23 janeiro 2013


Press TV - 20 Jan 2013 - clique aqui.
IDADE DAS TREVAS DE NOVO. Alemanha faz denúncia criminal contra 'descrente': É blasfêmia!
Hereges eram queimados vivos por descrer e blasfemar.
Pode negar a Deus, mas  investigar Holocausto não pode.
A German lawyer may face prosecution for questioning the Holocaust and making an argument that there is ‘no evidence’ to prove the event. Sylvia Schultz denied the Holocaust during a conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition held in the canton of Graubunden, Switzerland, in November 2012. 
According to reports, Daniel Kettiger, a Bernese lawyer, has filed a criminal complaint against Schultz at the Graubunden Prosecutors Office. Germany is prosecuting a belief, or an absence of belief. How very dark ages of them! This is no different than when people were tortured and burned at the stake for refusing to believe in and worship the Christian god.