04 outubro 2012


Video Rebel`s Blog - 14 Sep 2012 - clique aqui .
Planeta está com pior índice de endividamento em 500 anos. Pior desastre financeiro em 500 anos.
1) We have the greatest level of debt to GDP to cancel in 500 years which means we are approaching the greatest Depression in 500 years. That means the greatest levels of Austerity unemployment, wage cuts, defaults, bankruptcies and starvation in 500 years in Europe, North America and the rest of the world. Of course if we followed Dr Keen’s advice on Debt Cancellation we know for a certainty: ‘This need not be.’ 2) The nations which have been deindustrialized (emphasis on America) will face the hardest landing when debts are cancelled and we are forced to face reality. He said he feared for the fate of those people in deindustrialized nations when the paper Bubble is pierced.

The Petrodollar is near death. I recently wrote that the Chinese are buying gold as if they knew the dollar would die very soon. Consider this fact. The FED is starting to accelerate inflation from a 10% base which will severely punish anyone holding dollars. And with the Federal Reserve announcing they will keep interest rates low through 2015 we know the dollar will decline rapidly. Who would buy a Treasury bond paying 3% interest when he reads that the inflation rate has just reached 15%? Who would hold onto a Treasury bond he bought last year after he reads that the American inflation rate has soared to 20%? And will anyone hold dollars after the inflation rate reaches 25%? I have defined a 25% inflation as the beginning point for Hyperinflation for an international reserve currency like the dollar. There is a tipping point at which everyone including America’s best friends will clearly see the end is nigh and dump the dollar.