12 abril 2014


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Apr 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
Mídia alternativa clama há 2 anos: "EUA usa aliados para armar terroristas na Síria".
Imprensa ocidental é hipócrita e se faz de surda.

Mídia ocidental, rolo compressor. Omite terrorismo dos EUA na Síria. Pronto, assunto encerrado.
The Syrian regime has pointed the finger at Saudi Arabia and Qatar, saying the Arab states were involved in the chain of weekend terror blasts in Syria's largest cities. The Gulf nations have been accused by Assad's government of arming whoever carried out the attacks, which left around thirty people dead and dozens injured. Sara Marusek, a Beirut-based researcher from Syracuse University talks to RT. She says the Syrian people are falling victim to Saudi Arabi and Qatar's brutal tactics, to push their political agenda.