YouTube VIDEO - 21 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, arbítrio em ascensão: filmou polícia em ação, é espionagem. Ele pode pegar 75 anos de prisão.
30 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 28 August 2011 - clique aqui .
9-11, TV italiana diz: há várias evidências de conspiração, de demolição com explosivos.
9-11, TV italiana diz: há várias evidências de conspiração, de demolição com explosivos.
24 agosto 2011
Youtube VIDEO - 23 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, direitos civis declinam: Deputado proíbe câmeras em reunião política aberta.
EUA, direitos civis declinam: Deputado proíbe câmeras em reunião política aberta.
YouTube VIDEO - 5 May 2011 - clique aqui .
Gadaffi ia lançar o dinar-ouro, sepultar dólar-papel, libertar África. Sadam tentou, morreu.
Já reunia países africanos em abril: quem quisesse comprar petróleo africano, o pagamento só seria aceito em dinar-ouro, isso liquidaria o dólar e o Poder Americano.
Gadaffi ia lançar o dinar-ouro, sepultar dólar-papel, libertar África. Sadam tentou, morreu.
Já reunia países africanos em abril: quem quisesse comprar petróleo africano, o pagamento só seria aceito em dinar-ouro, isso liquidaria o dólar e o Poder Americano.
YouTube VIDEO - 3 August 2011 - clique aqui .
"EUA hoje são um parasita da economia global", diz Vladimir Putin, Primeiro Ministro russo.
"EUA hoje são um parasita da economia global", diz Vladimir Putin, Primeiro Ministro russo.
YouTube VIDEO - 21 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, liberdades em declínio:
cidadão vai preso até por vender limonada em praça pública.
Several activist gathered at the west lawn of the capitol in Washington, DC to sell lemonade and were arrested. While the officers were technically on solid "legal" ground in shutting down the stand, they behaved inappropriately by any standard numerous times, using intimidation tactics on protestors and observers, and harassing members of the professional media. The willingness with which children and tourists participated by purchasing lemonade in disobedience of the police instructions is an indicator of how little respect the general public has for government in general, and specifically police when enforcing unjust laws. Gives me hope for America.
EUA, liberdades em declínio:
cidadão vai preso até por vender limonada em praça pública.
Several activist gathered at the west lawn of the capitol in Washington, DC to sell lemonade and were arrested. While the officers were technically on solid "legal" ground in shutting down the stand, they behaved inappropriately by any standard numerous times, using intimidation tactics on protestors and observers, and harassing members of the professional media. The willingness with which children and tourists participated by purchasing lemonade in disobedience of the police instructions is an indicator of how little respect the general public has for government in general, and specifically police when enforcing unjust laws. Gives me hope for America.
YouTube VIDEO - 22 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Greenspan confessa parasitismo: "EUA sempre podem imprimir dinheiro para pagar dívidas".
Greenspan confessa parasitismo: "EUA sempre podem imprimir dinheiro para pagar dívidas".
Bloomberg - 22 August 2011 - clique aqui 1 . - clique aqui 2.
FED deu 1,5 trilhões, empréstimos secretos a amigos de Wall Street.
Imprensa global em silêncio absoluto.
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion, while Citigroup took $99.5 billion and Bank of America $91.4 billion, according to a Bloomberg News compilation of data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, months of litigation and an act of Congress.
FED deu 1,5 trilhões, empréstimos secretos a amigos de Wall Street.
Imprensa global em silêncio absoluto.
Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s unprecedented effort to keep the economy from plunging into depression included lending banks and other companies as much as $1.2 trillion of public money, about the same amount U.S. homeowners currently owe on 6.5 million delinquent and foreclosed mortgages. The largest borrower, Morgan Stanley (MS), got as much as $107.3 billion, while Citigroup took $99.5 billion and Bank of America $91.4 billion, according to a Bloomberg News compilation of data obtained through Freedom of Information Act requests, months of litigation and an act of Congress.
20 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 16 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Aula completa, o esquema todo: Imprimir dinheiro sem lastro até explodir tudo em hiper inflação.
Mike Maloney is the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals investing. In this 90 minute presentation he lays down his 'most likely' scenario for the global economy over the next deacde...short term deflation, followed by big or even hyperinflation.
Here you will learn the true definitions of inflation/deflation, the difference between currency and money, price vs value, 'Wealth Cycles', gold and silver accounting for the expansion of fiat currency, gold and silver supply and demand, the differences between the today's bull market and that of the 1970s, The Debt Collapse, and more.
Aula completa, o esquema todo: Imprimir dinheiro sem lastro até explodir tudo em hiper inflação.
Mike Maloney is the author of the world's best selling book on precious metals investing. In this 90 minute presentation he lays down his 'most likely' scenario for the global economy over the next deacde...short term deflation, followed by big or even hyperinflation.
Here you will learn the true definitions of inflation/deflation, the difference between currency and money, price vs value, 'Wealth Cycles', gold and silver accounting for the expansion of fiat currency, gold and silver supply and demand, the differences between the today's bull market and that of the 1970s, The Debt Collapse, and more.
18 agosto 2011
Bloomberg - 17 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Berlin : Incendeiam 26 carros de luxo em 2 dias, 138 no ano. BMW, Audi, Mercedes.
Berlin resident Renate Langanke woke up shortly after midnight to a loud explosion. When the pensioner peeked out her window, she saw flames billowing from two Mercedes-Benz brand cars parked across the street. “Fire and smoke were everywhere, you could smell burned rubber, it was awful,” said Langanke, who lives in a sleepy area with tree-lined alleys in white-collar western Berlin. “I’ve always felt safe here, now I’m scared.” Arsonists have set fire to 26 cars in the German capital in the last two days, mainly from Daimler AG (DAI)’s Mercedes, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) and Volkswagen AG (VOW)’s Audi, police said today. That brings the total number torched this year in Berlin to at least 138, more than double the figure for all of 2010.
Berlin : Incendeiam 26 carros de luxo em 2 dias, 138 no ano. BMW, Audi, Mercedes.
Berlin resident Renate Langanke woke up shortly after midnight to a loud explosion. When the pensioner peeked out her window, she saw flames billowing from two Mercedes-Benz brand cars parked across the street. “Fire and smoke were everywhere, you could smell burned rubber, it was awful,” said Langanke, who lives in a sleepy area with tree-lined alleys in white-collar western Berlin. “I’ve always felt safe here, now I’m scared.” Arsonists have set fire to 26 cars in the German capital in the last two days, mainly from Daimler AG (DAI)’s Mercedes, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) and Volkswagen AG (VOW)’s Audi, police said today. That brings the total number torched this year in Berlin to at least 138, more than double the figure for all of 2010.
YouTube VIDEO - 17 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Venezuela prepara para impacto global: nacionaliza jazidas de ouro, retira reservas da Europa.
Venezuela prepara para impacto global: nacionaliza jazidas de ouro, retira reservas da Europa.
YouTube VIDEO - 16 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA: classe média vira sem-teto, moram em ruas, carros e tendas. Quem ajudar, vai preso.
The world is now seeing the economic uncertainty of the U.S. but for many Americans, it has been apparent for quite some time. Economic despair has been spreading across our nation and it can be seen by the rising number of middle class Americans losing their homes. In some cases, joblessness and inability to pay rent has forced people to live in their cars, shelters, or on the sidewalk.
EUA: classe média vira sem-teto, moram em ruas, carros e tendas. Quem ajudar, vai preso.
The world is now seeing the economic uncertainty of the U.S. but for many Americans, it has been apparent for quite some time. Economic despair has been spreading across our nation and it can be seen by the rising number of middle class Americans losing their homes. In some cases, joblessness and inability to pay rent has forced people to live in their cars, shelters, or on the sidewalk.
17 agosto 2011
Daily Show - Jon Stewart - 16 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA eleições: debate faz subir forte candidato anti-guerra.
Imprensa tenta tirá-lo de cena.
Imprensa é extensão do governo, fabrica percepção, manipula fatos.
EUA eleições: debate faz subir forte candidato anti-guerra.
Imprensa tenta tirá-lo de cena.
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clique na imagem |
Imprensa é extensão do governo, fabrica percepção, manipula fatos.
15 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - CNN, 15 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA: "É fabricar mais guerra para estimular economia", atiça Prêmio Nobel Paul Krugman.
EUA: "É fabricar mais guerra para estimular economia", atiça Prêmio Nobel Paul Krugman.
YouTube VIDEO - 13 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, eleições: imprensa confessa dar trato desigual a candidatos. Ela seleciona quem quer expor.
EUA, eleições: imprensa confessa dar trato desigual a candidatos. Ela seleciona quem quer expor.
14 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - Dylan Ratigan - 12 August 2011. clique aqui .
EUA: até TV vai à loucura com paralisia política, incompetência de gestão orçamentária.
EUA: até TV vai à loucura com paralisia política, incompetência de gestão orçamentária.
13 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 12 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, eleições: jovens promovem candidato anti-guerra de 75 anos. Ron Paul é ídolo da nova geração.
EUA, eleições: jovens promovem candidato anti-guerra de 75 anos. Ron Paul é ídolo da nova geração.
YouTube VIDEO - 12 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, eleições: povo acordando, forte ascensão de Ron Paul, candidato pacifista, anti-guerra.
EUA, eleições: povo acordando, forte ascensão de Ron Paul, candidato pacifista, anti-guerra.
YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - 8 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, eleições: só um defende princípios constitucionais, há 30 anos mesmo discurso anti-guerra.
EUA, eleições: só um defende princípios constitucionais, há 30 anos mesmo discurso anti-guerra.
11 agosto 2011
Money News - CNBC - 10 August 2011 - clique aqui .
É uma depressão em estágios iniciais, e que vai durar anos. Robert Prechter, Elliot Wave Int´l Inc.
"Some people are talking that maybe we'll have a double dip like 1980 to 1982, but I've been saying all along that this is the wrong perspective. You have to realize that we are in a depression," Prechter told CNBC. "We're in the early stages, so we don't have the severe unemployment, the severe bread lines and that sort of thing. But since we are early in the trend, this is the kind of thing that the market is now beginning to look ahead and realize that the problem is deeper than just a minor recovery or a mild recession," he adds. That doesn't mean investors need to run to the hills in panic and prepare for the end of days. It means they should prepare for a bear market to last for about five years and look for opportunities in such a scenario.
É uma depressão em estágios iniciais, e que vai durar anos. Robert Prechter, Elliot Wave Int´l Inc.
"Some people are talking that maybe we'll have a double dip like 1980 to 1982, but I've been saying all along that this is the wrong perspective. You have to realize that we are in a depression," Prechter told CNBC. "We're in the early stages, so we don't have the severe unemployment, the severe bread lines and that sort of thing. But since we are early in the trend, this is the kind of thing that the market is now beginning to look ahead and realize that the problem is deeper than just a minor recovery or a mild recession," he adds. That doesn't mean investors need to run to the hills in panic and prepare for the end of days. It means they should prepare for a bear market to last for about five years and look for opportunities in such a scenario.
W.S.J. Market Watch - 9 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA: paralizados Congresso e Federal Reserve.
The Fed has come to grips with the reality: If temporary factors “account for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity,” then it follows that permanent, structural or fundamental factors must account for most of our problems. And those problems will take years to resolve. Sure, the Fed made some news by saying that it would likely keep interest rates exceptionally low until the middle of 2013. Never before has the Fed put a date-certain stamp on any of its actions. That sounds like a pretty dramatic announcement, but actually it was a statement of impotence.
EUA: paralizados Congresso e Federal Reserve.
The Fed has come to grips with the reality: If temporary factors “account for only some of the recent weakness in economic activity,” then it follows that permanent, structural or fundamental factors must account for most of our problems. And those problems will take years to resolve. Sure, the Fed made some news by saying that it would likely keep interest rates exceptionally low until the middle of 2013. Never before has the Fed put a date-certain stamp on any of its actions. That sounds like a pretty dramatic announcement, but actually it was a statement of impotence.
10 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - BBC News - 9 August 2011 - clique aqui .
"Isto é histórico, é insurreição das massas dos povos, ocorre por toda parte". Darcus Howe, escritor, locutor.
clique aqui . Howe told BBC News anchor Armstrong, that political leaders had no idea what was coming but if they had taken a moment to “look at young blacks and young whites with a discerning eye and careful hearing” they would of heard messages of what to do prevent this.
"Isto é histórico, é insurreição das massas dos povos, ocorre por toda parte". Darcus Howe, escritor, locutor.
clique aqui . Howe told BBC News anchor Armstrong, that political leaders had no idea what was coming but if they had taken a moment to “look at young blacks and young whites with a discerning eye and careful hearing” they would of heard messages of what to do prevent this.
YouTube VIDEO - CNBC News - 8 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA podem confiscar OURO de outros países, mantido nos seus cofres. J.Rickards, Inteligência, Omnis Inc.
Gold hit $1700 this morning and Rickards calls the United States a gold superpower and the Saudi Arabia of gold. He also mentions how the US could simply confiscate gold not only of its citizens, but that of other nations' gold that is stored in the USA.
EUA podem confiscar OURO de outros países, mantido nos seus cofres. J.Rickards, Inteligência, Omnis Inc.
Gold hit $1700 this morning and Rickards calls the United States a gold superpower and the Saudi Arabia of gold. He also mentions how the US could simply confiscate gold not only of its citizens, but that of other nations' gold that is stored in the USA.
09 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 8 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Revoltas se espalham, Londres, Birmingham, Liverpool. Fúria, incêndios, saques, depredações.
Revoltas se espalham, Londres, Birmingham, Liverpool. Fúria, incêndios, saques, depredações.
YouTube VIDEO - Al Jazeera - 9 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Londres arde em chamas. Revolta e fúria, saques, depredações, país todo. Há racismo e segregação.
Londres arde em chamas. Revolta e fúria, saques, depredações, país todo. Há racismo e segregação.
08 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 4 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Senador: reduzir pensões de aposentados, para continuar custeando guerras trilionárias.
Senador: reduzir pensões de aposentados, para continuar custeando guerras trilionárias.
YouTube VIDEO - CNBC News - 8 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Bilionário Donald Trump: governo não funciona, país não funciona, não há lideranca.
Bilionário Donald Trump: governo não funciona, país não funciona, não há lideranca.
07 agosto 2011
The Daily Bail - 6 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA jurava: risco zero de ser rebaixado. Só três meses atrás.
Secretário Tesouro T. Geithner, na Fox News.
Fox Business reporter Peter Barnes began his televised interview with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner two days ago with this question: “Is there a risk that the United States could lose its AAA credit rating? Yes or no?” Geithner’s response: “No risk of that.” “No risk?” Barnes asked. “No risk,” Geithner said. It’s enough to make you wonder: How could Geithner know this to be true? The short answer is he couldn’t.
EUA jurava: risco zero de ser rebaixado. Só três meses atrás.
Secretário Tesouro T. Geithner, na Fox News.
Fox Business reporter Peter Barnes began his televised interview with Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner two days ago with this question: “Is there a risk that the United States could lose its AAA credit rating? Yes or no?” Geithner’s response: “No risk of that.” “No risk?” Barnes asked. “No risk,” Geithner said. It’s enough to make you wonder: How could Geithner know this to be true? The short answer is he couldn’t.
YouTube VIDEO - 24 Nov 2010 - clique aqui .
Em apenas 12 horas: Como as coisas podem em breve acontecer, durante o colapso do dólar.
Em apenas 12 horas: Como as coisas podem em breve acontecer, durante o colapso do dólar.
Sovereign Independent - July 2011 - clique aqui 1. - clique aqui 2.
General Clark: 10 dias pós 9-11, decidiram tomar Iraque Líbia Síria Líbano Somália Sudão Irã.
An interview with a 4 star United States general revealed the United States government’s plan for 7 wars of aggression. Three of those 7 unprovoked wars of aggression were to steal the oil and natural gas reserves of the attacked countries. Iraq, Libya and Iran, all rich oil producing nations, are and will be victims of US and US lead wars of aggression.
General Clark: 10 dias pós 9-11, decidiram tomar Iraque Líbia Síria Líbano Somália Sudão Irã.
An interview with a 4 star United States general revealed the United States government’s plan for 7 wars of aggression. Three of those 7 unprovoked wars of aggression were to steal the oil and natural gas reserves of the attacked countries. Iraq, Libya and Iran, all rich oil producing nations, are and will be victims of US and US lead wars of aggression.
06 agosto 2011
Washington Post - ABC News - BBC News - 6 Agosto 2011
clique aqui 1 . clique aqui 2. clique aqui 3 .
COLAPSO FINAL COMEÇOU: agência rebaixa EUA. 2,5 trilhões evaporam em uma semana.
Standard and Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time, dealing a symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what was a sharply worded critique of the American political system. Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances “less stable, less effective and less predictable.” It said the bipartisan agreement reached this week to find at least $2.1 trillion in budget savings “fell short” of what was necessary to tame the nation’s debt over time and predicted that leaders would not be likely to achieve more savings in the future.
clique aqui 4 . clique aqui 5 .
clique aqui 1 . clique aqui 2. clique aqui 3 .
COLAPSO FINAL COMEÇOU: agência rebaixa EUA. 2,5 trilhões evaporam em uma semana.
Standard and Poor’s announced Friday night that it has downgraded the U.S. credit rating for the first time, dealing a symbolic blow to the world’s economic superpower in what was a sharply worded critique of the American political system. Lowering the nation’s rating to one notch below AAA, the credit rating company said “political brinkmanship” in the debate over the debt had made the U.S. government’s ability to manage its finances “less stable, less effective and less predictable.” It said the bipartisan agreement reached this week to find at least $2.1 trillion in budget savings “fell short” of what was necessary to tame the nation’s debt over time and predicted that leaders would not be likely to achieve more savings in the future.

clique aqui 4 . clique aqui 5 .
05 agosto 2011
DER SPIEGEL - 4 August 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA sob jugo da elite desregrada, de militarismo agressivo. Divisão, espantosa desintegração social.
By any definition, America is no longer a Western nation.The US is a country where the system of government has fallen firmly into the hands of the elite. An unruly and aggressive militarism set in motion two costly wars in the past 10 years. Society is not only divided socially and politically -- in its ideological blindness the nation is moving even farther away from the core of democracy. It is losing its ability to compromise. America has changed. It has drifted away from the West. The country's social disintegration is breathtaking.
EUA sob jugo da elite desregrada, de militarismo agressivo. Divisão, espantosa desintegração social.
By any definition, America is no longer a Western nation.The US is a country where the system of government has fallen firmly into the hands of the elite. An unruly and aggressive militarism set in motion two costly wars in the past 10 years. Society is not only divided socially and politically -- in its ideological blindness the nation is moving even farther away from the core of democracy. It is losing its ability to compromise. America has changed. It has drifted away from the West. The country's social disintegration is breathtaking.
The Sidney Morning Herald - 5 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Espanha e Itália se preparam para o impacto. Contágio se espalha na zona do Euro.
Ever since the European debt crisis began, the risk of contagion - of problems spreading from smaller countries to bigger ones, like Italy and Spain - has worried government officials and investors. Now another type of contagion is causing concern: the risk of problems spreading to big banks, especially in Italy and Spain. The growing vulnerability of the giant banks in these two countries is spurring investor fears that Europe's latest bid to get a handle on its festering debt crisis, adopted just a few weeks ago, has come up short. The banks own so many bonds issued by their home countries that they are being weakened as the value of those bonds falls, amid concerns that the cost of government borrowing could become too expensive for Italy and Spain to bear.
Espanha e Itália se preparam para o impacto. Contágio se espalha na zona do Euro.
Ever since the European debt crisis began, the risk of contagion - of problems spreading from smaller countries to bigger ones, like Italy and Spain - has worried government officials and investors. Now another type of contagion is causing concern: the risk of problems spreading to big banks, especially in Italy and Spain. The growing vulnerability of the giant banks in these two countries is spurring investor fears that Europe's latest bid to get a handle on its festering debt crisis, adopted just a few weeks ago, has come up short. The banks own so many bonds issued by their home countries that they are being weakened as the value of those bonds falls, amid concerns that the cost of government borrowing could become too expensive for Italy and Spain to bear.
03 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 13 July 2011 - clique aqui .
David Murrin: - "O calote é inevitável, só uma questão de tempo, impérios caem".
David Murrin: - "O calote é inevitável, só uma questão de tempo, impérios caem".
YouTube VIDEO - 7 June 2011 - clique aqui .
É declínio do Hegemonia Cristã de 500 anos. Cai o Ocidente, sobe o Oriente. D. Murrin, Emergent A. Mngt.
There is going to be a change in global leadership as the Western Christian empire starts to come to an end with the decline of the US empire and the East, specifically China, takes up the helm, David Murrin, CIO of Emergent Asset Management, said Wednesday. Philippa Malmgren from Principalis Asset Management joined the discussion.
É declínio do Hegemonia Cristã de 500 anos. Cai o Ocidente, sobe o Oriente. D. Murrin, Emergent A. Mngt.
There is going to be a change in global leadership as the Western Christian empire starts to come to an end with the decline of the US empire and the East, specifically China, takes up the helm, David Murrin, CIO of Emergent Asset Management, said Wednesday. Philippa Malmgren from Principalis Asset Management joined the discussion.
YouTube VIDEO - 3 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Bilionário Jim Rogers: Nada mudou, tudo continua a piorar, a GRANDE crise logo virá.
Bilionário Jim Rogers: Nada mudou, tudo continua a piorar, a GRANDE crise logo virá.
SUBJUGANDO O POVO AMERICANO : - 28 March 2011 - clique aqui .
Até em ônibus escolar: estudante vai presa por filmar ação policial. Algemam, confiscam celulares.
Khaliah Fitchette, then a 16-year-old honors student and junior class president at University High School in Newark, was riding home from school on March 22, 2010, when she used her cell phone to take video of a police investigation of a man who had fallen down on the bus. According to Fitchette, when she refused to stop taking video, the officers grabbed her off the bus, deleted the video, handcuffed her, refused to call her mother, and attempted to charge her with obstruction of justice. The lawsuit alleges the officers violated Fitchette’s First and Fourth Amendment rights.
Até em ônibus escolar: estudante vai presa por filmar ação policial. Algemam, confiscam celulares.
Khaliah Fitchette, then a 16-year-old honors student and junior class president at University High School in Newark, was riding home from school on March 22, 2010, when she used her cell phone to take video of a police investigation of a man who had fallen down on the bus. According to Fitchette, when she refused to stop taking video, the officers grabbed her off the bus, deleted the video, handcuffed her, refused to call her mother, and attempted to charge her with obstruction of justice. The lawsuit alleges the officers violated Fitchette’s First and Fourth Amendment rights.
ABC7 News - 2nd August 2011 .
EUA: cidadãos sendo presos por filmar polícia em ação. Celulares sendo confiscados.
There is no law providing an officer grounds to confiscate a camera or phone, destroy film, or arrest an individual for filming the officer on public property. The astonishing part is not only that the police were on a public street while being filmed thereby dismissing any ability to invoke wiretapping laws.
A public officer on a public street in the middle of the day in front of someone’s house has no reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality of the communication. Therefore, the officer did not arrest him for a wiretapping violation, but instead for “interfering with a police officer in the performance of his duties”. As the consultant mentions at the end of the video, this is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. First of all the officer had no probable cause to come onto his property and furthermore had absolutely no reason to claim the individual’s phone as “evidence”.
EUA: cidadãos sendo presos por filmar polícia em ação. Celulares sendo confiscados.
There is no law providing an officer grounds to confiscate a camera or phone, destroy film, or arrest an individual for filming the officer on public property. The astonishing part is not only that the police were on a public street while being filmed thereby dismissing any ability to invoke wiretapping laws.
A public officer on a public street in the middle of the day in front of someone’s house has no reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality of the communication. Therefore, the officer did not arrest him for a wiretapping violation, but instead for “interfering with a police officer in the performance of his duties”. As the consultant mentions at the end of the video, this is a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. First of all the officer had no probable cause to come onto his property and furthermore had absolutely no reason to claim the individual’s phone as “evidence”.
01 agosto 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 19 June 2011 - clique aqui .
China responde a EUA e OTAN:
- " Ou faz Nova Ordem Mundial ou será a 3a Guerra Mundial".
China responde a EUA e OTAN:
- " Ou faz Nova Ordem Mundial ou será a 3a Guerra Mundial".
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