo tomá-lo".
Sean Hannity: ... [ ... ] ...  it infuriates me, gas is now going to go up to three, four, five dollars a gallon again. You know we're going to head right up in to that territory, which is another tax on the american people, we have all this oil in this country, every time the oil debate comes up; ... [ ... ] ... You know we have every right to go in there and, frankly, take all their oil, and make them pay for the liberation.  why isn't Iraq paying us back with oil and paying every american family and their soldiers that lost loved ones or have injured soldiers. And why didn't they pay for their own liberation?