07 setembro 2014


Yahoo News - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
Europa recua de afronta à Russia. Sanções são insignificantes. Não quer guerra, nem pagar a conta.
NEWPORT, País de Gales - A União Europeia aplicou novas sanções à Rússia nessa sexta-feira, e devem atingir, entre outros as estatais Rosneft e Gazprom, de forma indireta, já que a companhia de gá sé uma das principais fornecedoras do bloco europeu. 24 pessoas foram adicionadas à lista de nomes proibidos de entrar na União Europeia, e que tiveram seus ativos congelados. 
Os efeitos das sanções nas economias dos países têm sido um empecilho para a ampliação das sanções. Países menores do bloco, como a República Tcheca e a Eslováquia, altamente dependentes do gás russo, têm se mostrado reticentes quanto à medida. Ciente da dependência do bloco do gás russo, líderes da União Europeia evitaram atingir diretamente a Gazprom, maior companhia de gás do planeta. No entanto, um diplomata do bloco afirmou que os braços bancário e petrolífero da companhia podem estar sujeitos às limitações impostas às estatais russas. Para dificultar o financiamento de grandes projetos no país, como a construção de gasodutos e pontes, a União Europeia também impôs uma proibição aos bancos de emprestarem dinheiro a empresas controladas pelo governo. A venda de tecnologias avançadas no setor energético também foi proibida. Uma proposta de inclusão do nome do ministro da Defesa, Sergei Shoigu, na lista negra foi rejeitada, afirmaram os diplomatas.

Market Oracle - Jim Willie CB - Sep 2014 - clique aqui.
OTAN morta. Big Biz refuta impor sanções a Rússia. Alemanha já defende sua economia como pode.
Usually the big powerful corporations support the government fascist dictums. However, Exxon Mobil, Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Boeing stand in opposition to sanctions against Russia. 
The game is fast changing. The Emperor's court is showing critical internal defections. The bigger ray of light comes from Germany, which shows important signs of refusal to permit its economic destruction in order to suit the elite plans of a grander fascist state. 
The Ukraine situation has changed the entire game, put Europe on alert, and set traps left and right. The Europeans can no longer sit quietly and follow American Fascist orders. The Europeans are forced to take action, to choose sides. The US should never force its allies to choose sides, since the US camp is so detrimental and deeply damaging. Joining the US camp means injecting cancer in finance, undermining capital in industry, and enlisting war for its destruction. The German corporate interests are at odds with the banker & political fortress. The corporate interests will prevail. Germany is divided between the banker & politician offices they control, versus the corportate chieftains who will defy the fascists on the other side of the wall. Corporate interests will work against policies that are would render great harm to the German Economy. The Germans have already decided to endure heavy bank system damage (even derivative events), as they turn their backs on the King Dollar Throne. They will trigger a banking collapse, probably after the USGovt makes a dreadful error in prosecuting Deutsche Bank in purely hypocritical fashion. 
The Germans will instead defend their economy, defend their industry, and defend their laborers, as they work constructively with the BRICS nations in the non-USD alternative. 
A climax is fast approaching. The USDollar is stuck in the implosion stage. Its many supporting structures are in simultaneous collapse. The paradox worth repeating is that the USDollar will rise and rise and rise, then vanish, as the United States must take its rightful place in the Third World. The USDollar will be rejected, the climax of its dismissal to come from the pain it causes. No nation can compete with the USDollar, as it is printed off the Weimar press by the US Federal Reserve, the oil burning, the screech audible from afar. The USGovt is left with no more options than war, since the financial front has been lost to insolvency, market interference, bond fraud, and leveraged corruption. The King Dollar has been wrecked, knocked off its throne, never to return to prestige.
Frente à iminente implosão do dólar, EUA fracassou em atacar sistema monetário dos BRICS.
 Emerging is the new Eastern Alliance based upon the three centers of Russia, China, and Germany. The Eurasian Trade Zone is coming into view. The SCO challenge is also becoming more visible, extending invitations to additional nations. Its original purpose of shared security and culture exchange have been made more broad. The difficult decisions must be made by Germany. 
It seems clear that a certain lip sevice is given by Berlin leaders to pacify and mollify the American Fascists, even the Brussels Fascists. They will continue to say the right words to WashingtonDC, Brussels, and London, while the corporate chieftains of Germany continue to spread commerce and the win/win formula to the Kremlin and Beijing. The arbiter of change must be the Bundesbank, the traditionally reliable, capable, respected manager of money. They are at odds with the despicable Draghi Euro Central Bank.