15 setembro 2015


YouTube VIDEO - Sep 2015 - clik 1 - clik 2 
"Só o povo sírio pode remover seu presidente: olhe o que os EUA já fizeram na Líbia e Iraque".
Russian President Vladimir Putin talks about his government’s continued support for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, noting that Assad’s leadership is necessary to keep the country from becoming another Iraq or Libya, and that outside nations should not interfere in Syria’s right to self-determination. The interview with Charlie Rose was conducted live on stage at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. 

"Rússia seguirá com ajuda militar à Síria contra agressões externas de terroristas".
President Putin: Russia will continue to support Syria with military assistance. Russian President Vladimir Putin Tuesday pledged to continue military support for Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad after Washington sounded the alarm over an alleged military build-up by Moscow in Syria.