30 março 2012


Arabian Money, MineSet, Jim Sinclair - 28 Mar 2012 - click 1 - click 2
EUA dá tiro no pé: usou sistema global SWIFT como arma contra Irã, e aí agrediu o mundo todo.
2012 is the year that the US dollar will suffer from a significant drop in utilization as the international settlement currency. The utilization of the SWIFT system as a means of making war is the singular greatest mistake dollar managers have ever made. the consequences now in motion soon to isolate the dollar in a three currency block (Yuan/Euro/Dollar) losing at least 1/2 of its previous strength from the international settlement mechanism provided. It is too late now to rethink the use of the SWIFT system as a weapon of war. The cat is out of the bag and the damage is done. By shutting Iran out of the Swift electronic money transfer system the US is declaring electronic war on Iran. The Swift system is like the old telephone company. What it does is charge for the use of its communication. Believe me the Swift system works for the West. It’s located in Belgium and you would think the US had no power on it. It’s never discussed as being a US arm, but it is a US weapon. ‘We’ve already seen that Iran has been basically shut out of the Swift system and the Swift system is what this is all about. Interfering with the dollar’s role as the currency of global trade will ultimately weaken the dollar. ‘Wall Street goes to war and the weapon is money.