31 agosto 2012


Jornal Folah de São Paulo - 31 Ago 2012 - clique aqui .
"Crise européia é de gravidade excepcional", diz Presidente da França.
" O crescimento desacelera em todas as partes e os preços das matérias-primas, dos cereais, por razões tanto climáticas como especulativas, mas também o petróleo, aumentam". O desemprego nos 17 países da zona do euro chegou a 11,3% da população economicamente ativa em julho, representando um novo recorde para a região. Em números absolutos, são 18 milhões de pessoas que ficaram desempregadas nos países que usam a moeda única.

26 agosto 2012


YouTube VIDEO - 06 May 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA prepara-se para maciça guerra civil. Estado Policial mostra as garras.
The government has declared it can lock anyone up forever or kill them without any proof or due process. DHS has placed an order for 450 million rounds of Hollow Point ammo. Obama can now declare martial law during peace time. I think that just about says it all.


YoTube VIDEO - 04 Mar 2012 - clique aqui .
Guerra ao Terceiro Mundo: É a política dos EUA há 67 anos.
CIA covert operations and military interventions since WWII.
SEGMENT 1 : 1. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
SEGMENT 2 : John Stockwell, former C.I.A. Station Chief
SEGMENT 3 : Coverup: Behind the Iran-Contra Affair
SEGMENT 4 : School of Assassins
SEGMENT 5 : Genocide by Sanctions
SEGMENT 6 : Philip Agee, former C.I.A. Case Officer
SEGMENT 7 : Amy Goodman, host of Democracy Now!
SEGMENT 8 : The Panama Deception
SEGMENT 9 : Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General
SEGMENT 10 : S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran and Peace Activist

24 agosto 2012


Yahho VIDEO - R.T. News - 23 Aug 2012 - clique aqui .
Depois da Rússia, EUA agora também cerca a China. Instalar anel de mísseis à volta.
Not satisfied with its missile shield in Europe - Washington has announced plans for a similar weapons system in Asia. A Pentagon official pointed at a perceived threat from North Korea as the main justification. But political activist and head of the New Patriotic Alliance, Renato Reyes, says that's a paper thin excuse.

22 agosto 2012


Zero Hedge - 20 Aug 2012 - clique aqui . 
Já está pior que a Grande Depressão de 1929.

In just four short years, our “enlightened” policy-makers have slowed money velocity to depths never seen in the Great Depression. During the Great Depression, monetary base was expanded in response to slowing economic activity, in other words it was reactive (here’s a graph) . They waited until the forest was ablaze before breaking out the hoses, and for that they’ve been rightly criticized. Our “proactive” Fed elected to hose down a forest that wasn’t actually on fire, with gasoline, and the results speak for themselves. With the IMF recently lowering its 2012 US GDP growth forecast to 2%, while the monetary base is expanding at about a 5% clip, know that velocity of money is grinding lower every time you breathe. Since the Bush deficit increases(to call a spade a spade) went into effect, the rise in debt has exceeded the rise in GDP 6 of the last 10 years (the four years of positive GDP-minus-Debt can be directly attributed to the housing bubble). That never happened in the U.S. during Great Depression/WWII era.

21 agosto 2012


Strategic Culture Foundation -  20 Aug 2012 - clique aqui .
Inviolabilidade das embaixadas: acabá-la é passo para desagregar o sistema internacional.
''The forces of globalist neo-conservatism have now decided to attack another institution long-protected by international law: the extraterritorial diplomatic protection afforded to foreign embassies and diplomatic missions. Although WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is a very unsympathetic figure – owing to his outlandish ego, attempts to extort money from donors and newspapers in return for releasing classified U.S. State Department cables, and his reported personal hygiene issues – the threat by the United Kingdom to forcibly enter the embassy of Ecuador in London to arrest Assange on an arrest warrant from Sweden is an attempt by a World War II-era five-nation intelligence partnership to flex its muscles.But the threats against Ecuador’s embassy could have tremendous blow-back if the protection afforded to embassies becomes yet another victim of the steady march toward global fascism.''


The Daily Caller - Washington Blog - 17 Aug 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA compra balas letais para as agências domésticas: 5 por cidadão, proibidas em guerras.
Uma só agencia doméstica (D.H.S.) comprou 750 milhões de balas.

In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Hollow point bullets are so lethal that the Geneva Convention does not allow their use on the battle field in time of war. Hollow point bullets don’t just stop or hurt people, they penetrate the body, spread out, fragment and cause maximum damage to the body’s organs. Death often follows.

18 agosto 2012


YouTube VIDEO - Info Wars, Trends Research Inst. - Aug 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
Estímulos de 25 trilhões, nada adiantou, a Grande Depressão é global", Trends Inst., Gerald Celente.
"The world is headed for the Great Depression, Greatest Depression,” Trends Research Institute Founder Gerald Celente tells Lew Rockwell, Tuesday. “This will be much worse than the 1930′s Depression. We’re in the global age, and it’s spreading globally.” Celente goes on to explain that, depending upon the estimates one uses, the Fed has injected between $18 trillion and $25 trillion to prop up the “too big to fails” and the “corrupt banking system.” And the result? Nothing but poor unemployment numbers, according to him, including 750,000 more jobs lost since March to offset any alleged gains in employment reported by the U.S. Department of Labor so far this year. After all those trillions of dollars thrown into the system, there is no recovery. “America is turning into a plantation economy,” says Celente. Just as the Great Depression of the 1930′s ushered in high crime rates, alcoholism and suicides, today’s start of the “Greater Depression,” according to Celente, already reveals a nation repeating the social ills of a past economic nightmare. “Look at the crime rates. Look at the insanity that is happening,” says Celente. “Every day you pick up the newspaper. You listen to the television,” Celente continues. “Whether it’s the Batman psycho, the Sikh crazy guy, or some guy walking into a hospital room and blowing his wife to pieces, or killing a mother-in-law and two kids, every day is another chapter in cold blood. Society is unraveling around us.” And the craziness isn’t just a U.S. phenomenon; it’s global.

15 agosto 2012


CBS News, Yahoo! Finance News - 14 Aug 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
COLAPSO CHEGANDO: Companhias chinesas pulando fora da bolsa dos EUA.
BEIJING (AP) -- Just a few years after Chinese companies lined up to sell shares on Wall Street, a growing number are reversing course and pulling out of U.S. exchanges. This week, Focus Media Holding Ltd., announced its chairman and private equity firms want to buy back its U.S.-traded shares and take the Shanghai-based advertising company private. The deal would value Focus Media at $3.5 billion, according to financial information firm Dealogic. Smaller companies also are withdrawing from U.S. exchanges. In a sign of official encouragement, a Chinese business magazine said a state bank has provided $1 billion in loans to help companies with listings abroad move them to domestic exchanges. The withdrawals follow accusations of improper accounting by some companies and a deadlock between Beijing and Washington over whether U.S. regulators can oversee their China-based auditors. Some Chinese companies say they are pulling out of U.S. markets because a low share price fails to reflect the strength of their business. Withdrawing also eliminates the cost of complying with American financial reporting rules. Focus Media "has been seriously undervalued on U.S. stock markets" and being taken private will help to promote its "long-term strategic development," said a company spokeswoman, Lu Jing.

11 agosto 2012


Agencia REUTERS - Yahoo Finance - Washington Business Journal .
10 Aug 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3.
VAZOU SEGREDO. EUA avisou bancos desde 2010: "preparem planos para o colapso".
(Reuters) - U.S. regulators directed five of the country's biggest banks, including Bank of America Corp and Goldman Sachs Group Inc, to develop plans for staving off collapse if they faced serious problems, emphasizing that the banks could not count on government help. The two-year-old program, which has been largely secret until now, is in addition to the "living wills" the banks crafted to help regulators dismantle them if they actually do fail. It shows how hard regulators are working to ensure that banks have plans for worst-case scenarios and can act rationally in times of distress. Officials like Lehman Brothers former Chief Executive Dick Fuld have been criticized for having been too hesitant to take bold steps to solve their banks' problems during the financial crisis. According to documents obtained by Reuters, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency first directed five banks - which also include Citigroup Inc,, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan Chase & Co - to come up with these "recovery plans" in May 2010. They told banks to consider drastic efforts to prevent failure in times of distress, including selling off businesses, finding other funding sources if regular borrowing markets shut them out, and reducing risk. The plans must be feasible to execute within three to six months, and banks were to "make no assumption of extraordinary support from the public sector," according to the documents. Spokespeople for the five banks declined to comment. The Federal Reserve also declined to comment.

10 agosto 2012


Jornal O Estado de São Paulo - 09 Aug 2012 - clique aqui
"Crise internacional vai durar muitos anos", Pedro Malan, ex-ministro da Fazenda. 

RIO - Passados cincos anos, ficou claro que a crise internacional é grave e levará muitos anos para ficar para trás, atingindo países emergentes e trazendo o risco de afetar o crescimento potencial de longo prazo de diversos países, afirmou nesta sexta-feira o ex-ministro da Fazenda Pedro Malan. Segundo o economista, o desenrolar da crise internacional também mostrou que os países emergentes não estão imunes e serão afetados. Além disso, o cenário envolve dois riscos para todos os países. O primeiro é mais cíclico, está relacionado ao processo de desalavancagem dos setores público e privado, será superado um dia e pode ser tratado ou mitigado com "políticas fiscal, monetária e creditícia". O segundo, de longo prazo, é mais grave e estrutural, segundo Malan. "É o risco de essa crise afetar a própria taxa de crescimento do produto potencial", afirmou. "Esse segundo risco, de efeito sobre a taxa de crescimento sustentável no longo prazo, tanto no mundo desenvolvido quanto no em desenvolvimento, é muito maior, porque envolve questões mais estruturais", afirmou Malan. Entre os desafios estruturais, o ex-ministro citou questões ligadas à produtividade, ao custo unitário do trabalho, à competitividade internacional, à tecnologia, ao capital físico e humano, aos marcos regulatórios, ao ambiente de negócios propício ao investimento privado e a um setor público minimamente eficiente. O fato de a crise mais forte agora na Europa exigir, dos países europeus mais problemáticos, ação rápida nesses campos não tira a necessidade de os emergentes também atuarem. "É um desafio que se coloca com muita clareza para nós todos aqui, inclusive o Brasil", completou.

05 agosto 2012


Press TV News - 02 Aug 2012 - clique aqui .
EUA financia bárbarie, massacres na Síria, usa seus mercenários. 
Imprensa abafa horrores da "oposição".
They were dragged out to be executed in a small, dusty courtyard in blazing sunlight. The victims were half-naked, dazed, their underwear soaked in blood, their legs bleeding from torture inflicted earlier. “God is greatest,” rang out the calls among the blood-lusting spectators. They also shouted slogans in support of the Free Syrian Army. This was summary “justice” by the armed opposition groups that the Western governments are striving to empower in “liberated” Syria. Placed against a wall and kneeling, the victims were blasted at close range with automatic weapons. As the crowds parted, the video shows naked bodies slumped in a soiled heap. In another clip of the same execution courtyard, a group of cowering people is similarly riddled with automatic fire. After the hail of bullets subsides, a pile of mangled corpses is displayed, with grotesque satisfaction

04 agosto 2012


YouTube VIDEO - AFP News Agency - Yahoo News - MSN News.
03 Jul 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik4
FMI avisa: "EUA estão à beira de penhasco fiscal e ruptura do mercado financeiro".
The International Monetary Fund on Tuesday pared its growth forecast for the US economy and warned that the Obama administration could be slicing the deficit too fast for the weak economy.