06 abril 2014


The Examiner - Apr 2014 - clique aqui.
Ocidente caiu na cilada russa: ameaçou Moscou, pretexto para Rússia substituir petro-dólar.
Moscou permitiu golpe na Ucrania, para justificar anexar Criméia.
Aí aguardou EUA ameaçá-la para mover o extraordinário plano.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is a shrewd politician who is using the weaknesses of the West, and their own foreign policies, to alienate them from a world that once saw America as the bastion of freedom, and Russia as the Evil Empire. President Putin is simply waiting for the inevitable outcome of his clever trap, and continuing to build the infrastructure of his Eurasian Trade Zone which will very likely be the next global economic system to replace the Petro-Dollar once it finally implodes. 
As the world continues to digest the now failed Western coup of the duly elected government in Ukraine, Russiawaits patiently for the final moves of their extraordinary plan to fall into place. In fact, not only was the covert operation to overthrow the Ukrainian government by the U.S. and NATO fully expected by Vladimir Putin, but according to economist Dr. Jim Willie on April 4, Ukraine was a clever trap set to both disparage the West, and to allow the global monetary collapse to heighten to the point where all of Eastern Europe would beg to join Russia's new dream of a Eurasian Trade Zone. The backlash to the widely approved USFed hyper monetary inflation policy has finally come. The global fallout has included higher food prices, higher business cost structure in every nation, shuttered businesses, and profound economic deterioration, which has resulted in widespread capital destruction. The entire Eastern world is demanding an end to the debasement of USD-based assets and reserves, along with the harmful influence to lift cost structures everywhere. The world demands a viable solution. It is coming. It will shake the world. As the rape and pillage is continued in orchestration by the USGovt security agencies, the European Soros gangsters, and the Blackstone thugs, all Eastern European nations will be watching closely. They will wish to escape the scourge of the Anglo-Americans, their French tyrant poodles, the Big Oil firm plunderers, and the Attila the Hun lookalikes. The contamination of the water tables in Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland might turn the tide. The trap has been set, but it cannot spring shut to trap the Western pirates without the passage of time. - Jim Willie, Golden Jackass