29 janeiro 2013


YouTube VIDEO - CNBC News - Jan 2013 - click 1 - click 2
Vasta explosão subterrânea nas instalações nucleares do Irã. Suspeitas recaem sobre Israel.

Predictably, the Iranian regime has denied an explosion ever occurred, yet this is how it has repeatedly responded to just about every attack on its military or nuclear operations. In 2010, Iran denied that the infamous Stuxnet virus had failed to reach the centrifuges that it targeted to render them inoperable, despite the fact that Iranian scientists took thousands of centrifuges offline, which the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed. In 2012, the U.S. finally confirmed that the virus, named Operation Olympic Games, was manufactured in the U.S. with Israeli support dating back to the Bush administration. In November 2011, the regime drastically understated the extent of the damage a military base roughly 30 miles from Iran suffered in an explosion that they claimed was accidental. A potential suspect was the Mujahideen e-Khalq (MEK), or the People’s Mujahideen of Iran, which is opposed to Iran’s Islamist regime. However, the group uncharacteristically did not take credit for the attack, and has not officially been armed since 2003. Furthermore, the regime was rather public about the research conducted at the base, which was geared at developing a missile supposedly capable of targeting Israel. 
Additionally, General Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam, a key player in the country’s missile program, was visiting the base at the time of the attack. As such, the possibility of Israeli covert operations cannot be overlooked. This was further corroborated by various media sources at the time, which reported the possibility of Mossad involvement, allegations which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials refused to comment on.It is entirely possible that Israel used MEK to carry out these attacks. One element of the shadow war that Iran has been unable to deny are the targeted murders of its nuclear scientists. U.S. officials have leaked to the press that Israel has very close relations with MEK, which carried out these murders. The Mossad even trains and arms members of the group in Israel itself.