YouTube VIDEO - American Dream - click 1 - click 2
EUA, arrastões, gangs de saques: agora são parte do cotidiano.
Once upon a time, most Americans had never even heard of "flash mob robberies" or "organized looting". Now they are considered to be a part of normal life in America. Flash mob crimes have become so common in Chicago that they take public opinion polls about them. But when I first started writing about this phenomenon a couple of years ago, hardly anyone knew what "mob robberies" were. In fact, I had to explain what these "flash mobs" were doing to a couple of radio hosts because they had never heard of such a thing. But now everybody knows about the flash mobs. Another disturbing trend that we are seeing all over America is "organized looting". Groups of desperate criminals are going into empty or abandoned buildings and stripping out copper wire, copper pipes and anything else that they can sell for money. At one time these kinds of thefts made the news, but now they have also become so common that they don't get much notice anymore.
31 julho 2012
29 julho 2012
Times of Israel - 01 Jul 2012 - clique aqui.
"Admitam: nós controlamos a imprensa americana",
clama a imprensa israelense.
"Admitam: nós controlamos a imprensa americana",
clama a imprensa israelense.
Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.
28 julho 2012
New York Times - 15 Jul 2012 - click 1 - click 2.
CHOCANTE: "Imprensa permite governo censurar seu noticiário" diz Wall Street Journal.
''In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for "quote approval" before they will be published. ''
CHOCANTE: "Imprensa permite governo censurar seu noticiário" diz Wall Street Journal.
''In one of the most shocking articles that the New York Times has ever put out, a New York Times reporter has openly admitted that virtually every major mainstream news organization allows government bureaucrats and campaign officials to censor their stories. For example, almost every major news organization in the country has agreed to submit virtually all quotes from anyone involved in the Obama campaign or the Romney campaign to gatekeepers for "quote approval" before they will be published. ''
clique aqui . NEW YORK TIMES:
The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative. They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name. Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review. The verdict from the campaign — an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script — is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message.
The quotations come back redacted, stripped of colorful metaphors, colloquial language and anything even mildly provocative. They are sent by e-mail from the Obama headquarters in Chicago to reporters who have interviewed campaign officials under one major condition: the press office has veto power over what statements can be quoted and attributed by name. Most reporters, desperate to pick the brains of the president’s top strategists, grudgingly agree. After the interviews, they review their notes, check their tape recorders and send in the juiciest sound bites for review. The verdict from the campaign — an operation that prides itself on staying consistently on script — is often no, Barack Obama does not approve this message.
YouTube VIDEO - 09 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
Povos acordando por toda a Terra contra imprensa manipuladora. Manifestação gigante no México.
Tens of thousands of protesters marched in Mexico City on Saturday to protest against Enrique Peña Nieto's apparent win in the country's presidential election, accusing his party of buying votes and paying TV networks for support. Demonstrators were angered by allegations that Peña Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary party (PRI) gave out groceries, pre-paid gift cards and other goods to voters before the national elections on 1 July. Students, unionists and leftists in Mexico City carried signs reading: "Peña, how much did it cost to become president?" and "Mexico, you pawned your future for 500 pesos." Officials estimated about 50,000 demonstrators gathered at the central Zocalo plaza. "The fraud was carried out before (the election), buying votes, tricking the people," said Gabriel Petatan Garcia, a geography student who carried a sign in Finnish. Protesters also carried signs in English, Japanese, French, German and other languages to call the attention of the international press.
Povos acordando por toda a Terra contra imprensa manipuladora. Manifestação gigante no México.
Tens of thousands of protesters marched in Mexico City on Saturday to protest against Enrique Peña Nieto's apparent win in the country's presidential election, accusing his party of buying votes and paying TV networks for support. Demonstrators were angered by allegations that Peña Nieto's Institutional Revolutionary party (PRI) gave out groceries, pre-paid gift cards and other goods to voters before the national elections on 1 July. Students, unionists and leftists in Mexico City carried signs reading: "Peña, how much did it cost to become president?" and "Mexico, you pawned your future for 500 pesos." Officials estimated about 50,000 demonstrators gathered at the central Zocalo plaza. "The fraud was carried out before (the election), buying votes, tricking the people," said Gabriel Petatan Garcia, a geography student who carried a sign in Finnish. Protesters also carried signs in English, Japanese, French, German and other languages to call the attention of the international press.
Takbeer and Musalsal Zaid Ha - 14 Jul 2012 - clique aqui.
HIPOCRISIA GLOBAL: imprensa sinistra esconde massacre de 20 mil muçulmanos em Burma.
HIPOCRISIA GLOBAL: imprensa sinistra esconde massacre de 20 mil muçulmanos em Burma.
In Burma, massacre of Muslims is being done ruthlessly and the world is silent. Do you not hear the deafening silence of the UN, so called world community and the snakes of SAFMA??? Would you believe that this genocide where over 20,000 M uslims have already been butchered, burnt, raped, drowned and murdered and nearly 100,000 thousand forced to leave their homes, has been triggered by a FALSE NEWS report released by a journalist! This is the sinister power of media that we are so familiar in Pakistan also. Today, the world is silent on this Genocide. By Allah, we hold Burmese government responsible for this atrocity. Bangladesh has refused to allow these poorest Muslim refugees to enter the country. We ask Bangladeshis to raise their voice and help these brothers and sisters in faith. If you cannot help your brothers and sisters, at least recite fatiha for them!
Economic Watch - 27 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA: "recuperacão econômica é lorota. E vai piorar ainda mais", diz Nouriel Roubini.
Though many optimists now believe that a combination of lower oil prices, rising auto sales, recovering house prices, and a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing can refuel America’s economic recovery, the reality is the opposite: For five key reasons, the U.S.’s economic growth will slow further in the second half of 2012 and be even lower in 2013 – close to stall speed. NEW YORK – While the risk of a disorderly crisis in the eurozone is well recognized, a more sanguine view of the United States has prevailed. For the last three years, the consensus has been that the U.S. economy was on the verge of a robust and self-sustaining recovery that would restore above-potential growth.
That turned out to be wrong, as a painful process of balance-sheet deleveraging – reflecting excessive private-sector debt, and then its carryover to the public sector – implies that the recovery will remain, at best, below-trend for many years to come. Even this year, the consensus got it wrong, expecting a recovery to above-trend annual GDP growth – faster than 3 percent. But the first-half growth rate looks set to come in closer to 1.5 percent at best, even below 2011’s dismal 1.7 percent. And now, after getting the first half of 2012 wrong, many are repeating the fairy tale that a combination of lower oil prices, rising auto sales, recovering house prices, and a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing will boost growth in the second half of the year and fuel above-potential growth by 2013.
Though many optimists now believe that a combination of lower oil prices, rising auto sales, recovering house prices, and a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing can refuel America’s economic recovery, the reality is the opposite: For five key reasons, the U.S.’s economic growth will slow further in the second half of 2012 and be even lower in 2013 – close to stall speed. NEW YORK – While the risk of a disorderly crisis in the eurozone is well recognized, a more sanguine view of the United States has prevailed. For the last three years, the consensus has been that the U.S. economy was on the verge of a robust and self-sustaining recovery that would restore above-potential growth.
That turned out to be wrong, as a painful process of balance-sheet deleveraging – reflecting excessive private-sector debt, and then its carryover to the public sector – implies that the recovery will remain, at best, below-trend for many years to come. Even this year, the consensus got it wrong, expecting a recovery to above-trend annual GDP growth – faster than 3 percent. But the first-half growth rate looks set to come in closer to 1.5 percent at best, even below 2011’s dismal 1.7 percent. And now, after getting the first half of 2012 wrong, many are repeating the fairy tale that a combination of lower oil prices, rising auto sales, recovering house prices, and a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing will boost growth in the second half of the year and fuel above-potential growth by 2013.
25 julho 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 26 May 2011 - clique aqui .
EUA, fraude eleitoral maciça: votos contados por empresas privadas, sem auditoria.
Votergate is the investigative documentary feature film uncovering the truth about new computer voting systems, which allow a few powerful corporations to record our votes in secret.
EUA, fraude eleitoral maciça: votos contados por empresas privadas, sem auditoria.
Votergate is the investigative documentary feature film uncovering the truth about new computer voting systems, which allow a few powerful corporations to record our votes in secret.
The Examiner - 23 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
3 trilhões acabariam pobreza na Terra. Mega-ricos entocam 21 trilhões para fugir de impostos.
Using data from the BIS, IMF, World Bank, and governments, former Chief Economist at McKinsey, James Henry, reports the 1% have deposited $21 trillion to $32 trillion in tax havens to evade taxes. Related, the Federal Reserve reports the US top seven banks have over $10 trillion in assets recorded in over 14,000 created “subsidiaries” to avoid taxes. The 1% hide more than total annual economic output of the US and Japan combined. This is also 7 to 32 times the $1 to $3 trillion estimated to end global poverty (here, here). Importantly, the 1% in US government have reneged on their promise to end poverty since the 1990 World Summit for Children, and even reject full support of microcredit to end poverty while earning a profit.
3 trilhões acabariam pobreza na Terra. Mega-ricos entocam 21 trilhões para fugir de impostos.
Using data from the BIS, IMF, World Bank, and governments, former Chief Economist at McKinsey, James Henry, reports the 1% have deposited $21 trillion to $32 trillion in tax havens to evade taxes. Related, the Federal Reserve reports the US top seven banks have over $10 trillion in assets recorded in over 14,000 created “subsidiaries” to avoid taxes. The 1% hide more than total annual economic output of the US and Japan combined. This is also 7 to 32 times the $1 to $3 trillion estimated to end global poverty (here, here). Importantly, the 1% in US government have reneged on their promise to end poverty since the 1990 World Summit for Children, and even reject full support of microcredit to end poverty while earning a profit.
22 julho 2012
Bloomberg - 21 Jul 2012 - clique aqui.
COLAPSO: "Virá caos nunca visto. Quando o pânico de venda começar, se tornará imparável".
COLAPSO: "Virá caos nunca visto. Quando o pânico de venda começar, se tornará imparável".
Blog Alexander Higgins - 21 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
Espanha: 1 milhão nas ruas, turba furiosa, violência explode, protestos em 80 cidades.
Over 1 million protestors angry protesters in 80 cities clashed violently with police who used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse large crowds. The political turmoil in Spain continues to spiral out of country as police now find themselves battling not just against ‘hooligans’ but against other police officers, fire-fighters, public service workers and people from all walks of life. The protests come as the people of Spain as harsh austerity measures literally mean people are having food and homes taken away from them as part of plan to pay for continued banker bailouts and shore up a financial conundrum created by years of corrupt politicians.
Espanha: 1 milhão nas ruas, turba furiosa, violência explode, protestos em 80 cidades.
Over 1 million protestors angry protesters in 80 cities clashed violently with police who used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse large crowds. The political turmoil in Spain continues to spiral out of country as police now find themselves battling not just against ‘hooligans’ but against other police officers, fire-fighters, public service workers and people from all walks of life. The protests come as the people of Spain as harsh austerity measures literally mean people are having food and homes taken away from them as part of plan to pay for continued banker bailouts and shore up a financial conundrum created by years of corrupt politicians.
Over a million of government workers and trade union members marched in Barcelona, Madrid and dozens of smaller cities to protest against the latest round of harsh austerity measures designed to cut Spain’s bloated deficit. In almost 80 cities held demonstrations on Thursday which came after concerns over Spain’s attempts to restore market confidence in its economy resurfaced after a bond auction went poorly and its borrowing costs edged higher. Spanish police have clashed with protesters who marched against the latest batch of austerity measures. Over a million public employees, trade union members and fed-up citizens have taken to the streets in over 80 Spanish cities. Violence erupted in Madrid around midnight. Police used rubber bullets and tear gas to disperse the crowd as it tried to reach the congress building. In some more urban areas, activists set garbage containers on fire and tried to block police vehicle access. No injuries or arrests have been reported.
20 julho 2012
You Tube VIDEO - 11 Sept 2009 - click aqui .
EUA: "Parlamento sob controle alienígena. A imprensa também".
Jim Trafficant, ex congressista.
EUA: "Parlamento sob controle alienígena. A imprensa também".
Jim Trafficant, ex congressista.
19 julho 2012
YouTube VIDEO - Democracy Now - 19 Jul 2012 - click1 - click 2
Bancos subtraíram trilhões dos povos, manipularam taxa LIBOR. - Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi joins us to discuss the pattern of systemic corruption by 16 banks accused of rigging a key global interest rate used in contracts worth trillions of dollars. The London Interbank Offered Rate -- known as LIBOR -- is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other; some analysts say it defines the cost of money. Barclays was recently fined $453 million for rigging LIBOR, and a number of other banks are under investigation. "Ordinary people actually suffered when LIBOR was manipulated downward, mainly because local governments tended to lose money," Taibbi says. "Even the tiniest manipulation downward when you're talking about a thing of this scale would result in tens of trillions of dollars of losses. ... The banks weren't doing this just to make themselves look healthier, they were also doing this just to make money. They were trading against this information in what essentially was the biggest kind of insider trading you could possibly imagine." Taibbi is author of the book, "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History."
Bancos subtraíram trilhões dos povos, manipularam taxa LIBOR. - Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi joins us to discuss the pattern of systemic corruption by 16 banks accused of rigging a key global interest rate used in contracts worth trillions of dollars. The London Interbank Offered Rate -- known as LIBOR -- is the average interest rate at which banks can borrow from each other; some analysts say it defines the cost of money. Barclays was recently fined $453 million for rigging LIBOR, and a number of other banks are under investigation. "Ordinary people actually suffered when LIBOR was manipulated downward, mainly because local governments tended to lose money," Taibbi says. "Even the tiniest manipulation downward when you're talking about a thing of this scale would result in tens of trillions of dollars of losses. ... The banks weren't doing this just to make themselves look healthier, they were also doing this just to make money. They were trading against this information in what essentially was the biggest kind of insider trading you could possibly imagine." Taibbi is author of the book, "Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History."
15 julho 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 30 Jul 2012 - click aqui .
"Como as corporações destruíram a democracia americana".
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize.
Some highlights:
- “Brand Obama is about being happy consumers.”
- “In a sound bite society, reality no longer matters.”
- Reagan magically cut unemployment figures by two percent by adding, for the first time, America’s military to the numbers counted as employed, while Clinton cut it again by eliminating the longer-term unemployed.
- We are a state which, by definition, is fascist — “run by and on behalf of corporations.”
- As unemployment reaches Great Depression levels, restraints on police powers are lifted to ensure control over a restive people, “to seize internal control. . .which is control us.”
- He also cited the late Sen. Frank Church’s admonition that increased surveillance powers granted to police would eliminate any remaining vestiges of privacy.
"Como as corporações destruíram a democracia americana".
Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize.
Some highlights:
- “Brand Obama is about being happy consumers.”
- “In a sound bite society, reality no longer matters.”
- Reagan magically cut unemployment figures by two percent by adding, for the first time, America’s military to the numbers counted as employed, while Clinton cut it again by eliminating the longer-term unemployed.
- We are a state which, by definition, is fascist — “run by and on behalf of corporations.”
- As unemployment reaches Great Depression levels, restraints on police powers are lifted to ensure control over a restive people, “to seize internal control. . .which is control us.”
- He also cited the late Sen. Frank Church’s admonition that increased surveillance powers granted to police would eliminate any remaining vestiges of privacy.
YouTube VIDEO - USA WatchDog - 26 Jun 2012 - click aqui
"Muito pior, governo quebra, corta pensões, pânico e revoltas".
John Williams, Shadow Stats.
John Williams. He heads up, and is one of the few economists who crunches the numbers to give unvarnished true statistics. Adjusted for real inflation of about 7%, Williams says, "GDP has plunged, and we have been bottom bouncing" ever since the financial crisis started. Williams says, "The next crash will be a lot worse (than 2008) because it will push us into the early stages of hyperinflation." He predicts this will happen "by the end of 2014" at the latest. Long before 2014, thinks there is a good chance of "panic selling of the U.S. dollar," if the Federal Reserve starts another round of money printing (QE3) to save the system and the big banks. No matter what Williams predicts, "There will eventually be a crisis to bring the system down as we know it. . . . We're on the brink." According to Williams, "at some point, you will see a new currency in the U.S."
"Muito pior, governo quebra, corta pensões, pânico e revoltas".
John Williams, Shadow Stats.
John Williams. He heads up, and is one of the few economists who crunches the numbers to give unvarnished true statistics. Adjusted for real inflation of about 7%, Williams says, "GDP has plunged, and we have been bottom bouncing" ever since the financial crisis started. Williams says, "The next crash will be a lot worse (than 2008) because it will push us into the early stages of hyperinflation." He predicts this will happen "by the end of 2014" at the latest. Long before 2014, thinks there is a good chance of "panic selling of the U.S. dollar," if the Federal Reserve starts another round of money printing (QE3) to save the system and the big banks. No matter what Williams predicts, "There will eventually be a crisis to bring the system down as we know it. . . . We're on the brink." According to Williams, "at some point, you will see a new currency in the U.S."
14 julho 2012
UK, The Guardian - 13 Jul 2012 - click 1 - clik 2
CIA monta um teatro na sua TV: "oposição" síria, personagens falsos. Só existem na telinha.
Several of these spokespeople have found support, and in some cases developed long and lucrative relationships with advocates of military intervention on both sides of the Atlantic. Kodmani is a member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs, Syrian National Council. Kodmani is close to the centre of the SNC power structure, and one of the council's most vocal spokespeople. In 2005, Kodmani was working for the Ford Foundation in Cairo, where she was director of their governance and international co-operation programme. The Ford Foundation is a vast organisation, headquartered in New York, and Kodmani was already fairly senior. But she was about to jump up a league. In september 2005, Kodmani was made the executive director of the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI) – a research programme initiated by the powerful US lobby group, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR is an elite US foreign policy thinktank, and the Arab Reform Initiative is described on its website as a "CFR Project" . More specifically, the ARI was initiated by a group within the CFR called the "US/Middle East Project" – a body of senior diplomats, intelligence officers and financiers, the stated aim of which is to undertake regional "policy analysis" in order "to prevent conflict and promote stability". The US/Middle East Project pursues these goals under the guidance of an international board chaired by General (Ret.) Brent Scowcroft.
CIA monta um teatro na sua TV: "oposição" síria, personagens falsos. Só existem na telinha.

YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News, Young Turk TV - 12 Jul 2012 - clique aqui .
Imprensa distorce noticiário,
e aí a credibilidade desaba. É manipulada por anunciantes.
The mainstream news outlets are hurting and the numbers don't lie. A recent Gallup poll revealed that 21 percent of Americans have lost trust in television news and critics blame the disconnect of the media from covering the real issues. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, gives us his take on where the media loyalty lies.
Imprensa distorce noticiário,
e aí a credibilidade desaba. É manipulada por anunciantes.
The mainstream news outlets are hurting and the numbers don't lie. A recent Gallup poll revealed that 21 percent of Americans have lost trust in television news and critics blame the disconnect of the media from covering the real issues. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks, gives us his take on where the media loyalty lies.
YouTube VIDEO - Associated Press, R.T. News - click 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
Obama nomeia "Ministro de Assassinatos", lista dos marcados para morrer. Imprensa abafa.
Corporate news blackout as Obama appoints John Brennan as the sole person in charge of designating people to be assassinated. John Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor was a name that you did not see on the Mainstream media today as they continue to run stories that serve to distract the masses from stories that matter. Most recently he publicly spoke about the drone program calling it moral and ethical and just. According to reports from the Associated Press, John Brennan has now seized the lead in choosing who will be targeted for drone attacks and raids after Obama delegated him as the sole authority to designate people for assassination under the United States top-secret assassination program. Yes, if it such a secret program then why is the Associated Press running a story on it? Because it is only a “top-secret” matter of National Insecurity when the public and organizations such as the ACLU request more details on it than is revealed int the propagandized reports the public is fed through the corporate media.
While this story deserves to have been put before the eyeballs of every U.S. citizens it was merely a side note ran by the Associate Press that didn’t make corporate news headlines anywhere. According to the AP, under the new plan, Brennan’s staff compiles the potential target list and runs the names past agencies such as the State Department at a weekly White House meeting.
Obama nomeia "Ministro de Assassinatos", lista dos marcados para morrer. Imprensa abafa.
Corporate news blackout as Obama appoints John Brennan as the sole person in charge of designating people to be assassinated. John Brennan, Obama’s chief counterterrorism advisor was a name that you did not see on the Mainstream media today as they continue to run stories that serve to distract the masses from stories that matter. Most recently he publicly spoke about the drone program calling it moral and ethical and just. According to reports from the Associated Press, John Brennan has now seized the lead in choosing who will be targeted for drone attacks and raids after Obama delegated him as the sole authority to designate people for assassination under the United States top-secret assassination program. Yes, if it such a secret program then why is the Associated Press running a story on it? Because it is only a “top-secret” matter of National Insecurity when the public and organizations such as the ACLU request more details on it than is revealed int the propagandized reports the public is fed through the corporate media.
While this story deserves to have been put before the eyeballs of every U.S. citizens it was merely a side note ran by the Associate Press that didn’t make corporate news headlines anywhere. According to the AP, under the new plan, Brennan’s staff compiles the potential target list and runs the names past agencies such as the State Department at a weekly White House meeting.
R.T. News - 14 Jul 2012 - clique aqui.
Madri em convulsão. Polícia, violência, manifestantes. Desemprego já em 25%.
Hundreds of protesters have clashed with riot police in Madrid over the new set of austerity measures. One person suffered a broken nose and three people were arrested. The protesters demonstrated on Friday evening outside the People's Party offices of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy before clashing with riot police, AP reports. Police used batons to prevent the crowds from getting too close to the Socialist Workers’ Party headquarters. The latest round of protests comes only two days after the previous unrest, when at least 76 people were injured in clashes, many by rubber bullets used by police. The injured included 33 police officers and 43 protesters – mostly miners and their supporters. The latest package of Spain’s counter-crisis measures includes wage cuts and tax increases, while the country’s population struggles against the recession and an unemployment rate of almost 25 per cent.
Madri em convulsão. Polícia, violência, manifestantes. Desemprego já em 25%.
Hundreds of protesters have clashed with riot police in Madrid over the new set of austerity measures. One person suffered a broken nose and three people were arrested. The protesters demonstrated on Friday evening outside the People's Party offices of Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy before clashing with riot police, AP reports. Police used batons to prevent the crowds from getting too close to the Socialist Workers’ Party headquarters. The latest round of protests comes only two days after the previous unrest, when at least 76 people were injured in clashes, many by rubber bullets used by police. The injured included 33 police officers and 43 protesters – mostly miners and their supporters. The latest package of Spain’s counter-crisis measures includes wage cuts and tax increases, while the country’s population struggles against the recession and an unemployment rate of almost 25 per cent.
09 julho 2012
King World News - 09 JUL 2012 - clique aqui .
"O caos vai se acelerar. E antes que acabe, será cataclísmico".
John Embry, Sprott Asset Management.
"O caos vai se acelerar. E antes que acabe, será cataclísmico".
John Embry, Sprott Asset Management.
Today John Embry told King World News, “...the chaos will accelerate,” and “...before this ends, it will be cataclysmic.” Embry, who is Chief Investment Strategist of the $10 billion strong Sprott Asset Management, also discussed market manipulation. Here is what Embry had to say: “The fact that this LIBOR scandal has come to the surface is interesting. It’s an indication of the depth of the corruption in the system. The LIBOR scandal is just one of the many manipulations going on in the world at this point.”
07 julho 2012
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 06 Jul 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
Macabro: Piloto americano canta e debocha. Lança míssil, consome um afegão numa bola de fogo.
It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile. But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack – by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’ He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man. The video on appears to be from an on-board camera of a pilot from the 101st Airborne Division in an AH64 Apache helicopter.
Macabro: Piloto americano canta e debocha. Lança míssil, consome um afegão numa bola de fogo.
It is the horrific moment an Afghan man is blown apart by a US missile. But in a moment of twisted inspiration an American helicopter pilot decided to give it a impromptu soundtrack – by singing ‘Bye, bye Miss American pie.’ He belted out the most famous line of the Don McLean classic at the moment of impact when a fireball consumed at least one man. The video on appears to be from an on-board camera of a pilot from the 101st Airborne Division in an AH64 Apache helicopter.
06 julho 2012
YouTube VIDEO - Eliot Spitzer, Current TV - 05 July 2012 - clik 1 clik 2
GIGA-FRAUDE PLANETÁRIA: bancos globais manipulam taxa Libor, sugam de toda a Terra.
DÉCADAS drenando mercado de 800 trilhões, 10 vezes PIB global.
click 3 - The Libor scandal is the biggest financial scam in world history: "What we need is to wipe out the entire generation of so called banking leaders who apparently have no ethics or integrity... " - Financial Times. Here, Matt Taibbi explains that this is the “mega scandal of all mega scandals”, because Libor is the “sun at the center of the financial universe”, and manipulating Libor means that “the whole Earth is built on quicksand.” Homeowners, credit card holders, students, local governments, small businesses, small investors and virtually everyone else in the entire world has been impacted by the manipulation. Indeed, the scandal is so big that it will further destroy trust in our financial system and drive many people from investing in the capital markets altogether.
. Trust in any financial entity is ALREADY at an all-time low for most thinking individuals; the Libor scandal will most likely be the proverbial nail in the coffin, inspiring people to think about how they can conduct their business without going through any financial institutions whatsoever.
GIGA-FRAUDE PLANETÁRIA: bancos globais manipulam taxa Libor, sugam de toda a Terra.
DÉCADAS drenando mercado de 800 trilhões, 10 vezes PIB global.
click 3 - The Libor scandal is the biggest financial scam in world history: "What we need is to wipe out the entire generation of so called banking leaders who apparently have no ethics or integrity... " - Financial Times. Here, Matt Taibbi explains that this is the “mega scandal of all mega scandals”, because Libor is the “sun at the center of the financial universe”, and manipulating Libor means that “the whole Earth is built on quicksand.” Homeowners, credit card holders, students, local governments, small businesses, small investors and virtually everyone else in the entire world has been impacted by the manipulation. Indeed, the scandal is so big that it will further destroy trust in our financial system and drive many people from investing in the capital markets altogether.
. Trust in any financial entity is ALREADY at an all-time low for most thinking individuals; the Libor scandal will most likely be the proverbial nail in the coffin, inspiring people to think about how they can conduct their business without going through any financial institutions whatsoever.
YouTube VIDEO - Cenk Yugur , MSNBC - 16 Feb 2011 - clique aqui .
IMPUNIDADE DA MEGA-CRISE: Promotores liberam banqueiros, ganham empregos nestes bancos.
IMPUNIDADE DA MEGA-CRISE: Promotores liberam banqueiros, ganham empregos nestes bancos.
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