18 fevereiro 2012


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 17 Feb 2012 - clique aqui .
G. Celente, Trends Institute: 
"EUA 2012, campo de batalha, povo contra governo".
In 2012 America will become a battlefield of the will of the people against the will of the government, proclaims Gerald Celente, the founder of the Trends Research Institute and publisher of the Trends Journal. The Occupy Wall Street movement has gone global and that is evidence that “people a keep kind of latch on to it”. “Even though you think the American spirit is dead, the whole world kind of focuses on the US for the center of social, economic, geopolitical and cultural change,” claims Celente, who said OWS inspired people in an estimated 80 countries and 120 cities. And police brutality only brought it to the forefront. The 2012 top trend will be “Battlefield America”, Celente predicts. “It is going to be the will of the people against the will of the government,” he said.