YouTube VIDEO - 25 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
Nova York protesta, e conhece a brutalidade policial. Imprensa fica em silêncio absoluto.
Peaceful Protestors being beaten and arrested!!! The media is NOT covering this. There have been tons of arrests made in New York. People are being arrested left and right, people are being beaten for no reason.
30 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 28 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
Nova York protesta, polícia bate e arrebenta, imprensa abafa.
Nova York protesta, polícia bate e arrebenta, imprensa abafa.
YouTube VIDEO - 25 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, protesto pacífico: polícia ataca, spray pimenta. Imprensa abafa, só mostra outros países.
EUA, protesto pacífico: polícia ataca, spray pimenta. Imprensa abafa, só mostra outros países.
29 setembro 2011
The Telegraph, UK - 30 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
Europa prepara trilhões em pacotão, evitar colapso do Euro.
European officials are working on a grand plan to restore confidence in the single currency area that would involve a massive bank recapitalisation, giving the bail-out fund several trillion euros of firepower, and a possible Greek default. German and French authorities have begun work on a three-pronged strategy behind the scenes amid escalating fears that the eurozone’s sovereign debt crisis is spiralling out of control. Their aim is to build a “firebreak” around Greece, Portugal and Ireland to prevent the crisis spreading to Italy and Spain, countries considered “too big to bail”.
Europa prepara trilhões em pacotão, evitar colapso do Euro.
European officials are working on a grand plan to restore confidence in the single currency area that would involve a massive bank recapitalisation, giving the bail-out fund several trillion euros of firepower, and a possible Greek default. German and French authorities have begun work on a three-pronged strategy behind the scenes amid escalating fears that the eurozone’s sovereign debt crisis is spiralling out of control. Their aim is to build a “firebreak” around Greece, Portugal and Ireland to prevent the crisis spreading to Italy and Spain, countries considered “too big to bail”.
28 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - News Max - 28 Sept 2011 - clique 1 clique 2
EUA: " Disputas paralizam Congresso, temos um Presidente inerte", diz Governador.
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, in a much-anticipated speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, slammed President Barack Obama for being a “bystander in the Oval Office,” and said the gridlock in Washington is ineffective and embarrassing to the rest of the country. Christie addressed domestic and international issues important to Americans, but did not do what many supporters had hoped — announce a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. “We watch a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions, but still has yet found the courage to lead,” Christie said. “We watch a Congress at war with itself because they are unwilling to leave campaign style politics at the Capitol’s door”.
EUA: " Disputas paralizam Congresso, temos um Presidente inerte", diz Governador.
SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, in a much-anticipated speech at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, slammed President Barack Obama for being a “bystander in the Oval Office,” and said the gridlock in Washington is ineffective and embarrassing to the rest of the country. Christie addressed domestic and international issues important to Americans, but did not do what many supporters had hoped — announce a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. “We watch a president who once talked about the courage of his convictions, but still has yet found the courage to lead,” Christie said. “We watch a Congress at war with itself because they are unwilling to leave campaign style politics at the Capitol’s door”.
YouTube VIDEO, CNBC, News Max - 28 Sept 2011 - click 1 - click 2 - click 3
Bilionário J. Rogers alerta :
"EUA está bem pior que Europa".
(Por aqui, imprensa faz cabeça).
Financial woes in Europe may be hammering U.S. stock markets these days but the economy is facing scarier homegrown threats, says international investor Jim Rogers. Debt burdens in the U.S. are heavier than many in Europe. "Europe has a few bad, bankrupt states, so does America. We've got Illinois which is bigger than Greece, we've got California, we've got New York, you know those are pretty big states that have serious economic problems. We have pension plans in America that are terribly under water," Rogers tells CNBC.
Bilionário J. Rogers alerta :
"EUA está bem pior que Europa".
(Por aqui, imprensa faz cabeça).
Financial woes in Europe may be hammering U.S. stock markets these days but the economy is facing scarier homegrown threats, says international investor Jim Rogers. Debt burdens in the U.S. are heavier than many in Europe. "Europe has a few bad, bankrupt states, so does America. We've got Illinois which is bigger than Greece, we've got California, we've got New York, you know those are pretty big states that have serious economic problems. We have pension plans in America that are terribly under water," Rogers tells CNBC.
27 setembro 2011
Fox News, 27 Sept 2011 - 25 Sept 2011 - clique aqui.
Crise agrava, EUA atiça clima:
"Atacar Paquistão nuclear".
Repetem na TV todo dia.
Crise agrava, EUA atiça clima:
"Atacar Paquistão nuclear".
Repetem na TV todo dia.
Estado de São Paulo - 27 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
Evaporam-se 10 trilhões nas bolsas da Terra, apenas 4 meses.
BRASÍLIA - O presidente do Banco Central, Alexandre Tombini, disse que levantamentos internacionais mostram que o valor de mercado das bolsas de valores mundiais registra perda aproximada de US$ 10 trilhões em quatro meses. "Essa perda de riqueza tem efeito negativo e perverso sobre o comportamento dos agentes econômicos".
Evaporam-se 10 trilhões nas bolsas da Terra, apenas 4 meses.
BRASÍLIA - O presidente do Banco Central, Alexandre Tombini, disse que levantamentos internacionais mostram que o valor de mercado das bolsas de valores mundiais registra perda aproximada de US$ 10 trilhões em quatro meses. "Essa perda de riqueza tem efeito negativo e perverso sobre o comportamento dos agentes econômicos".
YouTube VIDEO - - clique aqui .
"Ocupem Wall Street": milhares protestam há 5 dias. Imprensa abafa, só mostra os do exterior.
"Ocupem Wall Street": milhares protestam há 5 dias. Imprensa abafa, só mostra os do exterior.
24 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 24 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
Bilionário M. Faber : chegando catástrofe financeira, impacto bem maior que 2008.
Bilionário M. Faber : chegando catástrofe financeira, impacto bem maior que 2008.
22 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 16 Jul 2011 - clique aqui .
9-11, perícia de HDs revela: 100 milhões em remessas criminosas, pouco antes de caírem as torres.
9-11, perícia de HDs revela: 100 milhões em remessas criminosas, pouco antes de caírem as torres.
19 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 25 Nov 2010 - clique aqui .
1965: Virá crise monetária, previu De Gaulle, Presidente francês. Restauração do padrão ouro.
In february 1965, former French President, General DE GAULLE, predicted, during a press conference, the monetary crisis, the USA have brought the world in today. He then, asked for the return to a gold standard.
16 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 9 Oct 2010 - clique aqui .
EUA, Coronel da Espionagem:
Investigacão do 9-11 foi só "pizza", acobertamento do início ao fim.
EUA, Coronel da Espionagem:
Investigacão do 9-11 foi só "pizza", acobertamento do início ao fim.
14 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 11 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
9-11 em 5 min. Versão oficial é ridícula e absurda. Pior que as teorias conpiratórias.
9-11 em 5 min. Versão oficial é ridícula e absurda. Pior que as teorias conpiratórias.
12 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 9 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
9-11, estarrecedor: Especialistas exibem razões 100% científicas. Evidências são avassaladoras.
9-11, estarrecedor: Especialistas exibem razões 100% científicas. Evidências são avassaladoras.
YouTube VIDEO - 11 Sept 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA: liberdade de expressão morrendo. Até discurso em público gera detenção.
A brave member of the 9/11 Truth Movement faced a crowd by himself and was immediately sacked by police officers. Clearly, the crowd's reaction to the simple statement "When will we be allowed to know the truth about 9/11" indicates the deep state of denial and cognitive dissonance still present within the brainwashed masses.
Clearly, the propaganda campaign has had great success in channeling all of our pain, fear and dawning perception of the true terror of 9/11 as a false flag operation, into blind hatred for muslims. This is how 9/11 continues to damage America and deepen the wound that has been inflicted. Clearly, many will NEVER be mentally or emotionally capable of grasping the dark truth about 9/11. We have dark days ahead, but only by shining light into the darkness can we overcome it. Remember that, while darkness cannot drive out the light, only light can drive away the darkness.
EUA: liberdade de expressão morrendo. Até discurso em público gera detenção.
A brave member of the 9/11 Truth Movement faced a crowd by himself and was immediately sacked by police officers. Clearly, the crowd's reaction to the simple statement "When will we be allowed to know the truth about 9/11" indicates the deep state of denial and cognitive dissonance still present within the brainwashed masses.
Clearly, the propaganda campaign has had great success in channeling all of our pain, fear and dawning perception of the true terror of 9/11 as a false flag operation, into blind hatred for muslims. This is how 9/11 continues to damage America and deepen the wound that has been inflicted. Clearly, many will NEVER be mentally or emotionally capable of grasping the dark truth about 9/11. We have dark days ahead, but only by shining light into the darkness can we overcome it. Remember that, while darkness cannot drive out the light, only light can drive away the darkness.
06 setembro 2011
YouTube VIDEO - 23 Aug 2011 - clique 1 clique 2 clique 3 clique 4
TV em manipulação-monstro:
na verdade terroristas Al Qaeda, TV chama de 'libertadores' líbios!
TV te manipula ao absurdo:
600 terroristas da Al Qaeda soltos da prisão pelos rebeldes líbios.
TV te manipula sem piedade:
OTAN sabe que são terroristas da Al Qaeda os libertadores líbios!
TV fabrica realidade absurda:
EUA ajuda terroristas Al Qaeda, e TV diz que são 'libertadores'!
TV em manipulação-monstro:
na verdade terroristas Al Qaeda, TV chama de 'libertadores' líbios!
TV te manipula ao absurdo:
600 terroristas da Al Qaeda soltos da prisão pelos rebeldes líbios.
TV te manipula sem piedade:
OTAN sabe que são terroristas da Al Qaeda os libertadores líbios!
TV fabrica realidade absurda:
EUA ajuda terroristas Al Qaeda, e TV diz que são 'libertadores'!
02 setembro 2011
Chicago Tribune - 30 August 2011 - clique 1. - clique 2. - clique 3.
Escola algema crianças de 7 anos, por conversar na sala. Ameaçou prender várias. Conselho apoiou.
The attorney for a family suing Chicago Public Schools over the alleged handcuffing of a first-grader in 2010 said Tuesday the boy was among several 6- and 7-year-olds who were detained and handcuffed for hours for talking in class. In an email to the Tribune, attorney Michael Carin said school officials at Carver Primary School on the city’s far South Side authorized the on-campus security guard in March 2010 to discipline some first-graders who were being disruptive.
Escola algema crianças de 7 anos, por conversar na sala. Ameaçou prender várias. Conselho apoiou.
The attorney for a family suing Chicago Public Schools over the alleged handcuffing of a first-grader in 2010 said Tuesday the boy was among several 6- and 7-year-olds who were detained and handcuffed for hours for talking in class. In an email to the Tribune, attorney Michael Carin said school officials at Carver Primary School on the city’s far South Side authorized the on-campus security guard in March 2010 to discipline some first-graders who were being disruptive.
“There appears to be no reason for an officer to isolate 6- and 7-year-old children, place them in handcuffs and threaten them for hours during a school day, or any other day,” Carin wrote. Carin said the Chicago Board of Education had ignored attempts to resolve this case outside the courtroom. “Unfortunately, we had to file a lawsuit because the Chicago Board of Education ignored my client on the day of the imprisonment and every day thereafter,” Carin wrote. “We hope the Chicago Board of Education acknowledges its responsibility and resolves the matter quickly.” In the complaint, the boy’s mother, LaShanda Smith, describes the guard's action as “reckless” and said her son suffered injuries both “permanent” and “personal” during the incident. Smith, who is seeking more than $100,000 in damages, accuses the officer of acting “in conscious disregard” of her son’s safety.
Daily Bail - CNBC News - 23 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Bilionário Farber receia confisco de ouro: "deposite fora dos EUA".
Faber: "I prefer if investors hold physical gold in a safe deposit box, ideally outside the US, in various locations - Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada. I think it’s important in today’s very uncertain world to diversify, not only the various asset classes, but also the custody of your assets should be in different jurisdictions." CNBC: "Uh, so do you thus not trust US banks or US custodians? Do you think they might fail or abscond with the gold?" Laughter and smirking from CNBC. Faber: "I don’t trust anyone."
Bilionário Farber receia confisco de ouro: "deposite fora dos EUA".
Faber: "I prefer if investors hold physical gold in a safe deposit box, ideally outside the US, in various locations - Switzerland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada. I think it’s important in today’s very uncertain world to diversify, not only the various asset classes, but also the custody of your assets should be in different jurisdictions." CNBC: "Uh, so do you thus not trust US banks or US custodians? Do you think they might fail or abscond with the gold?" Laughter and smirking from CNBC. Faber: "I don’t trust anyone."
01 setembro 2011
NewsMaxTX - 31 August 2011 - clique aqui .
Bilionário Forbes admite: EUA terão que retornar ao padrão ouro após eleições 2012.
"We will return to a gold standard. It will be a modernized version of it but in essence, it'll be the basic principle that the dollar will remain constant with gold," Forbes tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. The U.S. abandoned the gold standard, which bases the value of the dollar to gold, in the Nixon administration in the early 1970s.
clique na imagem - play video.
Bilionário Forbes admite: EUA terão que retornar ao padrão ouro após eleições 2012.
"We will return to a gold standard. It will be a modernized version of it but in essence, it'll be the basic principle that the dollar will remain constant with gold," Forbes tells Newsmax.TV in an exclusive interview. The U.S. abandoned the gold standard, which bases the value of the dollar to gold, in the Nixon administration in the early 1970s.
clique na imagem - play video.
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