"Foi todo mundo, menos eu !".
EUA tenta afastar-se da lambança que criou, aí culpa os comparsas.
Na ânsia de derrubar Assad para passar gasoduto pela Síria, daí EUA criou um monstro ISIS , e agora perdeu o controle da criatura.
Vice President Joe Biden, by blaming Washington’s allies for the spread of IS in Iraq and Syria, attempted to distance the US from the mess that is emerging in the Middle East, former MI5 agent Annie Machon told RT. Addressing students at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics at Harvard University, Joe Biden accused Turkey and the Gulf States of being unscrupulous in their pursuit of ousting President Assad and, in doing so, funding terrorists for the cause.
RT: Why do you think Joe Biden's chosen to turn on his allies now?
Annie Machon: I think there is very much an element of trying to distance America from the mess that is emerging in the Middle East. I’m astonished in fact that he actually told the truth about what some of its allied countries are doing in the Middle East. But of what I’m more astonished is of his apparent amnesia about what America and Britain were trying to ferment in Syria only a year ago. They were not only putting staff intelligence personnel on the ground, and providing logistical support to the rebels in Syria; they were spearheading the campaign to try to oust Assad.
Assad was one of the few remaining dictators from the regional “axis of evil.” They’ve already got rid of Gaddafi and Hussein, they’ve backed off Iran and they certainly backed off North Korea now they have nukes. But Assad seemed to be fair game, and was a sitting duck as well because Russia at that time was trying to build a new energy pipeline which would go through Syria and provide the Russians with the Mediterranean base to get the energy from Iran through to Europe.So it was very much in America’s and Britain’s interest to try to destabilize Syria by trying to take out Assad and by providing support to these rebel groups many of whom then did evolve into these more extremist groups. Only last year our governments were still talking about aiding these groups, even Al-Nusra which has been taken over by Al-Qaeda extremists, which were frightening even for some of the regional Al-Qaeda people. They were desperate to get rid of Assad in order to thwart Russian interests in that region.
EUA dedura aliados sobre criação do ISIS, e aí "tira o seu da reta".
"Foi grave erro estrategico : Na ansia em derrubar Assad, jogaram centenas de milhões de dólares em qualquer um que se dispusesse a combate-lo, inclusive extremistas e militantes da Al Qaeda".
EUA dedura aliados sobre criação do ISIS, e aí "tira o seu da reta".
"Foi grave erro estrategico : Na ansia em derrubar Assad, jogaram centenas de milhões de dólares em qualquer um que se dispusesse a combate-lo, inclusive extremistas e militantes da Al Qaeda".