11 novembro 2014


The End of The American Dream - Nov 2014 - clique aqui 
EUA com 25 sinais de nazificação:
The United States of America is becoming more like Nazi Germany every single day. In fact, the Nazification of America is almost complete. The parallels between Nazi Germany and the United States of today are going to absolutely shock many of you. Most Americans simply have never learned what life was really like back in Nazi Germany. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany was a Big Brother totalitarian police state that ruthlessly repressed freedom and individual liberty. Under Adolf Hitler, Germany adopted socialism, dramatically increased government spending and raised taxes to astronomical levels. Under Adolf Hitler, abortion became legal in Germany, the government took over health care and Christianity was pushed out of the public schools and out of public life. 
To prove all of these points, I am going to use extensive quotes from two sources. Kitty Werthmann was a child living a peaceful life in Austria when Hitler took over her nation. Her eyewitness accounts about what life was like under Nazi Germany are invaluable. In addition, I will also be quoting extensively from author Bruce Walker. He is the author of a book entitled “The Swastika Against The Cross: The Nazi War On Christianity”, and during his years of research he has uncovered some absolutely jaw dropping stuff. After reading the information in the rest of this article, there should be no doubt that the United States is becoming just like Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany shows us what happens when the state becomes god. Adolf Hitler was certainly more racist than the leaders of America are today, but other than that there are very few differences between the road that Adolf Hitler led Germany down and the path that the United States is being led down. The following are 25 signs that America is rapidly becoming more like Nazi Germany….

#1 Nazi Germany was a totalitarian police state, monitored everything citizens did.
#2 Nazi officials often used power to force others to do dehumanizing things.
#3 In Nazi Germany, even women and children were treated like dehumanized cattle.
#4 In Nazi Germany, authorities could stop you and search, any time, any reason.
#5 Under Adolf Hitler, there were massive increases in government spending.
#6 Under Hitler, taxes were raised dramatically in order to pay for all social programs.
#7 The economy of Nazi Germany was very highly socialized. 
#8 In Nazi Germany, if you did business outside of socialism you were punished.
#9 In Nazi Germany, government regulation of business got wildly out of control.
#10 Under Hitler, free market capitalism was absolutely hated. 
#11 In Nazi Germany, the health care system was taken over by the government.
#12 Under Adolf Hitler, abortion was made “safe and legal” in Germany.
#13 In Nazi Germany, killing the “defective”, the “weak” and the “disabled” was considered to be a good thing because it made the German people “stronger”.
#14 In Nazi Germany, education was nationalized, God was kicked out of schools.
#15 Under Hitler, God was mocked, religion was pushed out of public life.
#16 Adolf Hitler fully embraced the theory of evolution, and Darwinism provided the intellectual foundation for much of Nazism.
#17 Under Adolf Hitler, the state started taking over the job of child care.
#18 In Nazi Germany, it became fashionable to mock Christians and their faith.
#19 Under Adolf Hitler, sexual promiscuity was actually encouraged.
#20 Once the Nazis took power, they rapidly implemented gun control legislation and later on they took all of the guns away from the populace.
#21 Under the Nazis, large numbers of children were taken away from good families.
#22 Under Adolf Hitler, society became very highly militarized.
#23 In Nazi Germany, the prisons were absolutely packed.
#24 Under Adolf Hitler, there was basically no freedom of speech.
#25 Under Adolf Hitler, paranoia was standard operating procedure.