Policy Mic - 21st Jan 2013 - clique aqui.
TIRANIA CONFIRMADA: Obama assina NDAA. Prisão por tempo indeterminado, sem ter defesa.
Sem acusação nem julgamento, nem avisa famíla, só some ele.
But by far the most controversial provision allows for the indefinite imprisonment of U.S. citizens, or as Obama calls it “prolonged detention.” Prolonged detention allows for the detention of an individual without a charge or trial. This notion of detaining U.S. citizens has people screaming on both sides of the aisle, such as Senator Dianne Feinstein (D - Calif.) and Senator Rand Paul (R - Ky.).
Some argue that the bill does not allow the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens because one part of the bill states that it will not change the law in regards to the detention of U.S. citizens. However, with further examination, it becomes clear that another part of the bill actually states that it will change the law. From this, another argument arises which is that the provisions are too vague. With all this in mind, it should be noted that it is left up to the executive branch to decide whether or not it will adopt these powers. The president has made it clear that his administration will not be detaining U.S. citizens. But nonetheless, this provision in particular has civil liberties activists barking mad. Civil liberties groups believe that this bill further strengthens the power of the federal government and continues to infringe upon our constitutional rights as citizens of the United States of America.
Civil liberties groups point out that this is not the only time Obama has signed a bill that he threatened to veto. Executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Shahid Buttar, made a public statement in regards to the president signing the NDAA. Very poignantly, Buttarnoted, “Once again, Obama has failed to lead on Guantánamo and surrendered closure issues to his political opponents in Congress. In one fell swoop, he has belied his recent lip-service about a continued commitment to closing Guantánamo.” This argument is shared by many Americans who are disappointed that Obama has signed the NDAA, and argue that he has failed to keep his promise and has failed to take appropriate action when it comes to Guantánamo. But overall, this is a clear example of “politics as usual” and the failure of politicians to act on their promises.
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