YouTube VIDEO - Michael Ruppert - Collapse.Net - 27 jan 2011 - clique aqui .
É o começo de um colapso sistêmico", diz Michael Ruppert.
31 janeiro 2011
30 janeiro 2011
Fund My Mutual Fund - November 29, 2010
EUA: numero de empregos na industria recua para 1942, e população dobrou.
clique aqui .
EUA: numero de empregos na industria recua para 1942, e população dobrou.
clique aqui .
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clique o grafico . |
The Wall Street Journal - JANUARY 29, 2011
New York se prepara para demitir 30% dos professores, 21 mil.clique aqui .
New York City could lose $1 billion in education aid from the state, forcing the nation's largest school system to cut more than 21,000 teachers, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday. If the governor proposes a $1 billion cut and the Legislature approves it, the mayor estimated the city would be forced to cut 15,000 teachers, most of which would be accomplished through layoffs. That's on top of plans, outlined by the mayor in November, to cut 6,166 teachers in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
New York se prepara para demitir 30% dos professores, 21 mil.clique aqui .
New York City could lose $1 billion in education aid from the state, forcing the nation's largest school system to cut more than 21,000 teachers, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Friday. If the governor proposes a $1 billion cut and the Legislature approves it, the mayor estimated the city would be forced to cut 15,000 teachers, most of which would be accomplished through layoffs. That's on top of plans, outlined by the mayor in November, to cut 6,166 teachers in the fiscal year beginning July 1.
YouTube - Council of Foreign Relations - clique aqui . 15 maio 2010.
Assessor ultra-direita de Obama: Povos acordam politicamente, desarranjam "Governo Global" .
Global Research clique aqui . Zbigniew Brzezinski’s much feared “global political awakening” is in full swing. Revolts in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and other countries represent a truly monumental worldwide rallying cry for freedom that threatens to immeasurably damage the agenda for one world government, but only if the successful revolutionaries can prevent themselves from being co-opted by a paranoid and desperate global elite.
Assessor ultra-direita de Obama: Povos acordam politicamente, desarranjam "Governo Global" .
Global Research clique aqui . Zbigniew Brzezinski’s much feared “global political awakening” is in full swing. Revolts in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia and other countries represent a truly monumental worldwide rallying cry for freedom that threatens to immeasurably damage the agenda for one world government, but only if the successful revolutionaries can prevent themselves from being co-opted by a paranoid and desperate global elite.
26 janeiro 2011
Fox News - Jan 24, 2011 - clique aqui 1 . Wall Street Journal - clique aqui 2 .
EUA: Correios fechando 2 mil agências, mirando mais 16 mil , são 50% do total nacional.
The agency will start the process of closing as many as 2,000 post offices, on top of the 491 it said it would close starting at the end of last year. In addition, it is reviewing another 16,000—half of the existing post offices—that are in deficit, and lobbying Congress to allow it to change the law so it can close the most unprofitable ones.
YouTube - CBS - clique aqui 3 .
EUA: Correios fechando 2 mil agências, mirando mais 16 mil , são 50% do total nacional.
The agency will start the process of closing as many as 2,000 post offices, on top of the 491 it said it would close starting at the end of last year. In addition, it is reviewing another 16,000—half of the existing post offices—that are in deficit, and lobbying Congress to allow it to change the law so it can close the most unprofitable ones.
YouTube - CBS - clique aqui 3 .
25 janeiro 2011
YouTube - DamonVickers - 20 de janeiro de 2011
Colapso do Dolar, o dia seguinte.
In The Day After the Dollar Crashes, Vickers presents a possible 14 day time line for the crash of the U.S. dollar and the subsequent collapse of global markets. He outlines the New World Order that may take shape over the next decade and the impact it could have on nations, businesses, and individuals.
Perhaps more importantly, he tells how investors can weather the coming economic collapse and position themselves for the coming global transformation. By changing our expectations and taking action to get in alignment with reality, Vickers shows, we can steadily profit in our investments. He suggests both globally sustainable and socially responsible types of investments, including investing in currencies of countries that are backed by real assets like resources and technologies that expand our sustainable energy and food sources.
Colapso do Dolar, o dia seguinte.
In The Day After the Dollar Crashes, Vickers presents a possible 14 day time line for the crash of the U.S. dollar and the subsequent collapse of global markets. He outlines the New World Order that may take shape over the next decade and the impact it could have on nations, businesses, and individuals.
Perhaps more importantly, he tells how investors can weather the coming economic collapse and position themselves for the coming global transformation. By changing our expectations and taking action to get in alignment with reality, Vickers shows, we can steadily profit in our investments. He suggests both globally sustainable and socially responsible types of investments, including investing in currencies of countries that are backed by real assets like resources and technologies that expand our sustainable energy and food sources.
11 janeiro 2011
Yahoo ! News - The Financial Physician - Thu Jan 6, 1:46 pm - clique aqui 1 .
Tesouro implora ao Senado: "Estamos falidos, aumentar endividamento ou dar calote".
clique aqui 2 . Never in our history has Congress failed to increase the debt limit when necessary. Failure to raise the limit would precipitate a default by the United States. Default would effectively impose a significant and long-lasting tax on all Americans and all American businesses and could lead to loss of millions of jobs.
clique aqui 3 . Even a very short-term or limited default would have catastrophic economic consequences that would last for decades. Failure to increase the limit would be deeply irresponsible. For these reasons, I am requesting that Congress act to increase the limit early this year, well before the threat of default becomes imminent.
Tesouro implora ao Senado: "Estamos falidos, aumentar endividamento ou dar calote".
clique aqui 2 . Never in our history has Congress failed to increase the debt limit when necessary. Failure to raise the limit would precipitate a default by the United States. Default would effectively impose a significant and long-lasting tax on all Americans and all American businesses and could lead to loss of millions of jobs.
clique aqui 3 . Even a very short-term or limited default would have catastrophic economic consequences that would last for decades. Failure to increase the limit would be deeply irresponsible. For these reasons, I am requesting that Congress act to increase the limit early this year, well before the threat of default becomes imminent.
10 janeiro 2011
YouTube VIDEO, Foz News - 8 de janeiro de 2011 - clique aqui 1 .
Atentados a políticos: curta distância, Deputada, tiro na cabeça - Juiz baleado morre.
Outros políticos já estão com mêdo.
NEWSER : clique aqui 2 . . Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at close range today while hosting a public event outside a Tucson supermarket, reports NPR. Several other people also were shot, and the AP says at least one aide was killed. A hospital spokeswoman says Giffords is in surgery after conflicting media reports on whether she survived. Giffords, a 40-year-old Democrat, was hosting a "Congress on Your Corner" event and talking to constituents when shot. The gunman, reportedly a male in his early 20s, is in custody.
Atentados a políticos: curta distância, Deputada, tiro na cabeça - Juiz baleado morre.
Outros políticos já estão com mêdo.
NEWSER : clique aqui 2 . . Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was shot in the head at close range today while hosting a public event outside a Tucson supermarket, reports NPR. Several other people also were shot, and the AP says at least one aide was killed. A hospital spokeswoman says Giffords is in surgery after conflicting media reports on whether she survived. Giffords, a 40-year-old Democrat, was hosting a "Congress on Your Corner" event and talking to constituents when shot. The gunman, reportedly a male in his early 20s, is in custody.
BBC Brasil, Financial Times - 10/01/2011 - 09h01
"A caminho de uma guerra comercial global", diz Guido Mantega ao Financial Times. .
AGÊNCIA REUTERS - clique aqui 1 . Brazil is ready to take further steps to stop its currency from rising, the country's Finance Minister said on Sunday, warning of a "trade war" if government's keep pushing down exchange rates to boost exports.
clique aqui 2 . Folha de São Paulo - clique aqui 3 . Estado de São Paulo. O Fundo Monetário Internacional advertiu em outubro que alguns países pareciam estar tentando usar suas moedas como "uma arma". "Isto é uma guerra cambial que está se transformando em uma guerra comercial", disse Mantega. Ele foi a primeira grande autoridade internacional a falar sobre uma suposta guerra cambial, provocada por ações de países ricos para favorecer suas exportações com a desvalorização de suas moedas.
"A caminho de uma guerra comercial global", diz Guido Mantega ao Financial Times. .
AGÊNCIA REUTERS - clique aqui 1 . Brazil is ready to take further steps to stop its currency from rising, the country's Finance Minister said on Sunday, warning of a "trade war" if government's keep pushing down exchange rates to boost exports.
clique aqui 2 . Folha de São Paulo - clique aqui 3 . Estado de São Paulo. O Fundo Monetário Internacional advertiu em outubro que alguns países pareciam estar tentando usar suas moedas como "uma arma". "Isto é uma guerra cambial que está se transformando em uma guerra comercial", disse Mantega. Ele foi a primeira grande autoridade internacional a falar sobre uma suposta guerra cambial, provocada por ações de países ricos para favorecer suas exportações com a desvalorização de suas moedas.
09 janeiro 2011
YouTube, CNBC VIDEO - 22 de novembro de 2010 - clique aqui .
Pentágono segue em preparações: "revoltas populares, colapso economico em larga escala".
Pentagon, Military War Gaming 'Large Scale Economic Breakdown' and 'Civil Unrest''.
Pentágono segue em preparações: "revoltas populares, colapso economico em larga escala".
Pentagon, Military War Gaming 'Large Scale Economic Breakdown' and 'Civil Unrest''.
04 janeiro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - December 18, 2010 - clique aqui 1 .
Povos acordando: proliferam-se inflamados discursos, reação contra governo global tirânico.
clique aqui 2 . It will go down in history as a very important speech because Alex tells the complete truths of our age, and expresses the deepest hopes for a free America, and a free world. Professional politicians can’t reach this type of emotion in a speech because they lack wisdom, depth, virtue, the love for freedom and humanity, and the full understanding of the monumental political crisis facing Washington, and the world. The atrocious crimes against Iraq, Afghanistan, America, freedom, and humanity by America’s top political leaders, and highest institutions must be met with harsh punishment.
This age calls for righteous anger against the individuals who engineered the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Alex Jones is venting that righteous anger, as we all should do. If you are politically and spiritually awake you are glad and excited that a dynamic and authentic human being like Alex is gaining in popularity and esteem.
Povos acordando: proliferam-se inflamados discursos, reação contra governo global tirânico.
clique aqui 2 . It will go down in history as a very important speech because Alex tells the complete truths of our age, and expresses the deepest hopes for a free America, and a free world. Professional politicians can’t reach this type of emotion in a speech because they lack wisdom, depth, virtue, the love for freedom and humanity, and the full understanding of the monumental political crisis facing Washington, and the world. The atrocious crimes against Iraq, Afghanistan, America, freedom, and humanity by America’s top political leaders, and highest institutions must be met with harsh punishment.
This age calls for righteous anger against the individuals who engineered the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror, and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Alex Jones is venting that righteous anger, as we all should do. If you are politically and spiritually awake you are glad and excited that a dynamic and authentic human being like Alex is gaining in popularity and esteem.
03 janeiro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 1 de novembro de 2010 - clique aqui .
Gerald Celente: " EUA é Fascismo hoje, puro e simples, onde Estado e Corporações se fundem".
Trends Research Institute, major forecaster of trends in USA. "Current events form future trends".
Gerald Celente: " EUA é Fascismo hoje, puro e simples, onde Estado e Corporações se fundem".
Trends Research Institute, major forecaster of trends in USA. "Current events form future trends".
Agência Estado - 02 de janeiro de 2011- YouTube VIDEO - clique aqui 1 .
ALERTA MUNDIAL-3: Assessor de Obama cogita catastrófico calote, governo pode parar.
clique aqui 2 . WASHINGTON - EUA poderão ser forçados a entrar em moratória nas obrigações e o governo pode deixar de funcionar, falta de dinheiro.
"Se nós chegarmos ao ponto onde você prejudica a confiança e o crédito dos Estados Unidos, isso seria a primeira moratória na história provocada apenas pela insanidade", afirmou Goolsbee; poderá ser "uma crise econômica e financeira pior do que qualquer coisa que vimos em 2008". "O impacto sobre a economia seria catastrófico", disse Austan Goolsbee, que lidera o Conselho de Consultores Econômicos do governo. O deputado Allen West (Partido Republicano), um dos congressistas que assumem a nova legislatura no começo de janeiro, foi questionado se estava preparado para ver o governo fechar por falta de recursos.
ALERTA MUNDIAL-3: Assessor de Obama cogita catastrófico calote, governo pode parar.
clique aqui 2 . WASHINGTON - EUA poderão ser forçados a entrar em moratória nas obrigações e o governo pode deixar de funcionar, falta de dinheiro.
"Se nós chegarmos ao ponto onde você prejudica a confiança e o crédito dos Estados Unidos, isso seria a primeira moratória na história provocada apenas pela insanidade", afirmou Goolsbee; poderá ser "uma crise econômica e financeira pior do que qualquer coisa que vimos em 2008". "O impacto sobre a economia seria catastrófico", disse Austan Goolsbee, que lidera o Conselho de Consultores Econômicos do governo. O deputado Allen West (Partido Republicano), um dos congressistas que assumem a nova legislatura no começo de janeiro, foi questionado se estava preparado para ver o governo fechar por falta de recursos.
01 janeiro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - clique aqui .
Texas proclama soberania, vai desobedecer o governo federal.
Governador e Partidos dizem : - "chega!".
Texas proclama soberania, vai desobedecer o governo federal.
Governador e Partidos dizem : - "chega!".
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