02 novembro 2010


Bloomberg - By John Hathaway - Oct 28, 2010
Quando a carnificina do dólar começar, sobreviverá o ouro.
Já passou o "ponto-de-retorno". Colapso do sistema financeiro será caótico.
clique aqui . The world’s monetary system is in the process of melting down. We have entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency, but most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications. The prospects for an orderly unwinding of the extreme posture of global monetary policy are zero. We are past the point of no return. Quantitative easing may well become a way of life. The breakdown of the monetary system will be chaotic. When inflation commences, it will be highly disruptive. The damage to fixed-income assets will seem instantaneous. Foreign-exchange markets will become dysfunctional. The economy will become even more fragile and unpredictable.