15 fevereiro 2015


Resistir.Info - Black Agenda Report - Margareth Kimberly - Feb 2015 - clik 1 clik 2 
Fracassa o ataque do Ocidente à Rússia na Ucrânia. Vem mais aí. 
The United States and NATO attack on the Russian Federation has failed. The Ukrainians who refused to accept the legitimacy of the West’s puppet government emerged victorious on the battlefield. If there is any doubt on that point, Ukraine’s decision to sign the Minsk Protocol cease fire agreement is proof. President Poroshenko seemed like a man in the cat bird seat when western nations chose sides in a civil war and kicked out his predecessor. The road to hell was paved with very bad intentions. Ukraine acknowledged that its country would be broken up among the groups it had been fighting, with special status for the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Rather than rethink its strategy, NATO announced that it was sending troops in a Rapid Response Force to Russia’s border. 
It seems that NATO’s motto is “nothing succeeds like failure.”. The horrible truth is that for the United States and its allies, war is peace. They will continue fanning the flames until they crush the rest of the world or ignite a war they don’t really want. The latter is more likely to happen because they actively create conflict and stand in the way of peaceful resolutions. Ukraine has been trying to sign a ceasefire for several months but always succumbed to American pressure to hang on a little longer. Unfortunately there is more reason to fear than to rejoice at this juncture because of the insanity emanating from Washington. No one knows what our government will do next or where it will attack. We can only be certain of the uncertainty of events and that means the evil doers will not always get their way. Just ask Ukrainian president Poroshenko, the poster child of unintended consequences. 
Vitória russa, round #2. Ocidente correu à trégua ao ver chegar o colapso das fôrças ucranianas.
Derrotado na Síria em 2013, Ocidente atacou na Ucrânia em 2014.
Os termos finais do acordo confirmam que a Rússia negociou a partir de uma posição de força – ao contrário do que a furiosa propaganda ocidental sempre quis fazer-nos acreditar. A "adicionalidade" em relação ao futuro das regiões orientais, a ser decidida no fim do ano, é sem dúvida um grande ganho para a Rússia, pois a admissão da Ucrânia na Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte (NATO) é virtualmente descartada para sempre se a reforma constitucional se verificar. Este tem sido o cerne da exigência russa. Contudo, este também vai ser o maior ponto de atrito, uma vez que o endurecido lobby nacionalista em Kiev, o qual está fortemente representado na situação actual, ressentir-se-á profundamente a fazer quaisquer concessões quanto à devolução de poderes às regiões orientais. O presidente Petro Poroshenko encontrar-se-á entre a rocha e um lugar duro quanto a esta questão, pois já está sob o fogo do campo nacionalista que manda em Kiev. Mais uma vez, se Washington quiser descarrilar todo o processo de paz não terá de procurar [gente para isso] muito longe. Não surpreendentemente, portanto, a Rússia condicionou a selagem da fronteira da Ucrânia com a Rússia ao cumprimento da reforma constitucional. 

O que equivale a dizer, quando os tempos estão difíceis, Moscovo assegurou que é tudo ou nada. A cinética do conflito na Ucrânia dependerá em última análise da questão da reforma constitucional. Sem dúvida, Putin confirmou-se no topo, pois a posição sistemática de Moscovo de que não tem ambições territoriais foi justificada. O que emerge, por outro lado, é que a Rússia quer preservar a integridade territorial da Ucrânia e quer contribuir para essa finalidade – desde que, naturalmente, o interesse legítimo da Rússia numa Ucrânia que se entenda igualmente bem tanto com o Ocidente como com a Rússia seja assegurado. Os líderes alemão e francês parecem perceber isso. Mas e o seu parceiro transatlântico em Washington? O presidente Barack Obama está quase no mesmo barco quanto Poroshenko. O acordo de hoje será rasgado em pedaços pelos seus críticos neocon que querem que os EUA vão à guerra, se necessário, para travar a "agressão" da Rússia. Algunsescritos hostis já começaram nos media norte-americanos. 
The Fourth Media - WSWS - New York Times - R.T. News - Feb 2015 clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 clik5 
Esmagadora derrota militar dos EUA, pior da década, sofrida em Debaltsevo, foi desmoralizante.
In less than a year, the United States has toppled the democratically-elected government of Ukraine, installed a Washington-backed stooge in Kiev, launched a bloody and costly war of annihilation on Russian-speaking people in the East, thrust the economy into a downward death spiral, and reduced the nation to an anarchic, failed state destined to endure a vicious fratricidal civil war for as far as the eye can see.  Last week, Washington suffered its greatest military defeat in more than a decade when Ukraine’s US-backed army was soundly routed in the major railway hub of Debaltsevo. Roughly, 8,000 Ukrainian regulars along with untold numbers of tanks and armored units were surrounded in what-came-to-be-known-as “the cauldron.”  The army of the Donetsk Peoples Republic led by DPR commander Alexander Zakharchenko, encircled the invading army and gradually tightened the cordon, eventually killing or capturing most of the troops within the pocket.  The Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered major casualties ranging between 3,000 to 3,500 while a vast amount of lethal military hardware was left behind. According to Zakharchenko, “The amount of equipment Ukrainian units have lost here is beyond description.”  Additionally, the US-backed proxy-army saw many of its crack troops and top-notch units destroyed in the fighting leaving Kiev unable to continue the war without assistance from allies in the US or Europe.
Agora os esquadrões nazistas se voltam contra uma Kiev pró-EUA.
“Looks like the Nazi death squads are on the march again, this time they are looking at Kiev. Thirteen death-squad (aka “volunteer battalion”) leaders have now declared that they are forming their own military command under the command of the notorious Semen Semenchenko. Officially, they are not in any way opposed to the current regime, so said Semenchenko, but in reality their rank and file members are pretty clear about what they want to do: organize a third Maidan and toss out Poroshenko. What makes these 21st century version of the SA so dangerous for Poroshenko it that he, unlike Hitler, does not have a 21st century version of the SS to eliminate them all overnight. In fact, according to many reports the entire southern part of the rump-Ukraine is now “Kolomoiski-land” fully under the control of the oligarch who finances these death-squads. Add to this the fact that most of the Rada is composed of the very same battalion commanders and assorted Nazi freaks, and you will why Poroshenko is now very much in danger…… The sad reality is that there is simply nobody in the Ukraine capable of disarming these so-called “volunteer battalions”. There are now thousands of uniformed Nazi freaks roaming around with guns who can now impose their law of the jungle on everybody. It sure looks like the future of Banderastan will be something like a mix of Somalia and Mad Max – a failed state, a comprehensively destroyed economy, a collapsed social order and the law of armed gangs of thugs.” (The Vineyard of the Saker).

EUA tornou Ucrânia num estado falido como a Somália, esfacelado sob guerra civil sem fim.
“The debacle suffered by the Kiev regime exposes the utterly reckless and frankly stupid character of the policy pursued by Washington and its EU allies in Ukraine…. The initial attempts of the Kiev regime and its CIA backers to subjugate east Ukraine by sheer military terror, relying on fascist militias and select units of the Ukraine army that it considered to be reliable, have failed…. Nevertheless, Washington is pressing Kiev to prepare for a renewed offensive and is still discussing directly arming the Ukrainian army against Russia with US weapons…. In west Ukraine, the population is evading or resisting draft orders to obtain more cannon fodder for the east Ukraine war. At the same time, Ukraine’s economy, cut off from its main industrial base in east Ukraine and its export markets in Russia, is collapsing. “The country is at war that they cannot afford to fight. There is no economy any longer….Gerald Celente of Trends Journal told Russia Today. “That $160 billion loss of trade with Russia has destroyed the economy, when it was already in a severe recession. It went from very bad to worse than depression levels.”
YouTube VIDEO - Zero Hedge - Ron Paul Institute - Feb 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2  clik 3 
"EUA e EU promoveram violento golpe na Ucrânia, derrubaram um governo eleito".
It was one year ago last weekend that a violent coup overthrew the legally elected government of Ukraine. That coup was not only supported by US and EU governments -- much of it was actually planned by them. Looking back at the events that led to the overthrow it is clear that without foreign intervention Ukraine would not be in its current, seemingly hopeless situation. As we soon found out from a leaked telephone call, the US ambassador in Kiev and Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland, were making detailed plans for a new government in Kiev after the legal government was overthrown with their assistance.