27 julho 2010


YouTube VIDEO - Março, 14 - 2010. 
Gordon Brown já prenuncia : Constituição Mundial, para um Sistema Financeiro Global.
clique aqui .
YouTube - Gordon Brown announces World Constitution for Global Financial System.
Em Apocalipse 13:17 :     – " ... para que ninguém possa comprar ou vender, senão aquele que tem a marca, o nome da besta ou o número do seu nome" .

18 julho 2010


USA Today - Updated 3/2/2010 11:46 AM
EUA: Em crise, Correios reduzem a semana de 6 para 5 dias.
clique aqui . The U.S. Postal Service will move this month toward reducing mail delivery from six days a week to five, a change Postmaster General John Potter has said it is critical to reducing its massive debt. Potter said Monday he'll submit a formal request by the end of this month to the Postal Regulatory Commission, which must issue an advisory opinion on any change in mail service that would have national impact. "We know we're going to have less mail in 2020 than we have today," Potter says. "We can't freeze wages. We can't freeze fuel costs."


REUTERS - Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:10pm EDT - WASHINGTON
EUA: Interventores fecham mais 8 bancos, já são 92 só em 2010.
clique aqui .  Regulators close 8 U.S. banks with $2 billion assets.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Regulators closed eight U.S.-insured banks with combined assets of $2 billion on Friday, raising the number of failed banks to 96 this year, said the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

17 julho 2010


Yahoo ! News - Reuters Agency - Wed Jul 14, 6:31 pm ET
Pentágono adverte Congresso: torneiras secando.  clique aqui 1 .
Pentagon warns Congress: accounts running dry.  clique aqui 2 .
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon said on Wednesday it may be forced to take extreme measures -- like not paying salaries -- if the Democratic-led Congress fails to pass a $37 billion defense spending bill before lawmakers begin an August recess. A senior Democratic aide said lawmakers would find a way to get it done. "We will pass it this work period. We have to," the aide said. Tensions are growing in the Pentagon about the fate of the bill, which has languished in Congress despite repeated pleas for action by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who needs to fund a 30,000-troop surge for the Afghan war.


SJ-R.com - State Journal Register - ILLINOIS 24, 2010 . 05:38 AM.
Estados demitem policiais em massa, fecham delegacias regionais inteiras.
Não há efetivo da Guarda Nacional para tantos municípios.
ILLINOIS -  clique aqui 1 . The State Police will lay off more than 460 troopers and close five regional headquarters by this fall. “There will be significant consequences to public safety, we expect an increase in traffic fatalities, increased exposure to terrorist threats, an increase in gun and drug trafficking” he said.
NEW JERSEY - clique aqui 2 . And none of the 21 counties can escape having officers being laid off. The following layoffs could be in the state-police crystal ball: Franklin Township, Somerset County, eight officers; Mansfield Township, Burlington County, four; and Passaic, Passaic County, 18, The Star-Ledger reported.
ARIZONA, MICHIGAN, OHIO, CALIFORNIA - clique aqui 3 .  Thousands of police officers have been laid off all across America since the current economic crisis began. Thousands more are getting ready to be laid off. So could we be on the verge of a new era of chaos and anarchy in America as crime runs wild and there are just far too few police to respond to it all?


WKyc.com - 4/9/2010 5:36:18 PM - Ashtabula County - OHIO.
EUA: -"Se armem !", diz Juiz ao povo; cidades demitem policiais, cadeias lotadas.
clique aqui . JEFFERSON -- In the ongoing financial crisis in Ashtabula County, the Sheriff's Department has been cut from 112 to 49 deputies. With deputies assigned to transport prisoners, serve warrants and other duties, only one patrol car is assigned to patrol the entire county of 720 square miles. Judge Alfred Mackey was asked what residents should do to protect themselves and their families with the severe cutback in law enforcement. "Arm themselves," the judge said. "Be very careful, be vigilant, get in touch with your neighbors, because we're going to have to look after each other."


CNN Money - FORTUNE - July 9, 2010, 9:23 am
Bancos Centrais começam a abandonar o dólar.
Central banks start to abandon the U.S. dollar . There's mounting evidence that central bankers have little faith in the greenback these days.
clique aqui . A new report from Morgan Stanley analyst Emma Lawson confirms what many had suspected: the dollar is firmly on its way to losing its status as the reserve currency of the world. We already knew that central banks have preferred gold to dollars, and that they're even selling their gold for cash; now, according to Lawson's data, it seems that those central banks prefer almost anything to dollars.


Yahoo ! News - by Stuart Williams Stuart Williams – Mon Jul 12, 3:31 pm ET
Rússia alarmada, Irã perto das condições:  fazer bomba nuclear.
clique aqui 1 .  clique aqui 2 .  clique aqui 3 .
MOSCOW (AFP) – Iran is close to having the potential to build a nuclear weapon, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Monday in the clearest indication yet of Russian alarm over Tehran's atomic drive. "Iran is nearing the possession of the potential which in principle could be used for the creation of a nuclear weapon," Medvedev said at a meeting with Russian diplomats quoted by Russian news agencies. Russia, traditionally a diplomatic and economic ally of the Islamic republic, in the past took a milder line against Tehran than Western powers but recently noticeably hardened its position.


Terra Notícias, MSNBC e  Estadão - 04 de julho de 2010
Fidel Castro adverte EUA: atacar Irã levará à guerra nuclear.
clique aqui 1 .  clique aqui 2 . clique aqui 3 .  clique aqui 4 .
Em idade avançada e combalido, numa terrível previsão em sua quinta aparição em público em apenas dez dias, o ex-presidente de Cuba Fidel Castro assegurou hoje que em "brevíssimo tempo" explodirá uma "catastrófica guerra nuclear" pelo conflito entre Estados Unidos e Israel com o Irã.

16 julho 2010


Sovereign Independent - July 12, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer.
Espalha-se infertilidade masculina, varrendo o globo.
Quantidade de espermatozóides caiu anormalmente 50% entre homens de 18 a 25 anos. clique aqui .
Widespread male infertility sweeping the globe
Cientistas apontam como causas as intoxicações dos alimentos e na gravidez. Outros apontam nítidos indícios de que estas vacinas de massa possam estar sendo secretamente utilizadas para reduzir a fertilidade das populações da Terra.
O bilionário Bill Gates, dono da poderosa Microsoft, está financiando campanhas de vacinação em muitos países do Terceiro Mundo, e também no Brasil.
Video - Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Used - Human Depopulation - clique aqui 1 .
Video - Bill Gates Wants Depopulation Through Vaccines ! - clique aqui 2 .
Video - Gates Admits To His Population Control Programs - clique aqui 3 .
Bill Gates disse : "Se fizermos um trabalho muito grande de novas vacinas, cuidados de saúde, serviços de saúde reprodutiva (o aborto), poderíamos, talvez, reduzir 10 ou 15 por cento a pupulação". Gates menciona apanhar uma vacina ", que é algo que eu amo", que seriam utilizadas para reduzir as emissões globais de CO2. clique aqui 4 .

05 julho 2010


O silencioso Golpe-de-Estado : 
-" indústria financeira capturou o governo dos EUA", diz F.M.I..
clique aqui . Recuperação falhará a menos que quebremos a oligarquia financeira que bloqueia reformas essenciais.
The Quiet Coup - The Atlantic Magazine. A former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, said that the finance industry has effectively captured our government—a state of affairs that more typically describes emerging markets, and is at the center of many emerging-market crises. If the IMF’s staff could speak freely about the U.S., it would tell us what it tells all countries in this situation: recovery will fail unless we break the financial oligarchy that is blocking essential reform.


REUTERS AGENCY - By Louis Charbonneau - Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:56pm EDT
O.N.U. recomenda: "abandonem dólar como principal reserva mundial".
"Não tem sido capaz de reter valor". clique aqui .
UNITED NATIONS : "The dollar has proved not to be a stable store of value, which is a requisite for a stable reserve currency," the U.N. World Economic and Social Survey 2010 said. The report says that developing countries have been hit by the U.S. dollar's loss of value in recent years. "Motivated in part by needs for self-insurance against volatility in commodity markets and capital flows, many developing countries accumulated vast amounts of such (U.S. dollar) reserves during the 2000s," it said.


Pragmatic Capitalism - 1 July 2010 by TPC - Jeff Gundlach
"EUA terão que dar calote", diz estudo analítico, Jeff Gundlach - reverenciado especialista.
clique aqui 1 . Jeff Gundlach, who is truly a master of the debt markets, is founder of DoubleLine Capital said: - " the USA is confronted with a terrible deflationary battle that will ultimately end in default. He appears to connect all of the dots with near perfection.

03 julho 2010


Bloomberg - Huffington Post - 06-25-10 08:57 AM
EUA: Já são 46 Estados em crise orçamentária como a da Grécia.
clique aqui 1 . - clique aqui 2 ,
BLOOMBERG - Forty-six states face budget shortfalls that add up to $112 billion for the fiscal year ending next June, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a Washington research institution. State spending is 12 percent of U.S. GDP. "States are going to have to cut back spending and raise taxes the same way Greece and Spain are," says Dean Baker, co- director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington.