Estudo da Princeton University: ""Não somos democracia nem república, somos oligarquia".
Princeton University conducted a recent study on the past 20 years of legislation. What they concluded should alarm both Liberals and Conservatives. What they found is that the government of the United States has been replaced. It is not a Democracy as many are calling it. It is not even a Republic as it was founded by the Constitution. We are not a government for the people, nor are we by the people. The scientific study being attributed to Princeton was conducted by Martin Gilens of Princeton University and Benjamin I. Page of Northwestern University, and they combed through years of legislation from the 1990’s until the modern era.
What they concluded is that we have left the Republic in shambles and have formed a new form of government despite the Constitution. They conclude that the Teaparty, Occupy Movement, Libertarians, and others are all correct. They conclude that the United States has became an Oligarchy. When the Tea Party yells, “the elite ‘Main Street’ Republicans are working on their own agenda, not the people,” they could very well be correct. When Occupy yells, “we are a nation ruled by the 1%,” they might also be correct. When the Libertarians yell, “both sides have betrayed us for their own agenda of the elite ruling class”, they may also be correct. They use four theoretical traditions to base their conclusions.
Majoritarian Electoral Democracy – or the tyranny of the elected majority from the 1800’s.
Economic Elite Domination – a tradition implemented to where the policy making is dominated by those who have substantial economic resources.
Majoritarian Pluralism – warned about in the Federalist Papers which helped found our Republic
Biased Pluralism – or policy driven with an “upper class” accent.
Economic Elite Domination – a tradition implemented to where the policy making is dominated by those who have substantial economic resources.
Majoritarian Pluralism – warned about in the Federalist Papers which helped found our Republic
Biased Pluralism – or policy driven with an “upper class” accent.