23 novembro 2014


Veterans Today - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
EUA negando 70 anos de sistema de segurança global da ONU. 
Sanções à Rússia violam leis.
US-imposed sanctions are illegitimate by any standard. EU countries are pressured to impose their own. Harming their own self-interest. Other countries are bullied to comply. Threatened with reprisals or worse. Heavy-handed strong-arming is longstanding US policy. America’s 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) is way over-the-top. No legitimate society would tolerate it. Letting presidents claim unusual, extraordinary, or non-existent foreign threats. Declare national security priorities. At times a national emergency. Regulate commerce accordingly. 
Take full advantage against sovereign independent states. Iran, Syria, China and Russia among others. Rogue states operate this way. Extrajudicially by its own rules and standards. Polar opposite legitimate ones. Putin addressed the issue forthrightly. In Brisbane, Australia. At the G20 summit. Where right-wing extremist Prime Minister Tony Abbott insulted him weeks earlier. Declined bilateral talks during Beijing’s summit. Threatened to “shirtfront” him. A football term. Meaning violent chest bumping or tackling. Both leaders met in Brisbane. At Abbott’s request. Discretion overrode geopolitics. Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said interaction between them excluded “harsh phrasing.” No shirtfronting. No face-to-face insults.