22 junho 2013


MSNBC Morning Joe - Jun 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
"Imprensa desvia-se de notícias reais, focando coisas superficiais, irrelevantes, é distracionismo".
Ator detona a própria TV, exibe equipe ao fundo como falsa.
"Distorcem informação  para atender uma agenda particular".
The anchors began to get visibly uncomfortable when Brand made the point that mass media was an operation in changing information “so it suits a particular agenda” and that viewers were being manipulated. Instead of addressing Brand’s point, the anchors instead obsessed about the comedian’s accent and his clothing. “You’re talking about me as if I’m not here and as if I’m an extraterrestrial,” responded Brand, “thank you for your casual objectification.” “I’m a little nervous,” retorted Brzezinski, presumably not used to entertaining guests on her program who act like real people. When the conversation began to break down, Brand asked , “Is this what you all do for a living?” before hijacking the broadcast to talk about Edward Snowden, the NSA spying scandal and Bradley Manning. "Look beyond the superficial, that’s the problem with current affairs, you forget about what’s important, you allow the agenda to be decided by superficial information – what am I saying – what am I talking about – don’t think about what I’m wearing, these things are redundant, superficial – don’t be distracted,” said Brand as Brzezinski physically cowered.