14 junho 2013


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Jun 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA julga delator do WikiLeaks, enquanto os horrendos crimes delatados seguem sem investigar.
Prisão perpétua, mas denúncias sequer foram investigadas.
More than three years after Private first class Bradley Manning was arrested for his involvement in one of the largest classified information leaks in history, he had his first day in court on Monday. The 25 year-old soldier is facing 22 charges including espionage and aiding the enemy. If convicted for his role in sharing military files with the website WikiLeaks, Pfc Manning could be sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. RT's Andrew Blake has more on the story from Ft. Meade, Maryland, where the court-martial began Monday morning.
"Ultraje o que fazem com ele".

 Horror delatado: helicóptero trucida civis e crianças. Metralha até ambulancia de socorro.