YouTube VIDEO, USA WatchDog, Trends Research Inst - 23 Sp 2012 click 1
"A Grande Guerra do século 21 já começou" Gerald Celente, Trends Inst.
Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal believes the world is being taken to war because the world economy ". . . is collapsing. It's collapsing in front of our eyes. The numbers are there." Celente tells people to "buy gold and silver" to preserve wealth and says, "All around the world they are dumping dough into their economies to keep them going."
26 setembro 2012
YouTube VIDEO - clik 1 20 Sep 12 - Washington Institute clik 2 (em 1:15:30)
"Para começar a guerra, basta 'armar' um atentado contra nós mesmos, e depois culpar o Irã !".
" É só repetir Pearl Harbor, Lusitania, Maine".
The issue of striking Iran is complicated as well. Military action comes in many forms -- the United States has already been involved in covert operations against the regime for several years, such as intrusive intelligence collection by drones, sabotaging equipment bound for Iran, and encouraging defections. And someone has been assassinating Iranian scientists and unleashing computer viruses on the nuclear program. These campaigns continue; according to the Iranian government, the August 17 power outage at the Fordow enrichment site was an act of sabotage. Such quiet interventions could have major advantages over a large-scale overt attack, especially with regard to reducing the likelihood of international censure and Iranian retaliation. This type of shadow war can also be used to push Tehran toward diplomatic compromise.
"Para começar a guerra, basta 'armar' um atentado contra nós mesmos, e depois culpar o Irã !".
" É só repetir Pearl Harbor, Lusitania, Maine".
The issue of striking Iran is complicated as well. Military action comes in many forms -- the United States has already been involved in covert operations against the regime for several years, such as intrusive intelligence collection by drones, sabotaging equipment bound for Iran, and encouraging defections. And someone has been assassinating Iranian scientists and unleashing computer viruses on the nuclear program. These campaigns continue; according to the Iranian government, the August 17 power outage at the Fordow enrichment site was an act of sabotage. Such quiet interventions could have major advantages over a large-scale overt attack, especially with regard to reducing the likelihood of international censure and Iranian retaliation. This type of shadow war can also be used to push Tehran toward diplomatic compromise.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Daily Bell 20 Sep 2012 - clik 1 - clik 2
Jornalista do NYT demite-se:
"É um megafone da indústria armamentista. Também o WP".
Abby Interviews former New York Times journalist, Daniel Simpson about his choice to leave the famous news source after citing war propaganda in its publications. He confirms that the New York Times is basically a vast warehouse of manufactured, elite dominant social themes and adds that the CIA's favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, is as well. Little of it is real. The New York Times at this point in its illustrious history is nothing more than a megaphone for the military-industrial complex and the even more powerful coterie of power elite families that have organized this superstructure.
Jornalista do NYT demite-se:
"É um megafone da indústria armamentista. Também o WP".
Abby Interviews former New York Times journalist, Daniel Simpson about his choice to leave the famous news source after citing war propaganda in its publications. He confirms that the New York Times is basically a vast warehouse of manufactured, elite dominant social themes and adds that the CIA's favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, is as well. Little of it is real. The New York Times at this point in its illustrious history is nothing more than a megaphone for the military-industrial complex and the even more powerful coterie of power elite families that have organized this superstructure.
CNBC News - Daily Bail - 26 Sep 2012 - clique aqui .
Soberania dos países sob ameaça: "Bancos Centrais manipulando os mercados, povo paga a conta".
Sean Egan, President of Egan-Jones Ratings Company says that added liquidity from QEternity is pushing up commodity prices and hurting consumers - CNBC. Egan-Jones is the most aggressive and independent of all the ratings agencies, has been the lead agency in downgrading the U.S. twice in the past 18 months, and might just do it again if Congress doesn't get serious about annual $1.5 trillion deficits.
Soberania dos países sob ameaça: "Bancos Centrais manipulando os mercados, povo paga a conta".
Sean Egan, President of Egan-Jones Ratings Company says that added liquidity from QEternity is pushing up commodity prices and hurting consumers - CNBC. Egan-Jones is the most aggressive and independent of all the ratings agencies, has been the lead agency in downgrading the U.S. twice in the past 18 months, and might just do it again if Congress doesn't get serious about annual $1.5 trillion deficits.
YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 26 Sep 2012 - clique aqui.
Madri, caos: Congresso cercado, turba furiosa. Violência policial.
Skirmishes continue between protesters and riot police in Madrid, with cops firing rubber bullets and tear gas at the crowd. Fourteen people have been injured and 22 arrested, local media report. Riot Police belted protesters, dragging some them by the arms and legs, who had tried to get through police lines. An uneasy order was restored and police have brought in reinforcements and have begun to try and disperse the crowd.
Anti-government protests in Madrid Tuesday devolved into violent riots, after groups of tactical police charged into an agitated crowd. Spanish media reported dozens of arrests and scores of serious injuries, not a surprising result given the images of bloody confrontation being broadcast out of Madrid. At around 9 p.m. local time, some 30 minutes before a permit that demonstrators had been granted to rally in the vicinity of the national Congress was set to expire, violent skirmishes broke out between police and protesters. Firing rubber bullets into the crowd and charging with tactical batons, the large contingent 1,300 riot, or antidisturbios officers seemed at times to be as much attempting to push back the rally as to trying to avoid being overwhelmed by the protesters, numbered in thousands.
Caos explode de novo na Grécia.
Madri, caos: Congresso cercado, turba furiosa. Violência policial.
Skirmishes continue between protesters and riot police in Madrid, with cops firing rubber bullets and tear gas at the crowd. Fourteen people have been injured and 22 arrested, local media report. Riot Police belted protesters, dragging some them by the arms and legs, who had tried to get through police lines. An uneasy order was restored and police have brought in reinforcements and have begun to try and disperse the crowd.
Anti-government protests in Madrid Tuesday devolved into violent riots, after groups of tactical police charged into an agitated crowd. Spanish media reported dozens of arrests and scores of serious injuries, not a surprising result given the images of bloody confrontation being broadcast out of Madrid. At around 9 p.m. local time, some 30 minutes before a permit that demonstrators had been granted to rally in the vicinity of the national Congress was set to expire, violent skirmishes broke out between police and protesters. Firing rubber bullets into the crowd and charging with tactical batons, the large contingent 1,300 riot, or antidisturbios officers seemed at times to be as much attempting to push back the rally as to trying to avoid being overwhelmed by the protesters, numbered in thousands.
Caos explode de novo na Grécia.
19 setembro 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 14 Sep 2012 - click 1 - click 2 - click 3.
O inconcebível custo de preservar o poder do Sistema Petro-Dólar:
a Terceira Guerra Mundial.
The petrodollar paradigm is saving the dollar from crashing by accomplishing two things. First, it creates a mandatory international demand for the Federal Reserve paper, preventing dollar inflation from going into hyperinflation. Second, the oil profits from OPEC pay for a portion of our ever expanding national debt, helping perpetuate a giant Ponzi scheme in the U.S. treasury market. Those who control the United States understand that even if only a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency it will set off a chain reaction and the dollar will collapse. They understand there’s absolutely nothing else holding up the value of the dollar at this point, and so does the rest of the world.
But rather than accepting the fact that the dollar is nearing the end of its lifespan, the powers that be have made a calculated gambit. They have decided to use the brute force of the U.S. military to crush each and every resistant state in the Middle East and Africa. That, in and of itself, would be bad enough. But what you need to understand is that this is not going to end with Iran. China and Russia have stated publicly and in no uncertain terms that they will not tolerate an attack on Iran or Syria. Iran is one of their key allies, one of the last in independent oil producers in the region. And they understand that if Iran falls, then they will have no way to escape the dollar without going to war. And yet, the United States is pushing forward despite the warnings. What we’re witnessing here is a trajectory that leads straight to the unthinkable. It’s a trajectory that was mapped out years ago, in full awareness of the human consequences.
O inconcebível custo de preservar o poder do Sistema Petro-Dólar:
a Terceira Guerra Mundial.
The petrodollar paradigm is saving the dollar from crashing by accomplishing two things. First, it creates a mandatory international demand for the Federal Reserve paper, preventing dollar inflation from going into hyperinflation. Second, the oil profits from OPEC pay for a portion of our ever expanding national debt, helping perpetuate a giant Ponzi scheme in the U.S. treasury market. Those who control the United States understand that even if only a few countries begin to sell their oil in another currency it will set off a chain reaction and the dollar will collapse. They understand there’s absolutely nothing else holding up the value of the dollar at this point, and so does the rest of the world.
But rather than accepting the fact that the dollar is nearing the end of its lifespan, the powers that be have made a calculated gambit. They have decided to use the brute force of the U.S. military to crush each and every resistant state in the Middle East and Africa. That, in and of itself, would be bad enough. But what you need to understand is that this is not going to end with Iran. China and Russia have stated publicly and in no uncertain terms that they will not tolerate an attack on Iran or Syria. Iran is one of their key allies, one of the last in independent oil producers in the region. And they understand that if Iran falls, then they will have no way to escape the dollar without going to war. And yet, the United States is pushing forward despite the warnings. What we’re witnessing here is a trajectory that leads straight to the unthinkable. It’s a trajectory that was mapped out years ago, in full awareness of the human consequences.
Fox News - YouTube VIDEO - 14 Sep 2012 - click 1
EUA em medida desesperada: imprimirá dinheiro sem parar.
É colapso do Sistema PetroDólar.
Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective. A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions with newly created money, in order to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds to keep market interest rates at a specified target value. Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield.
EUA em medida desesperada: imprimirá dinheiro sem parar.
É colapso do Sistema PetroDólar.
Quantitative easing (QE) is an unconventional monetary policy used by central banks to stimulate the national economy when conventional monetary policy has become ineffective. A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions with newly created money, in order to inject a pre-determined quantity of money into the economy. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds to keep market interest rates at a specified target value. Quantitative easing increases the excess reserves of the banks, and raises the prices of the financial assets bought, which lowers their yield.
The Telegraph, UK - Sept 2012 - click aqui .
Enorme poderio naval de 25 países cercando Irã. Mais 45 bases militares dos EUA à volta.
Cruisers, aircraft carriers and minesweepers from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war. Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s oil traded by sea. A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf. The Strait of Hormuz is one of the world’s most congested international waterways. It is only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is bordered by the Iranian coast to the north and the Oman to the south. In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise.
Enorme poderio naval de 25 países cercando Irã. Mais 45 bases militares dos EUA à volta.
Cruisers, aircraft carriers and minesweepers from 25 nations are converging on the strategically important Strait of Hormuz in an unprecedented show of force as Israel and Iran move towards the brink of war. Western leaders are convinced that Iran will retaliate to any attack by attempting to mine or blockade the shipping lane through which passes around 18 million barrels of oil every day, approximately 35 per cent of the world’s oil traded by sea. A blockade would have a catastrophic effect on the fragile economies of Britain, Europe the United States and Japan, all of which rely heavily on oil and gas supplies from the Gulf. The Strait of Hormuz is one of the world’s most congested international waterways. It is only 21 miles wide at its narrowest point and is bordered by the Iranian coast to the north and the Oman to the south. In preparation for any pre-emptive or retaliatory action by Iran, warships from more than 25 countries, including the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, will today begin an annual 12-day exercise.
18 setembro 2012
Pew Research Institute - 16 Aug 2012 - clique aqui.
EUA, pesquisa: credibilidade da imprensa desaba 16% em apenas 10 anos. Tendencia é piorar.
For the second time in a decade, the believability ratings for major news organizations have suffered broad-based declines. In the new survey, positive believability ratings have fallen significantly for nine of 13 news organizations tested. This follows a similar downturn in positive believability ratings that occurred between 2002 and 2004. Across all 13 news organizations included in the survey, the average positive believability rating (3 or 4 on a 4-point scale) is 56%. In 2010, the average positive rating was 62%. A decade ago, the average rating for the news organizations tested was 71%. Since 2002, every news outlet’s believability rating has suffered a double-digit drop, except for local daily newspapers and local TV news. The New York Times was not included in this survey until 2004, but its believability rating has fallen by 13 points since then.
These are among the major findings of a survey by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted July 19-22 among 1,001 adults. The survey asks people to rate individual news organizations on believability using a 4-point scale. A rating of 4 means someone believes “all or most” of what the news organization says; a rating of 1 means someone believes “almost nothing” of what they say.
17 setembro 2012
Examiner - 12 Sept 2012 - clique 1 - clique 2
HISTÓRICO: China desconecta petróleo do dólar, extingue poder dos EUA. Arrisca guerra nuclear.
This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast, and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the world purchases energy. "This has never happened in the history of crude oil. Since crude oil became the motivating force behind our (U.S.) entire economy, and everything in our lives revolves around crude oil. And since crude oil became the motivating factor behind our economy... never, ever has crude oil been sold, bought, traded, in any country in the world, without using the American dollar." "Crude oil is the standard currency of the world. Not the Yen, not the Pound, not the Dollar. More money is transferred around the world in crude oil than in any other product." "On Friday, Sept. 7, Russia announced, that as of today, we will supply China with all of the crude oil that they need, no matter how much they want... there is no limit. And Russia will not sell or trade this crude oil to China using the American dollar." These duo actions by the two most powerful adversaries of the U.S. economy and empire, have now joined in to make a move to attack the primary economic stronghold that keeps America as the most powerful economic superpower. Once the majority of the world begins to bypass the dollar, and purchase oil in other currencies, then the full weight of our debt and diminished manufacturing structure will come crashing down on the American people. This new agreement between Russia and China also has serious ramifications in regards to Iran, and the rest of the Middle East. No longer will U.S. sanctions against Iran have a measurable affect, as the rogue nation can simply choose to sell its oil to China, and receive Yuan in return, and use that currency to trade for the necessary resources it needs to sustain its economy and nuclear programs.
HISTÓRICO: China desconecta petróleo do dólar, extingue poder dos EUA. Arrisca guerra nuclear.
This announcement by China is one of the most significant sea changes in the global economic and monetary systems, but was barely reported on due to its announcement taking place during the Democratic convention last week. The ramifications of this new action are vast, and could very well be the catalyst that brings down the dollar as the global reserve currency, and change the entire landscape of how the world purchases energy. "This has never happened in the history of crude oil. Since crude oil became the motivating force behind our (U.S.) entire economy, and everything in our lives revolves around crude oil. And since crude oil became the motivating factor behind our economy... never, ever has crude oil been sold, bought, traded, in any country in the world, without using the American dollar." "Crude oil is the standard currency of the world. Not the Yen, not the Pound, not the Dollar. More money is transferred around the world in crude oil than in any other product." "On Friday, Sept. 7, Russia announced, that as of today, we will supply China with all of the crude oil that they need, no matter how much they want... there is no limit. And Russia will not sell or trade this crude oil to China using the American dollar." These duo actions by the two most powerful adversaries of the U.S. economy and empire, have now joined in to make a move to attack the primary economic stronghold that keeps America as the most powerful economic superpower. Once the majority of the world begins to bypass the dollar, and purchase oil in other currencies, then the full weight of our debt and diminished manufacturing structure will come crashing down on the American people. This new agreement between Russia and China also has serious ramifications in regards to Iran, and the rest of the Middle East. No longer will U.S. sanctions against Iran have a measurable affect, as the rogue nation can simply choose to sell its oil to China, and receive Yuan in return, and use that currency to trade for the necessary resources it needs to sustain its economy and nuclear programs.
04 setembro 2012
YouTube VIDEO - 29 Aug 2012 - clique aqui.
"Qualquer que se eleja, economia entra em colapso".
Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital.
"Qualquer que se eleja, economia entra em colapso".
Peter Schiff, Euro Pacific Capital.
02 setembro 2012
The Guardian, UK - 02 Sep 2012 - clique aqui.
HISTÓRICO : Obama blinda torturadores da era Bush. EUA destruindo sua identidade.
The Obama administration's aggressive, full-scale whitewashing of the "war on terror" crimes committed by Bush officials is now complete. Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced the closing without charges of the only two cases under investigation relating to the US torture program: one that resulted in the 2002 death of an Afghan detainee at a secret CIA prison near Kabul, and the other the 2003 death of an Iraqi citizen while in CIA custody at Abu Ghraib. This decision, says the New York Times Friday, "eliminat[es] the last possibility that any criminal charges will be brought as a result of the brutal interrogations carried out by the CIA". To see what a farce this is, it is worthwhile briefly to review the timeline of how Obama officials acted to shield Bush torturers from all accountability. During his 2008 campaign for president, Obama repeatedly vowed that, while he opposed "partisan witch-hunts", he would instruct his attorney general to "immediately review" the evidence of criminality in these torture programs because "nobody is above the law." Yet, almost immediately after winning the 2008 election, Obama, before he was even inaugurated, made clear that he was opposed to any such investigations, citing what he called "a belief that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards".
HISTÓRICO : Obama blinda torturadores da era Bush. EUA destruindo sua identidade.
The Obama administration's aggressive, full-scale whitewashing of the "war on terror" crimes committed by Bush officials is now complete. Thursday, Attorney General Eric Holder announced the closing without charges of the only two cases under investigation relating to the US torture program: one that resulted in the 2002 death of an Afghan detainee at a secret CIA prison near Kabul, and the other the 2003 death of an Iraqi citizen while in CIA custody at Abu Ghraib. This decision, says the New York Times Friday, "eliminat[es] the last possibility that any criminal charges will be brought as a result of the brutal interrogations carried out by the CIA". To see what a farce this is, it is worthwhile briefly to review the timeline of how Obama officials acted to shield Bush torturers from all accountability. During his 2008 campaign for president, Obama repeatedly vowed that, while he opposed "partisan witch-hunts", he would instruct his attorney general to "immediately review" the evidence of criminality in these torture programs because "nobody is above the law." Yet, almost immediately after winning the 2008 election, Obama, before he was even inaugurated, made clear that he was opposed to any such investigations, citing what he called "a belief that we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards".
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