YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 01 Jun 2013 - clique aqui
1- Fúria popular na Turquia.
The initial protest was prompted by government-backed plans to demolish a park in the center of Istanbul, to build a shopping mall. Since then, it's grown into an Occupy-style rally against the Islamist-leaning government. In the capital, Ankara, police also used tear gas to push back protesters who were trying to reach the headquarters of the ruling Justice and Development Party.
2- Bloquear Banco Central.
3- Linchamentos no Egito.
4- Mais revoltas na França.
5- Nem Suiça escapa da fúria.
6- Chamas e fúria na Suécia.
7- Decapitado soldado, Londres.
8- Bombeiros, revolta. Espanha