01 maio 2014


Video Rebel - David Rothkopf - Matt Taibbi - Salon.com. 
May 2014 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 clik5
Oligarquia controla Ocidente :
são 30 famílias, detém economias e governos, usam 6.000 gestores.

David Rothkopf who worked for Henry Kissinger said in his book Superclass that there were 30 ruling Families and 6,000 Minions who worked for them that run the world. That 7 billion common people like you and me have to live in this same world does not concern them. The Bush family, the Clintons and Obama are Minions for those above them. The most important Minions in America were groomed by the Rothschilds. The Rockefellers, the Harrimans, J P Morgan and the Bush family were brought forward by the Rothschilds. The Bilderberg Society will be meeting in Copenhagen at the end of May. These men and women work for what David Rothkopf called the Thirty Families. These 30 Families think they own the governments of the West. Now is an excellent time to analyze how the governmental system that has been imposed on us by Wall Street and the City of London actually works. 
The ruling Families also control the banking system. Rothschild, Rockefeller and Morgan agents met with Paul Warburg and a few men from the Theodore Roosevelt administration to draft the legislation for the Federal Reserve Act. The first meeting took place on November 22, 1910. The Federal Reserve banking system allows banks to charge us interest on money they created out of nothing. Fractional reserve banking allows the bank to loan out $10,000 for every $1,000 on deposit. My regular readers know of the 2007 Swiss study from the Federal Institute of Technology which showed that 147 corporations controlled 20% of international trade. These corporations share Board of Director members so it is as if these men and women were working together. Matt Taibbi wrote an article in the Rolling Stone saying that every market was rigged. These Families and their 6,000 Minions control just about all of the regulatory agencies in America and Europe. They control interest rates, foreign exchange rates, oil, commodities, Credit Default Swaps, gold and silver. That is another source of income for those Above us. The 30 Families and their Minions are also allowed to steal money directly from US federal spending which we are not allowed to audit. On 9-10-2001 Donald Rumsfeld said he could not trace $2.3 trillion in Department of Defense spending. He promised to look for the money. On 9-11-2001 Flight 77 killed the auditors at the Pentagon who were looking for that money. We recently learned that $8.5 trillion in DOD spending from 1996 to 2013 could not be traced.