25 abril 2014


Market Watch - Nasdaq - April 2014 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA ataca: S&P rebaixa Rússia. 
S&P cut its rating one level, to BBB-minus from BBB. It kept its outlook on the country negative, where it has been since March 20, when the ratings firm lowered it from stable in light of heightened tension in Ukraine and the prospect of economic sanctions. "In our view, the tense geopolitical situation between Russia and Ukraine could see additional significant outflows of both foreign and domestic capital from the Russian economy and hence further undermine already weakening growth prospects," S&P wrote in its report.
Zero Hedge - clik aqui.
Rússia rompe laços de finanças com países da OTAN.
Russian presidential adviser Sergei Glazyev proposed plan of 15 measures to protect country’s economy if sanctions applied, Vedomosti newspaper reports, citing Glazyev’s letter to Finance Ministry. According to as Bloomberg reported, Glazyev proposed:
- withdraw assets, accounts in dollars, euros from NATO countries to neutral ones
- sell NATO member sovereign bonds before Russia’s currency accounts are frozen
- reduce dollar assets, sell sovereign bonds of countries that support sanctions
- limit commercial banks’ FX assets to prevent speculation on ruble, capital outflows
- increase money supply so that state cos., banks may refinance foreign loans
- national currencies in trade with Union members, other non-dollar, non-euro partners
In other words, a full-blown scorched earth campaign by Russia.