YouTube VIDEO - CNBC News - clique aqui .
"Europa está em foco, ofuscando problema muito maior: os EUA". Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital.
27 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 03 Oct 2007 - clique aqui .
General W. Clark, 4 estrelas :
"Em 2001, eles planejaram invadir 7 países em 5 anos".
Wesley Clark , Oct 3 2007 at the commonwealth club of California. (San Francisco California ) . He openly says that there was a policy coup . ( Donald Rumsfeld , Paul Wolfowitz , Dick Cheney ) - Project for a New American Century . He stated that they are going to destroy the governments of 7 countries in 5 years .Countries listed below ! Iraq, Syria , Lebanon , Libya, Samolia , Sudan and Iran ( 7 countries in 5 years) . They must clean up all former soviet client regimes before the next super power comes on to challenge us.
General W. Clark, 4 estrelas :
"Em 2001, eles planejaram invadir 7 países em 5 anos".
Wesley Clark , Oct 3 2007 at the commonwealth club of California. (San Francisco California ) . He openly says that there was a policy coup . ( Donald Rumsfeld , Paul Wolfowitz , Dick Cheney ) - Project for a New American Century . He stated that they are going to destroy the governments of 7 countries in 5 years .Countries listed below ! Iraq, Syria , Lebanon , Libya, Samolia , Sudan and Iran ( 7 countries in 5 years) . They must clean up all former soviet client regimes before the next super power comes on to challenge us.
26 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 22 May 2012 - clique aqui .
M. Johnson, sem-teto, professor, mestre em Física de Plasma, em Engenharia Elétrica e Acústica.
55 year old Maurice Johnston lives in Boston, by way of Cleveland. He has a Masters Degree in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College, and a masters in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. He's worked over 10 years at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp. Maurice has taught in Science and physics, and took care of both his parents in their time of need. Maurice is very well spoken, (he sounds like Obama) and is very kind, so why is Maurice homeless ...
M. Johnson, sem-teto, professor, mestre em Física de Plasma, em Engenharia Elétrica e Acústica.
55 year old Maurice Johnston lives in Boston, by way of Cleveland. He has a Masters Degree in Plasma Physics from Dartmouth College, and a masters in Electrical Engineering and acoustics from Purdue University. He's worked over 10 years at Lockheed Aerospace & Aerodyne Research Corp. Maurice has taught in Science and physics, and took care of both his parents in their time of need. Maurice is very well spoken, (he sounds like Obama) and is very kind, so why is Maurice homeless ...
EUA: desempregados são 100 milhões, não 12 como diz governo.
TV e Imprensa abafam. Traidores.
Of course that is a bunch of nonsense, but that is what the Obama administration would have us believe. The truth is that the percentage of working age Americans that are employed is just about the same right now as it was two years ago. It was incredibly difficult to get a job back then and it is incredibly difficult to get a job right now. So don’t believe the hype that things are getting much better. If you still do have a good job, you might want to hold on to it tightly, because there is not much hope that things are going to improve significantly any time soon. But if you dig deeper into the numbers you quickly see that this is not true. A lot of those workers that were formerly classified as “unemployed” have now been moved into the “not in labor force” category. Since the start of the last recession, the number of Americans not in the labor force has risen by more than 8 million according to the Obama administration. The total number of working age Americans not in the labor force now stands at 87,897,000….
So when you add 12,673,000 and 87,897,000, you get a total of 100,570,000 working age Americans that do not have jobs. Yes, there are certainly millions upon millions of working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not wantjobs. But you have to be delusional to believe that there are nearly 88 million working age Americans that do not have jobs and that do not want jobs.
25 maio 2012
Business Insider - 24 May 2012 - clique aqui .
Peter Schiff: "o pior ainda está por vir, sistema todo vai entrar em colapso".
While we experienced a devastating crash in 2009, it was just a preview for the catastrophe that's coming next, says perma-bear Peter Schiff. The real crash will come from the "government's phony cure" for the economic troubles that have swept our nation, Schiff details in his new book The Real Crash: How To Save Yourself And Your Country.
Peter Schiff: "o pior ainda está por vir, sistema todo vai entrar em colapso".
While we experienced a devastating crash in 2009, it was just a preview for the catastrophe that's coming next, says perma-bear Peter Schiff. The real crash will come from the "government's phony cure" for the economic troubles that have swept our nation, Schiff details in his new book The Real Crash: How To Save Yourself And Your Country.
YouTube VIDEO - 26 Apr 2011 - clique aqui .
Parlamento Europeu advertido durante anos : "Euro arrastará milhões à miséria". Nigel Farage.
A collage of speeches by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels as Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD). Excerpts relate to the euro currency crisis leading up to the bailouts of Greece (May 2010), Ireland (November 2010) and Portugal (April 2011).
Parlamento Europeu advertido durante anos : "Euro arrastará milhões à miséria". Nigel Farage.
A collage of speeches by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage MEP in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels as Co-President of the Europe of Freedom and Democracy Group (EFD). Excerpts relate to the euro currency crisis leading up to the bailouts of Greece (May 2010), Ireland (November 2010) and Portugal (April 2011).
23 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 02 Jun 2010 - clique aqui .
EUA, Senado: leis aprovadas em segredo são 94%. E passam sem debate, sem nome do autor.
EUA, Senado: leis aprovadas em segredo são 94%. E passam sem debate, sem nome do autor.
19 maio 2012
Agência UPI - R.T. News - 17 May 2012 - clique aqui .
DE NOVO: Rússia adverte que reagirá com armas nucleares.
Já foram 5 vezes em 2 anos.
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, May 17 (UPI) -- Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned Thursday military intervention in the affairs of sovereign states could lead to war, even nuclear war. The Russian prime minister alluded to the situations in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East, telling a legal forum in St. Petersburg the right of nations to choose their own path of development is a universal value, RIA Novosti reported. "The introduction of all sorts of collective sanctions bypassing international institutions does not improve the situation in the world while reckless military operations in foreign states usually end up with radicals coming to power," Medvedev said. "At some point such actions, which undermine state sovereignty, may well end in a full-blown regional war" and "even the use of nuclear weapons," he warned.
DE NOVO: Rússia adverte que reagirá com armas nucleares.
Já foram 5 vezes em 2 anos.

14 maio 2012
There Are No Sunglasses, Web Blog - 13 May 2012 - clique aqui .
"Ocidente decadente, é arrastar Rússia à guerra. Tomar recursos naturais, ou não sobrevive".
The top secret part of the big war agenda is the rebuilding of the global colonial system. the Western economic system is sustainable only as long as it can draw additional resources from the outside. It’s stability takes the existence of a subordinate periphery supplying the world system core at affordable costs. The world subject to a new wave of colonization will see a sweeping re-codification of the international law and a full scale-demise of its former Yalta-Potsdam framework. The transformation will include a definitive departure from the underlying principles of the UN charter, the elimination, on an institutional level, of the permanent UN Security Council membership, and radical adjustments to the notion that sovereign countries should be treated as equal partners in international politics. In a not-so-distant future, occupation and colonization – if perpetrated in the confines of “recognized” spheres of influence – will be legitimized as substitutes for self-determination and sovereign nations’ rights to stay insulated from meddling. The West is already restoring the two-level format of the international relations which allows complete sovereignty exclusively to the countries belonging to the world system core and leaving the periphery with strictly the amount of decision-making freedom transnational corporations can painlessly tolerate. Zbiegnew Brzezinski expressed with utmost clarity the view that the pillars of the new (colonial) order should be the Greater West (the US and the EU) and the Greater East (Japan, India, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia), meaning that no role is awarded to Russia in the future global politics. The group of Western heavyweights is bracing for new crusades which have always been economically motivated, and the world’s regions supplying commodities will imminently come under military pressure. At the moment, the West cannot coexist with countries combining ownership of extensive natural resources with geopolitical might.
Tomar a fabulosa Sibéria. click aqui .
Moscow should, in the meantime, keep in mind that it is destined to be the next target after Tehran as the same Brzezinski said that in the XXI century the US would develop against Russia, at the expense of Russia, and on the ruins of Russia. Among other objectives, the big war planners obviously hope to prevent the rise of the Eurasian Union. It is clear that their global design implies distributing the resources contained in the post-Soviet space among the Great West and the Great East, and the point of the current projects like Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals is to integrate Russia into the Western world while amputating its Siberian part.
"Ocidente decadente, é arrastar Rússia à guerra. Tomar recursos naturais, ou não sobrevive".
The top secret part of the big war agenda is the rebuilding of the global colonial system. the Western economic system is sustainable only as long as it can draw additional resources from the outside. It’s stability takes the existence of a subordinate periphery supplying the world system core at affordable costs. The world subject to a new wave of colonization will see a sweeping re-codification of the international law and a full scale-demise of its former Yalta-Potsdam framework. The transformation will include a definitive departure from the underlying principles of the UN charter, the elimination, on an institutional level, of the permanent UN Security Council membership, and radical adjustments to the notion that sovereign countries should be treated as equal partners in international politics. In a not-so-distant future, occupation and colonization – if perpetrated in the confines of “recognized” spheres of influence – will be legitimized as substitutes for self-determination and sovereign nations’ rights to stay insulated from meddling. The West is already restoring the two-level format of the international relations which allows complete sovereignty exclusively to the countries belonging to the world system core and leaving the periphery with strictly the amount of decision-making freedom transnational corporations can painlessly tolerate. Zbiegnew Brzezinski expressed with utmost clarity the view that the pillars of the new (colonial) order should be the Greater West (the US and the EU) and the Greater East (Japan, India, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia), meaning that no role is awarded to Russia in the future global politics. The group of Western heavyweights is bracing for new crusades which have always been economically motivated, and the world’s regions supplying commodities will imminently come under military pressure. At the moment, the West cannot coexist with countries combining ownership of extensive natural resources with geopolitical might.
Tomar a fabulosa Sibéria. click aqui .
Moscow should, in the meantime, keep in mind that it is destined to be the next target after Tehran as the same Brzezinski said that in the XXI century the US would develop against Russia, at the expense of Russia, and on the ruins of Russia. Among other objectives, the big war planners obviously hope to prevent the rise of the Eurasian Union. It is clear that their global design implies distributing the resources contained in the post-Soviet space among the Great West and the Great East, and the point of the current projects like Europe from the Atlantic Ocean to the Urals is to integrate Russia into the Western world while amputating its Siberian part.
13 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - RT News - click - 10 May 2012.
Eurásia unida recusa estrangular Irã: Turquia e Índia compram ainda mais petróleo iraniano.
Eurásia unida recusa estrangular Irã: Turquia e Índia compram ainda mais petróleo iraniano.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News, John Hartmann - 11 May 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA, paranóia cresce: bota até bebezinhos na lista de terrorismo. Ryhanna, tem só 18 meses.
EUA, paranóia cresce: bota até bebezinhos na lista de terrorismo. Ryhanna, tem só 18 meses.
YouTube VIDEO - 10 Aug 2009 - clique aqui .
EUA, campos de concentracão: preparativos finais, contratando funcionários, cria imagem "soft".
So that's not a normal Prison Guard . Look at Job Advertisement:
- "Job Title As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs".
EUA, campos de concentracão: preparativos finais, contratando funcionários, cria imagem "soft".
So that's not a normal Prison Guard . Look at Job Advertisement:
- "Job Title As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs".
12 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 06 Apr 2012 - click aqui.
EUA, ex-soldados: "Se preparem para guerra de guerrilha contra seu próprio governo".
The Last Gasps of the New World Order. Detention camps, drones, hollow point bullets ... in America!! Mark Dankof and James Fetzer warn that the American people need to wake up to stop the nightmare... before it's too late.
EUA, ex-soldados: "Se preparem para guerra de guerrilha contra seu próprio governo".
The Last Gasps of the New World Order. Detention camps, drones, hollow point bullets ... in America!! Mark Dankof and James Fetzer warn that the American people need to wake up to stop the nightmare... before it's too late.
YouTube VIDEO - 09 May 2012 - click 1 - click 2
EUA: polícia espanca jovem sem-teto até matar. Grita desesperado, implora por sua vida. É brutal.
(FULLERTON, CA) - The video below shows police beating a homeless man to death. It is very hard to watch, however you should, to understand what your country and the state of California have come to.
EUA: polícia espanca jovem sem-teto até matar. Grita desesperado, implora por sua vida. É brutal.
(FULLERTON, CA) - The video below shows police beating a homeless man to death. It is very hard to watch, however you should, to understand what your country and the state of California have come to.
06 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - MSNBC News, Dylan Ratigan Show - 06 May 2012 clik
Bilionário Jim Rogers:
"Depressão quase começando".
Bilionário Jim Rogers:
"Depressão quase começando".
The Gold Report - Interview David Stockman - clique aqui .
"Federal Reserve paralizado, nos seus dias finais, refém de Wall Street. Está tudo piorando".
"Federal Reserve paralizado, nos seus dias finais, refém de Wall Street. Está tudo piorando".
A "paralyzed" Federal Reserve Bank, in its "final days," held hostage by Wall Street "robots" trading in markets that are "artificially medicated" are just a few of the bleak observations shared by David Stockman, former Republican U.S. Congressman and director of the Office of Management and Budget. He is also a founding partner of Heartland Industrial Partners and the author of The Triumph of Politics: Why Reagan's Revolution Failed and the soon-to-be released The Great Deformation: How Crony Capitalism Corrupts Free Markets and Democracy.
Quantitative easing is making it worse by facilitating more public-sector borrowing and preventing debt liquidation in the private sector—both erroneous steps in my view. The federal government is not getting its financial house in order. We are on the edge of a crisis in the bond markets. It has already happened in Europe and will be coming to our neighborhood soon. Capital markets are at the heart of capitalism and they are not working. Savers are being crushed when we desperately need savings. The federal government is borrowing when it is broke.
Wall Street is arbitraging the Fed's monetary policy by borrowing overnight money at 10 basis points and investing it in 10-year treasuries at a yield of 200 basis points, capturing the profit and laughing all the way to the bank.
The Fed has become a captive of the traders and robots on Wall Street. Because of Fed management and interest-rate pegging, the market is artificially medicated. All of the rates and spreads are unreal. The yield curve is not market driven. Supply and demand for savings and investment, future inflation risk discounts by investors—none of these free market forces matter. The price of money is dictated by the Fed, and Wall Street merely attempts to front-run its next move.
As long as the hedge fund traders and fast-money boys believe the Fed can keep everything pegged, we may limp along. The minute they lose confidence, they will unwind their trades. On the margin, nobody owns the Treasury bond; you rent it. Trillions of treasury paper is funded on repo: You buy $100 million (M) in Treasuries and immediately put them up as collateral for overnight borrowings of $98M. Traders can capture the spread as long as the price of the bond is stable or rising, as it has been for the last year or two. If the bond drops 2%, the spread has been wiped out. If that happens, the massive repo structures—that is, debt owned by still more debt—will start to unwind and create a panic in the Treasury market. People will realize the emperor is naked.
Wall Street is arbitraging the Fed's monetary policy by borrowing overnight money at 10 basis points and investing it in 10-year treasuries at a yield of 200 basis points, capturing the profit and laughing all the way to the bank.
The Fed has become a captive of the traders and robots on Wall Street. Because of Fed management and interest-rate pegging, the market is artificially medicated. All of the rates and spreads are unreal. The yield curve is not market driven. Supply and demand for savings and investment, future inflation risk discounts by investors—none of these free market forces matter. The price of money is dictated by the Fed, and Wall Street merely attempts to front-run its next move.
As long as the hedge fund traders and fast-money boys believe the Fed can keep everything pegged, we may limp along. The minute they lose confidence, they will unwind their trades. On the margin, nobody owns the Treasury bond; you rent it. Trillions of treasury paper is funded on repo: You buy $100 million (M) in Treasuries and immediately put them up as collateral for overnight borrowings of $98M. Traders can capture the spread as long as the price of the bond is stable or rising, as it has been for the last year or two. If the bond drops 2%, the spread has been wiped out. If that happens, the massive repo structures—that is, debt owned by still more debt—will start to unwind and create a panic in the Treasury market. People will realize the emperor is naked.
The Burning Platform - 30 mar 2012 - click aqui
Os 10 motivos: O fim do reinado do Dólar como moeda de reserva global. Colapso dos EUA virá.
Os 10 motivos: O fim do reinado do Dólar como moeda de reserva global. Colapso dos EUA virá.
The U.S. dollar has probably been the closest thing to a true global currency that the world has ever seen. For decades, the use of the U.S. dollar has been absolutely dominant in international trade. This has had tremendous benefits for the U.S. financial system and for U.S. consumers, and it has given the U.S. government tremendous power and influence around the globe. Today, more than 60 percent of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars. But there are big changes on the horizon. The mainstream media in the United States has been strangely silent about this, but some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade. There are also some oil producing nations which have begun selling oil in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, which is a major threat to the petrodollar system which has been in place for nearly four decades. And big international institutions such as the UN and the IMF have even been issuing official reports about the need to move away form the U.S. dollar and toward a new global reserve currency. So the reign of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency is definitely being threatened, and the coming shift in international trade is going to have massive implications for the U.S. economy.
#1 China And Japan Are Dumping U.S. Dollar In Bilateral Trade
#2 BRICS To Use Their Currencies to Trade With Each Other
#3 The Russia/China Currency Agreement
#4 The Growing Use Of Chinese Currency In Africa
#5 The China/United Arab Emirates Deal
#6 Iran trading oil in euros
#7 The China/Saudi Arabia Relationship
#8 U.N.O. Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency
#9 IMF Pushing For A New World Reserve Currency
#10 The Rest Of The World Hates The United States
YouTube VIDEO - Bloomberg News - 30 Apr May 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3
DEBATE HISTÓRICO: "Ouro é de 100 anos atrás? Ora, desvalorizar é de 2 mil anos atrás. E é roubo."
Escola Austríaca x Escola Kenesiana, a batalha dos ícones :
Ron Paul detona Paul Krugman, Premio Nobel.
The practice of currency devaluation extends backward twelve centuries to the Byzantine empire; we have 1,200 years on record as empirical data indicating the primitivity of Krugman's economic practices. Currency devaluation was an integral component of destitution of Rome's plebians, which weakened the empire's ability to financially resist the onslaughts of the Visigoths.
Versão completa - 27 minutos.
The Byzantine Empire had a gold standard for a thousand years and they did quite well and they didn't fight wars. But the Roman Empire eventually destroyed their currency. They put in wage and price controls before they diluted the metals. They inflated.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution. Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve's inflationary measures. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending and regulation.
Análise do debate:
"cortar gastos de governo é o remédio, Ron Paul venceu".
click aqui - Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Prof. Paul Krugman debated the Federal Reserve and monetary policy. Who won the battle over spending and central banking? Find out as Tim Cavanaugh of and Terry Jones join Allen Barton to discuss Paul v. Paul.
DEBATE HISTÓRICO: "Ouro é de 100 anos atrás? Ora, desvalorizar é de 2 mil anos atrás. E é roubo."
Escola Austríaca x Escola Kenesiana, a batalha dos ícones :
Ron Paul detona Paul Krugman, Premio Nobel.
The practice of currency devaluation extends backward twelve centuries to the Byzantine empire; we have 1,200 years on record as empirical data indicating the primitivity of Krugman's economic practices. Currency devaluation was an integral component of destitution of Rome's plebians, which weakened the empire's ability to financially resist the onslaughts of the Visigoths.
Versão completa - 27 minutos.
The Byzantine Empire had a gold standard for a thousand years and they did quite well and they didn't fight wars. But the Roman Empire eventually destroyed their currency. They put in wage and price controls before they diluted the metals. They inflated.
Ron Paul is the only candidate who predicted and warned against the economic crisis, who understood and explained the reasons for it, and who offers a viable solution. Ron Paul is the only candidate who really means it when he says he wants to bring our troops home and scale down our unsustainable and unreasonable empire. As a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, Dr. Paul tirelessly works for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve's inflationary measures. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending and regulation.
Análise do debate:
"cortar gastos de governo é o remédio, Ron Paul venceu".
click aqui - Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) and Prof. Paul Krugman debated the Federal Reserve and monetary policy. Who won the battle over spending and central banking? Find out as Tim Cavanaugh of and Terry Jones join Allen Barton to discuss Paul v. Paul.
05 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 06 Oct 2008 - clique aqui .
EUA prepara campos: prisões em massa. Doutrinar manifestantes políticos, virar apoiadores.
A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains numerous clear references to the fact that the policies do apply domestically to U.S. citizens.
EUA prepara campos: prisões em massa. Doutrinar manifestantes políticos, virar apoiadores.
A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how political activists in prison camps will be indoctrinated by specially assigned psychological operations officers contains numerous clear references to the fact that the policies do apply domestically to U.S. citizens.
CNN Money - 04 May 2012 - clique aqui.
Desemprego esmaga EUA: 45% de 207 milhões de trabalhadores.
O governo 'esconde' 82 milhões.
The unofficially unemployed : Last year there were 86 million people who didn't have a job and weren't consistently looking for one, according to Labor Department data. the US has admitted there are 82 million "invisible" unemployed in the US (only they did not stay invisible as the government hoped because the alternative media kept pointing them out). The US government admits to there being 12.5 million "visible" unemployed, which together with the invisible means 94.5 million Americans are available to work but do not have a job. Total US population is 330 million. But 24% of those are young people not eligible to work. And 13 percent are retired. So the total population of available workers in the United States is 100% - (24% + 13%) = 63% of 330 million people, or 207 million workers. And with 94.5 million workers not working, the true jobless rate in the US right now is 45%, not the 8% the media keeps propagandizing you about.
Desemprego esmaga EUA: 45% de 207 milhões de trabalhadores.
O governo 'esconde' 82 milhões.
The unofficially unemployed : Last year there were 86 million people who didn't have a job and weren't consistently looking for one, according to Labor Department data. the US has admitted there are 82 million "invisible" unemployed in the US (only they did not stay invisible as the government hoped because the alternative media kept pointing them out). The US government admits to there being 12.5 million "visible" unemployed, which together with the invisible means 94.5 million Americans are available to work but do not have a job. Total US population is 330 million. But 24% of those are young people not eligible to work. And 13 percent are retired. So the total population of available workers in the United States is 100% - (24% + 13%) = 63% of 330 million people, or 207 million workers. And with 94.5 million workers not working, the true jobless rate in the US right now is 45%, not the 8% the media keeps propagandizing you about.
YouTube VIDEO - 13 Sep 2009 - clique aqui .
Essência da indústria bancária: "financiar guerra, e escravizar o país à dívida dela resultante ".
Of course, it is all paper debts and make-believe obligations. The money owed to the bankers by the government never existed in the first place. It’s just part of the scam by which the bankers enslave the world, which is the real essence of banking; to hold nations and people perpetually in debt-servitude or indentured service, with the government bribed to not take action to ameliorate the situation! “This is the very essence of the banking industry; to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt!”
Essência da indústria bancária: "financiar guerra, e escravizar o país à dívida dela resultante ".
Of course, it is all paper debts and make-believe obligations. The money owed to the bankers by the government never existed in the first place. It’s just part of the scam by which the bankers enslave the world, which is the real essence of banking; to hold nations and people perpetually in debt-servitude or indentured service, with the government bribed to not take action to ameliorate the situation! “This is the very essence of the banking industry; to make us all, whether we be nations or individuals, slaves to debt!”
YouTube VIDEO - 09 Nov 2012 - clique aqui .
Greenspan sobre os bancos:
"fizeram fraudes criminosas".
Corrupção institucionalizada.
Greenspan sobre os bancos:
"fizeram fraudes criminosas".
Corrupção institucionalizada.
YouTube VIDEO - 1976 - click 1 - click 2
1976: TV domina os povos.
Formata a percepção de realidade. Controla as mentes.
A movie made 30 years ago that perfectly describes the situation today about television, news, and the main stream media. It resonates louder and sounds truer today that it did when the movie was made.
1976: TV domina os povos.
Formata a percepção de realidade. Controla as mentes.
A movie made 30 years ago that perfectly describes the situation today about television, news, and the main stream media. It resonates louder and sounds truer today that it did when the movie was made.
YouTube VIDEO - CBS Documentary - 60 Minutes - 06 Mar 2012 - clique aqui .
Fukushima continuará a vazar. Contaminará toda a Terra.
E durante séculos e séculos.
Fukushima continuará a vazar. Contaminará toda a Terra.
E durante séculos e séculos.
YouTube VIDEO - 01 Apr 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA, Estado Policial.
Começa a reação popular.
NEW RON PAUL AD DESTROYS THE ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT and flushes the remaining pieces down the toilet! The new world order is at the door, what are you going to do about it?
EUA, Estado Policial.
Começa a reação popular.
NEW RON PAUL AD DESTROYS THE ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT and flushes the remaining pieces down the toilet! The new world order is at the door, what are you going to do about it?
YouTube VIDEO - BBC Documentary - clique aqui. - 13 Feb 2012.
Fome no país mais rico da Terra.
With one and a half million (1.5 million) American children now homeless, reporter Hilary Andersson meets the school pupils who go hungry in the richest country on Earth. From those living in the storm drains under Las Vegas to the tent cities now springing up around the United States, P a n o r a m a finds out how the poor are surviving in America and asks whatever happened to the supposed 'government' and the Real People in charge - those who you 'don't see' pulling on the strings; and their vision and welfare for the country.
Fome no país mais rico da Terra.
With one and a half million (1.5 million) American children now homeless, reporter Hilary Andersson meets the school pupils who go hungry in the richest country on Earth. From those living in the storm drains under Las Vegas to the tent cities now springing up around the United States, P a n o r a m a finds out how the poor are surviving in America and asks whatever happened to the supposed 'government' and the Real People in charge - those who you 'don't see' pulling on the strings; and their vision and welfare for the country.
YouTube VIDEO - clik 1 - Political Velcraft - clik 2 - 23 Apr 2012
Estados atacam leis tirânicas de detenção: prenderão agentes federais, em acusação de rapto.
State and local resistance to the detention provisions contained in the National Defense Authorization Act continues to grow, rapidly emerging as a nationwide movement. The Tennessee legislature will consider HB1629 and SB2669 in the 2012 session. The legislation would effectively nullify the detention provisions in the NDAA and would also require federal agents making an arrest in the Volunteer State for any reason to first obtain written permission from the county sheriff. This bill declares that any federal law purporting to require local or state law enforcement agencies to act at the direction of the federal government or the United States military is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state and is declared to be invalid in this state. This bill further declares that any federal law purporting to give federal agents or employees, including any members of the United States military, the authority of any state or local law enforcement agency of this state, without the express permission of this state, is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state, and is declared to be invalid in this state. The act takes aim at indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA.
Tenth Amendment Center communications director Mike Maharrey called language in the NDAA vague and overbroad, pointing out that Americans should never simply trust in the good intentions and moral clarity of the president or federal judges to protect their rights. “It falls on the states to step in and protect their citizens,” he said. “I can’t imagine a more clear-cut application of state and local interposition as a check on federal power. What could be a more palpable, deliberate and dangerous unconstitutional act than the federal government indefinitely detaining an American citizen without due process?”
Estados atacam leis tirânicas de detenção: prenderão agentes federais, em acusação de rapto.
State and local resistance to the detention provisions contained in the National Defense Authorization Act continues to grow, rapidly emerging as a nationwide movement. The Tennessee legislature will consider HB1629 and SB2669 in the 2012 session. The legislation would effectively nullify the detention provisions in the NDAA and would also require federal agents making an arrest in the Volunteer State for any reason to first obtain written permission from the county sheriff. This bill declares that any federal law purporting to require local or state law enforcement agencies to act at the direction of the federal government or the United States military is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state and is declared to be invalid in this state. This bill further declares that any federal law purporting to give federal agents or employees, including any members of the United States military, the authority of any state or local law enforcement agency of this state, without the express permission of this state, is beyond the authority granted to the federal government pursuant to the United States Constitution, is not recognized by this state, is specifically rejected by this state, and is declared to be invalid in this state. The act takes aim at indefinite detention provisions in the NDAA.
Tenth Amendment Center communications director Mike Maharrey called language in the NDAA vague and overbroad, pointing out that Americans should never simply trust in the good intentions and moral clarity of the president or federal judges to protect their rights. “It falls on the states to step in and protect their citizens,” he said. “I can’t imagine a more clear-cut application of state and local interposition as a check on federal power. What could be a more palpable, deliberate and dangerous unconstitutional act than the federal government indefinitely detaining an American citizen without due process?”
BEACON Equity Resources clik 1 Before It's News clik 2 03 May 2012
EUA espera maciça guerra civil. Intensa movimentação de tropas. Povo é fortemente armado.
EUA espera maciça guerra civil. Intensa movimentação de tropas. Povo é fortemente armado.
In a riveting interview on TruNews Radio, Wednesday, private investigator Doug Hagmann said high-level, reliable sources told him the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is preparing for “massive civil war” in America. “We have problems . . . The federal government is preparing for civil uprising,” he added, “so every time you hear about troop movements, every time you hear about movements of military equipment, the militarization of the police, the buying of the ammunition, all of this is . . . they (DHS) are preparing for a massive uprising.” Hagmann goes on to say that his sources tell him the concerns of the DHS stem from a collapse of the U.S. dollar and the hyperinflation a collapse in the value of the world’s primary reserve currency implies to a nation of 311 million Americans, who, for the significant portion of the population, is armed. Uprisings in Greece is, indeed, a problem, but an uprising of armed Americans becomes a matter of serious national security, a point addressed in a recent report by the Pentagon and highlighted as a vulnerability and threat to the U.S. during war-game exercises at the Department of Defense last year, according to one of the DoD’s war-game participants, Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis. Through his sources, Hagmann confirmed Rickards’ ongoing thesis of a fear of a U.S. dollar collapse at the hands of the Chinese (U.S. treasury bond holders of approximately $1 trillion) and, possibly, the Russians (threatening to launch a gold-backed ruble as an attractive alternative to the U.S. dollar) in retaliation for aggressive U.S. foreign policy initiatives against China’s and Russia’s strategic allies Iran and Syria. “The one source that we have I’ve known since 1979,” Hagmann continued. “He started out as a patrol officer and currently he is now working for a federal agency under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security; he’s in a position to know what policies are being initiated, what policies are being planned at this point, and he’s telling us right now—look, what you’re seeing is just the tip of the iceberg. We are preparing, we, meaning the government, we are preparing for a massive civil war in this country.” “There’s no hyperbole here,” he added, echoing Trends Research Institute’s Founder Gerald Celente’s forecast of last year. Celente expects a collapse of the U.S. dollar and riots in America some time this year.
03 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 03 May 2012 - clique aqui .
Rússia anuncia: prepara mais mísseis para se defender de aproximação de mísseis dos EUA.
As Washington continues to reject Russia's offer of cooperation on a European missile defense system, Moscow, which continues to push for a diplomatic solution to the standoff, has vowed to beef up defenses. To talk more on the Russia and America's dialogue on missile defence is the Paris-based political analyst - John Laughland.
Rússia anuncia: prepara mais mísseis para se defender de aproximação de mísseis dos EUA.
As Washington continues to reject Russia's offer of cooperation on a European missile defense system, Moscow, which continues to push for a diplomatic solution to the standoff, has vowed to beef up defenses. To talk more on the Russia and America's dialogue on missile defence is the Paris-based political analyst - John Laughland.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 03 May 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA continua a cercar Rússia e China com mísseis, alegando ser devido a Irã.
The US isn't ruling out giving Moscow legal-binding guarantees that its missile defence shield won't be directed against Russia, but says a cooperation agreement should be signed first. RT talks to Bruce Gagnon from the 'Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space' think tank in the U.S.
EUA continua a cercar Rússia e China com mísseis, alegando ser devido a Irã.
The US isn't ruling out giving Moscow legal-binding guarantees that its missile defence shield won't be directed against Russia, but says a cooperation agreement should be signed first. RT talks to Bruce Gagnon from the 'Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space' think tank in the U.S.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News TV - 03 May 2012 - clique aqui .
Não permitirá EUA cercá-la de mísseis: vai destruí-los antes.
Russia warns it could make a pre-emptive strike against NATO's anti-missile defense shield planned for Europe - if the US persists in going ahead, ignoring the Kremlin's opposition. Moscow says the system threatens its national security - and is detailing its concerns at an international conference in the Russian capital - with representatives from over 50 nations.
Não permitirá EUA cercá-la de mísseis: vai destruí-los antes.
Russia warns it could make a pre-emptive strike against NATO's anti-missile defense shield planned for Europe - if the US persists in going ahead, ignoring the Kremlin's opposition. Moscow says the system threatens its national security - and is detailing its concerns at an international conference in the Russian capital - with representatives from over 50 nations.
01 maio 2012
YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - clique aqui .
EUA: protestar pode dar 10 anos de prisão. Obama assinou lei na calada da noite, Ano Novo.
EUA: protestar pode dar 10 anos de prisão. Obama assinou lei na calada da noite, Ano Novo.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 30 Apr 2012 - clique aqui .
"Poder corporativo sem controle é predatório, e faz a globalizacão entrar em colapso".
America sees the' looting' of the US Treasury, and the money given to a Wall Street 'criminal class', journalist Chris Hedges told RT. He adds that ordinary people are caught in the vice of unregulated corporate capitalism -- with no escape.
"Poder corporativo sem controle é predatório, e faz a globalizacão entrar em colapso".
America sees the' looting' of the US Treasury, and the money given to a Wall Street 'criminal class', journalist Chris Hedges told RT. He adds that ordinary people are caught in the vice of unregulated corporate capitalism -- with no escape.
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