31 março 2013


R.T. News - 31 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Peter Schiff, Richard Duncan, L. Kotlikoff: 
Depressão-EUA pode deflagrar uma 'espiral da morte' global.
2008 foi só uma pequena onda de choque inicial.
A civilização pode não sobreviver.
Former World Bank economist Richard Duncan appeared on CNBC over the weekend explaining how the US government is delaying the economy from going into a "debt deflation death spiral" and explained how a massive depression unavoidable. According to reports, many experts share the same concern that America will go through a severe state and when this happens the world economy will follow. Peter Schiff, president of Euro Pacific Capital, explains the situation and what can be done to solve this issue.


Web of Debt , Ellen Brown - 28 Mar 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
ALERTA VERMELHO: Confisco pode nos EUA e UK. Há base legal: tornar correntista em acionista.
Can They Do That? Although few depositors realize it, legally the bank owns the depositor’s funds as soon as they are put in the bank. Our money becomes the bank’s, and we become unsecured creditors holding IOUs or promises to pay. (See here and here.) But until now the bank has been obligated to pay the money back on demand in the form of cash. Under the FDIC-BOE plan, our IOUs will be converted into “bank equity.” The bank will get the money and we will get stock in the bank. With any luck we may be able to sell the stock to someone else, but when and at what price? 

Most people keep a deposit account so they can have ready cash to pay the bills. The 15-page FDIC-BOE document is called “Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions.” It begins by explaining that the 2008 banking crisis has made it clear that some other way besides taxpayer bailouts is needed to maintain “financial stability.” Evidently anticipating that the next financial collapse will be on a grander scale than either the taxpayers or Congress is willing to underwrite, the authors state:
An efficient path for returning the sound operations of the G-SIFI to the private sector would be provided by exchanging or converting a sufficient amount of the unsecured debt from the original creditors of the failed company [meaning the depositors] into equity [or stock]. In the U.S., the new equitywould become capital in one or more newly formed operating entities. In the U.K., the same approach could be used, or the equity could be used to recapitalize the failing financial company itself—thus, the highest layer of surviving bailed-in creditors would become the owners of the resolved firm. In either country, the new equity holders would take on the corresponding risk of being shareholders in a financial institution.


The Economic Collapse Blog - 28 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
ELES ESTÃO CHEGANDO: Confisco estilo-Chipre já previsto no Orçamento do Canadá.
The politicians of the western world are coming after your bank accounts. In fact, Cyprus-style "bail-ins" are actually proposed in the new Canadian government budget. When I first heard about this I was quite skeptical, so I went and looked it up for myself. And guess what? It is right there in black and white on pages 144 and 145 of "Economic Action Plan 2013" which the Harper government has already submitted to the House of Commons. This new budget actually proposes "to implement a 'bail-in' regime for systemically important banks" in Canada. "Economic Action Plan 2013" was submitted on March 21st, which means that this "bail-in regime" was likely being planned long before the crisis in Cyprus ever erupted. 
So exactly what in the world is going on here? In addition, as you will see below, it is being reported that the European Parliament will soon be voting on a law which would require that large banks be "bailed in" when they fail. In other words, that new law would make Cyprus-style bank account confiscation the law of the land for the entire EU. I can't even begin to describe how serious all of this is. From now on, when major banks fail they are going to bail them out by grabbing the money that is in your bank accounts. This is going to absolutely shatter faith in the banking system and it is actually going to make it far more likely that we will see major bank failures all over the western world. What you are about to see absolutely amazed me when I first saw it. The Canadian government is actually proposing that what just happened in Cyprus should be used as a blueprint for future bank failures up in Canada. The following comes from pages 144 and 145 of "Economic Action Plan 2013" which you can find right here. Apparently the goal is to find a way to rescue "systemically important banks" without the use of taxpayer funds...


Syrian arab News Agency - 30 Mar 2013 clik 1 - clik 2
Ex-repórter CNN : "Eu recebia ordens : manipular notícias para demonizar Síria e Irã".
PRAGUE, (SANA)- Ex-CNN reporter Amber Lyon revealed that during her work for the channel she received orders to send false news and exclude some others which the US administration did not favor with the aim to create a public opinion in favor of launching an aggression on Iran and Syria. Lyon was quoted by the Slovak main news website as saying that the mainstream US media outlets intentionally work to create a propaganda against Iran to garner public opinion's support for a military invasion against it. 
She revealed that the scenario used before launching the war on Iraq is being prepared to be repeated where Iran and Syria are now being subject to constant 'demonization'. The former reporter clarified that the CNN channel manipulates and fabricates news and follows selectiveness when broadcasting news, stressing that the Channel receives money from the U.S. government and other countries' governments in exchange for news content.

30 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO - What Really Happened - 30 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Aceso pavio do colapso global: divulgado confisco, virá pânico para sacar. Aí bancos implodem.
E é proposital, planejado desmoronamento.


Info Wars - 29 Mar 2013 - click 1click 2
Mídia já demoniza a Resistência: patriotas defendem Constituição, são assassinos "extremistas".
Fox, the entertainment network founded by Rupert Murdoch and Barry Diller, is working with the federal government and the Southern Poverty Law Center in a concerted effort to demonize Americans identifying themselves constitutionalists. During an episode of “The Following,” a television drama starring Kevin Bacon, constitutionalists are portrayed as extremists in league with a group of serial murderers. The series follows an ex-FBI agent who has joined a social network of copycat killers attracted to a charismatic leader.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 29 Mr 2013 - clique aqui.
BRICS criando um Novo Mundo, multi-continental, livre das chantagens dos EUA e Europa.
Países migram para comércio bilateral direto, para escapar da chantagem militar que mantém petro-dólar vivo na UTI.
Leaders of the BRICS nations met in South Africa for a two-day summit. Was this gathering meaningful? What brings them together and sets them apart? And can BRICS challenge the hegemony of the West? CrossTalking with Yaroslav Lissovolik, Ann Lee and Brian Becker.


R.T. News - 29 mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Banco BRICS, 50 bilhões: tornará irrelevante FMI e Banco Mundial.
Rompe grilhões dos EUA e UE.
Ocidente refreava emergentes, vetou reformar FMI e World Bank. 
The BRICS have called for a reconstruction of the World Bank and IMF, which were created in 1944, and want to put forth their own ‘Bretton Woods’ accord. And they are serious. "Brics is not a talk show. It is a serious grouping," Zuma told reporters at the presidential guest house in Pretoria. The new bank will cater to developing world interests and will symbolize a great economic and political union. “There’s a shift in power from the traditional to the emerging world. There is a lot of geo-political concern about this shift in the western world,” Martyn Davies, chief executive officer of Johannesburg-based Frontier Advisory, told Bloomberg. “A future BRICS Investment Bank is seen as a mechanism that would help realize where money should go, agree development strategies and coordinate investment," explained Georgy Toloraya, the executive director of Russia’s national committee for BRICS studies to SA News. 
In its nebulous stage, the new BRICS bank is unanimously supported by all five member states. In Durban, problems will arise on how to govern, fund, and operate the grand venture. “When you set up a bank like this it’s not just a question of opening the doors. There are some issues about where it is going to be located, what the capital contributions are going to be, the rules of deploying that investment. These are the sort of details that are in various stages of discussion and negotiation,” said South African Trade Minister Rob Davies, in a statement. The leaders may not reach a specific agreement in Durban this week, as each country has its own stipulations on its creation. Russia, for example, wants to cap each side’s initial contribution to $10 billion, according to Mikhail Margelov, part of President Putin’s team in South Africa.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 29 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
BRICS sepulta hegemonia EUA-Europa: 100 bilhões, fundo anti- crise. Ocidente resta irrelevante.
A new global bank is being born in South Africa - where the world's top emerging economies are meeting. The new financial powerhouse would be a direct challenger to the World Bank and the IMF - both dominated by the US. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa also green-lighted a new, mammoth crisis fund - and hinted they would ditch the dollar. 

The ‘big five’ of the developing world, the BRICS nations, have agreed to create their own version of the World Bank at their fifth annual summit, which kicked off Tuesday in sunny Durban, South Africa. The five BRICS states agreed to establish the BRICS Development Bank, South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan said on Tuesday. The move is linked to the developing world’s disillusionment with the status quo of world financial institutions. The World Bank and IMF continue to favor US and European presidents over BRICS nations, and in 2010, the US failed to ratify a 2010 agreement which would allow more IMF funds to be allocated to developing nations. "Not long ago we discussed the formation of a developmental bank... Today we are ready to launch it," South African President Jacob Zuma said on Monday. The ‘big five’- Brazil, Russia, India, China, and its newest addition, South Africa, come together for the annual conference this year in Durban, South Africa in hopes of establishing a new development bank which will fund infrastructure and development projects in the five member states, and will pool foreign currencies to fend off any impending financial crisis.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - 29 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
De surpresa, Rússia lança larga escala de exercícios militares navais no 'seu' Mar Negro.
Prepara fechar Estreito de Bósforo se Ocidente atacar Síria.
President Vladimir Putin ordered the launch of military exercises in the Black Sea region on Thursday, his spokesperson said. Putin issued the order at 4:00am Moscow time (0000 GMT) as he flew back from an international summit in South Africa, the president's spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said.

29 março 2013


C. S. M. , Liberal Conspiracy - Mar 2013 - clik1 clik2 clik3 clik4 clik5
Há 33 anos dizem que Irã terá bomba atômica em breve. Última foi 'em 6 meses',  agora é '2016'.
1979 - 1984: West German intelligence sources claim that Iran’s production of a bomb “is entering its final stages.” US Senator Alan Cranston claims Iran is seven years away from making a weapon. 1992: Israeli parliamentarian Benjamin Netanyahu tells his colleagues that Iran is 3 to 5 years from being able to produce a nuclear weapon.
1995: The New York Times reports that US and Israeli officials fear “Iran is much closer to producing nuclear weapons than previously thought” – less than five years away. Netanyahu claims the time frame is three to five years. 1996: Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres claims Iran will have nuclear weapons in four years. 1998: Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld claims Iran could build an ICBM capable of reaching the US within five years. 1999: An Israeli military official claims that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within five years. 2001: The Israeli Minister of Defence claims that Iran will be ready to launch a nuclear weapon in less than four years. 2002: The CIA warns that the danger of nuclear weapons from Iran is higher than during the Cold War, because its missile capability has grown more quickly than expected since 2000 – putting it on par with North Korea.
2003: A high-ranking Israeli military officer tells the Knesset that Iran will have the bomb by 2005 — 17 months away. 2006: A State Department official claims that Iran may be capable of building a nuclear weapon in 16 days. 2008: An Israeli general tells the Cabinet that Iran is “half-way” to enriching enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon and will have a working weapon no later than the end of 2010. 2009: Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak estimates that Iran is 6-18 months away from building an operative nuclear weapon. 2010: Israeli decision-makers believe that Iran is at most 1-3 years away from being able to assemble a nuclear weapon. 2011: IAEA report indicates that Iran could build a nuclear weapon within months. 2013: Israeli intelligence officials claim that Iran could have the bomb by 2015 or 2016.


YouTube VIDEO - Rightwing Watch - 29 Mar 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2.
"Governo prepara batalha contra nós. Blindados, muita munição". 
Pat Robertson, mega-líder evangélico.   
Televangelist Pat Robertson is joining the ranks of right-wing commentators who claim that the Department of Homeland Security is stockpiling vehicles and ammunition to use against Americans. “Long trains full of armored vehicles, personnel carriers with armor, what are they for, the army going into battle against the enemy? They're used by Homeland Security against us,” Robertson ominously warned. “Imagine what Homeland Security is doing is just awful and we’re going to talk about how much ammunition they’re stockpiling: who are they going to shoot, us?” 


YouTube VIDEO - 28 mar 2013 - clique aqui.
"Des-escravizar a Humanidade". 
Ethos, by Woody Harrelson.
From criminal conflicts of interest in politics, to unregulated corporate power, to a news media in the hands of multi-national conglomerates, to a military industrial complex that effectively owns our government. We cannot fix our system until we know how it works. Ethos looks at the systemic issues that work against democracy, the environment, democracy, justice and our own personal liberty. However, it is not all bad news. Ethos offers a solution. A simple but powerful way that you can have your voices heard as they have never been heard before. Watch the film, spread the word, change the world. Woody Harrelson Presents: Ethos (2011) Director: Pete McGain.  
Concentrated info which gives a big picture very fast even if the picture is even more big and way worse. Harrelson is a supporter of the 9/11 truth movement and has supported reopening an investigation into the September 11 terrorist attacks. Along with other "truthers," like Martin Sheen and Ed Asner, he will be appearing in a movie, September Morn, that will reflect such concerns.


R. T. News - 29 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
DESESPERO IMPERA: Comissão Européia prepara lei, confisco em contas bancárias de 27 países.
O balão de ensaio foi em Chipre, 40% de confisco.
The European Commission has written the draft of the law, which now awaits approval from eurozone member states and the parliament on whether and when it can be implemented. It's been reported, the law is planned to take effect in the beginning of 2015. "What we've done last night is what I call pushing back the risks," Dijsselbloem told Reuters and the Financial Times hours after the Cyprus deal was struck Monday. After speaking to reporters, news outlets prolieferated Disselbloem's 'Cyprus as a template' commentary, which sent markets into a spook and tanked many trading indexes.

Analysts took the rhetoric as a signal Cyprus was not a unique case, and other Euro economies, could be next. Now Dijsselbloem is eating his words and defended himself saying he doesn't even know the English word 'template', but he was simply describing the process itself. "If there is a risk in a bank, our first question should be 'Okay, what are you in the bank going to do about that? What can you do to recapitalise yourself?' If the bank can't do it, then we'll talk to the shareholders and the bondholders, we'll ask them to contribute in recapitalising the bank, and if necessary the uninsured deposit holders," he said. Though the word 'template' wasn't explicitly used, his comments still indicate he doesn't think Cyprus is a one-time deal. The International Monetry Fund and German officials back the new template and see it as a more sustainable approach to battling the sovereign debt problems that spread like a virus in financially weak members of the eurozone.


IBT, International Business Times - Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Brasil e China expulsam dólar das suas transações internacionais, prevendo 'turbulências' externas.
China and Brazil agreed to trade in each other’s currencies just hours ahead of the BRICS summit in South Africa. The deal, which extends over a three-year period and amounts to an exchange of about $30 billion in trade per year, marks the latest effort among two of the world’s largest emerging economies to shift the dynamics of international trade that have long favored the U.S. dollar. "Our interest is not to establish new relations with China, but to expand relations to be used in the case of turbulence in financial markets," Brazilian Central Bank Governor Alexandre Tombini said, Reuters reported.
By shifting some trade away from the U.S. dollar, the world’s primary reserve currency, the two countries aim to buffer their commercial ties against another financial crisis like the one that resulted from the collapse of the U.S. housing market bubble in 2008. "Trade ties between China and Brazil are of great importance to the two countries' economies amid global woes and the member states' economic stability is vital for the BRICS mechanism," said Zhou Zhiwei, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Xinhua reported. Trade between China and Brazil has exploded in recent years from $6.68 billion in 2003 to over $75 billion in 2012, and in 2009, China replaced the U.S. as Brazil’s main trading partner.


YouTube VIDEO - Success Council - 28 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Entenda Sistema Petro-Dólar: seu iminente colapso quebra domínio global dos EUA, em efeito dominó.


YouTube VIDEO - CNBC News - 29 mar 2013 - clique aqui.
"FMI e EU apoiam confisco, tire logo seu dinheiro, vão saquear contas", bilionário investidor Jim Rogers.
"Quando políticos dizem 'não se preocupe', então voce se apresse ! Porque eles sabem que voce tem que se preocupar. Vão chamar confisco de 'contribuição' , feita para a estabilidade do sistema".
Jim Rogers on CNBC 3/28/13: "If politicians say don't worry, then understand you have to worry and they will loot your bank account. Run for the hills and hurry to get your money out" IMF condoning stealing of people's money. He says don't trust any politician, if you do, you will go bankrupt quickly. Amazing the CNBC reporter agreed with him.

28 março 2013


R.T. News - 28 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
"EUA é império no exterior, e estado policial em casa. Mídia espalha ódio e inventa inimigos".
País pertence às corporações, não ao povo.
People do not need governments: rulers serve banks and corporations and do not care about the well-being of their citizens, believes Jeff Monson, a famous American mixed martial artist, who positions himself as an anarchist. In an interview with RT he says American policy is all about imperialism and money making.

27 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Fox News - 27 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
Europa, Ministro das Finanças : "confisco pode ser o modêlo a seguir nos outros países".
Ele acha uma boa idéia saquear as contas dos cidadãos.
Já roubaram em 40% as contas acima de 100 mil euros.

20 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Info Wars - Mar 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2
EUA financia Al-Qaeda na Síria. Não há "levante popular".
Mas sua TV jura que os mercenários são "rebeldes sírios".
E o povo prefere o ditador aos terroristas estrangeiros.
Ben Swann Full Disclosure talks with Emilio Ibrahim, a Syrian man living in Damascus about the U.S. and Saudi funding of Al Qaeda fighters who are leading the so called Syrian revolution.


YouTube VIDEO - Alt-Market - MSNBC News - clik 1 - clik 2.
CRESCE REAÇÃO À TIRANIA: "Grupos anti-governo como jamais houve, aumento de 812%". 
Mídia prostituta rotula patriotas de "grupos de ódio", busca confundir a visão do povo. Governo prepara repressão.


YouTube VIDEO - R.T. News - Zero Hedges - clik 1 - clik 2
CONFISCO À VISTA: "Tire o seu dinheiro enquanto ainda pode". Nigel Farage, Leader of Party, UK.
União Européia chantageia Chipre a confiscar poupança do povo. 
É desespero para sustentar o sistema a qualquer custo. 
Chipre está em feriado bancário forçado, sem prazo para acabar.
In Nigel Farage’s first TV appearance since the Cypriot wealth tax was announced, the Englishman pulls no punches. In all his years and all his experience of the desperation of the European Union’s leadership “never did [he] think they would resort to stealing money from people’s savings accounts.” The simple fact is that they know they cannot let any country leave, no matter how small, for “once one country goes, the whole deck of cards will come tumbling down.” There is now “clear irreconcilable differences” between the North and the South of Europe and now that they have done this in one country, “they are quite capable of doing it in Italy, Spain and anywhere.” The message that sends to people is ”get your money out while you can.”  
 As far as his British constituents, he strongly recommends George Osborne (UK Chancellor) urge ex-pats to remove all their money and do monthly transfers from home. “Do Not Invest In The Euro-Zone,” he concludes,“you have to be mad to do so – as it is now run by people who do not respect democracy, the rule of law, or the basic principles upon which Western civilization is based.” “They are propping up a Eurozone that, in the end, will collapse in disastrous failure and they are prepared to do anything to do so.”


YouTube VIDEO - CBS News - 20 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
PERÍCIA IRREFUTÁVEL: Obama forjou certidão de nascimento, não nasceu nos EUA. Ineligível.
Não poderia ser eleito Presidente dos EUA.

17 março 2013


Financial Times, R.T.News, Al Jazeera, Japan Times, Industan Times.
clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4 - clik 5
MONSTRUOSIDADE INDIZÍVEL: China assassinou 336 milhões por aborto forçado em 40 anos.
São dados oficiais do Ministério da Saúde da China.
Apenas um filho por cada casal, é política obrigatória.
More than 330 million abortions and almost 200 million sterilizations have been performed in China since family-planning policies to limit the population were introduced 40 years ago, the country’s Health Ministry has revealed. 
Measures to encourage fewer children in China were introduced in the 1970s, including the one-child rule. The goal behind the policies was to minimize population growth to save resources, such as food and water. Data also revealed that the government has done more than a half-billion birth control procedures, including the mandatory insertion of some 403 million of intra-uterine devices – a practice considered a regular birth control procedure in the West, if chosen voluntarily – the Financial Times reported. China’s Science and Research Institute blames a lack of sex education for the high number of abortions, stating that less than 10 percent of couples use condoms on a regular basis. The one-child policy prevents urban families from having more than one child. Exemptions apply to twins, rural couples, ethnic minorities and couples who are both minors. The rule is currently being criticized in China for decreasing the country’s population. 
China currently has a population of 1.3 billion. Chinese doctors have performed 8.2 million abortions annually for the past 40 years – enough to re-populate London, UK, 40 times. For the first time in 40 years, China’s younger labor force dropped last year, which economists warn can be devastating for a developing country.  “This makes China’s population look more like a developed country than a developing one, which is a key disadvantage in labor-intensive industries,” economist Ken Peng told the Financial Times. Former vice minister at the Health Ministry Huang Jiefu argued that a new “family-planning policy”must be found “to fit with the times,” the International Business Times reported. 

The new Chinese President Xi Jinping is pursuing such a policy by merging the National Population and Family-Planning Commission with the Health Ministry, which could trigger a move away from the country's restrictive birth-control policies. Where else in the world can you find a family-planning bureau? It was quite appropriate to fold it into the [Health] Ministry,” Huang added. An expert demographer believes that the merger will reduce the power of the family-planning commission: “It won’t have the ability to design policies and it will have less say in the country’s population strategy,” He Yafu told the Financial Times.
CSN News , Life News, Baptista Press - clik 1 - clik 2 - clik 3 - clik 4
Nos EUA, 53 milhões em 40 anos: abortos são 44 vezes os mortos de todas as suas guerras somadas.
WASHINGTON (BP) -- At some point in the past year, the United States experienced its 55 millionth legal abortion -- a tragic number that is far more than the combined U.S. death count of every American war since the nation's founding. The total spans 40 years, beginning with the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision on Jan. 22 legalizing abortion nationwide. The abortion count is based on data compiled by the Guttmacher Institute, which supports abortion rights. 
National Right to Life releases an annual tally using the Guttmacher data. "That's 55 million creative minds, 55 million people that could be working, 55 million that could be contributing to society," Randall K. O'Bannon, National Right to Life's director of education and research, told Baptist Press. "It's hard to fathom all the different ways in which any person has the potential to impact the community and impact our country. The loss is staggering." To put the total of 55 million in perspective, the combined number of military deaths in all of America's wars –- from the Revolutionary War to the second Iraq war –- is 1.2 million. The number is large partially because Roe and its companion decision, Doe v. Bolton, placed America's abortion laws to the left of most of the developed world. For instance, most of Europe -- including Great Britain, Spain, Germany and Sweden -- have more restrictions on abortion than does the United States.

14 março 2013


The Intelli Hub - Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA Imperial chantageia toda a Terra: boicotar Irã ou ser cortado do sistema financeiro global.
Abre exceção só para Alemanha, Japão, Bélgica, França, UK, Espanha, Polonia, Grécia, Itália, Holanda e República Tcheca.
The United States has granted new waivers on Iran sanctions to 11 countries in exchange for their reductions of purchases of Iranian crude oil. US Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Wednesday that waivers have been granted to Japan, Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. 
This means banks in these countries have been given a third consecutive 180-day reprieve from the threat of being cut off from the US financial system. Washington and the European Union have imposed several rounds of illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic over a false allegation -- spearheaded by the United States, Israel and their European allies -- that Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program. Iran refutes the allegation, arguing that as a committed signatory to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and a member of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it is entitled to develop and acquire nuclear technology for peaceful purposes. Tehran also draws on numerous IAEA inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities, which have invariably failed to find any evidence showing that Tehran’s nuclear energy program has been diverted toward military objectives. 

08 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO - 06 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
"EUA à beira da Guerra Civil".

05 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO - Oxford University - 11 Jan 2013 - clique aqui.
"Um trilhão de libras do cidadão para os bancos, pura ganância.
É crime de proporções épicas".
Daniel Hannan opens by saying that the bailouts were a crime that will one day be seen as a generational offence. He highlights that he, along with 3 other elected politicians, was the only one opposed to the bailouts along with 87% of the British Public. It's wrong to clobber the little guy in order to reward the corporate. He says that he is opposed because the occupy Wall Street crowd were occupying the wrong place. He says there is a world of difference between being pro business and pro market. He challenges 3 propositions; The Idea that we are living through a failure of capitalism, the banking collapse was caused by a lack of regulation and the idea that we're in this financial mess because of our greed. 


YouTube VIDEO - 04 Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
VAZOU DOCUMENTO: Campos militares de 'internamento' são para dissidentes políticos.
ORIGINAL AQUI : "Atiradores para casos de fugas ou rebeliões".
Internment camps for political dissidents in the U.S. aren't a conspiracy theory. The Department of Defense document entitled "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" or FM 3-39.40 proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Leaked U.S. Army documents prepared for Defense Dept.
It contains shocking plans for "political activists" to be pacified by "PSYOP officers" into developing an "appreciation of U.S. policies" while detained in prison camps inside the United States. Alex Jones reports.


YouTube VIDEO - 23 Oct 2009 - clique aqui.
"Queda da República Americana, ascende a Nova Ordem Mundial".
Fall Of The Republic documents how an offshore corporate cartel is bankrupting the US economy by design. Leaders are now declaring that world government has arrived and that the dollar will be replaced by a new global currency. President Obama has brazenly violated Article 1 Section 9 of the US Constitution by seating himself at the head of United Nations' Security Council, thus becoming the first US president to chair the world body. A scientific dictatorship is in its final stages of completion, and laws protecting basic human rights are being abolished worldwide; an iron curtain of high-tech tyranny is now descending over the planet. A worldwide regime controlled by an unelected corporate elite is implementing a planetary carbon tax system that will dominate all human activity and establish a system of neo-feudal slavery. The image makers have carefully packaged Obama as the world's savior; he is the Trojan Horse manufactured to pacify the people just long enough for the globalists to complete their master plan. This film reveals the architecture of the New World Order and what the power elite have in store for humanity. More importantly it communicates how We The People can retake control of our government, turn the criminal tide and bring the tyrants to justice. A film by Alex jones


YouTube VIDEO - Dallas, 22 Nov 1963 - clique aqui.
1963: Guarda Presidencial toda abandona posto, minutos antes de Kennedy ser assassinado.
Ninguém explica quem deu a ordem de abandonar postos.
Former agents Kinney and Godfrey confirmed that JFK never gave direct or implicit instructions to remove motorcycles from security positions adjacent to his car. Further, films and photographs of prior Texas trip stops clearly show a heavy motorcycle outrider presence during motorcades, up to and including the Fort Worth motorcade of November 21, 1963. The origin of the order to strip presidential security by reducing motorcycle-based security remains mysterious, and carries sinister implications.

03 março 2013


YouTube VIDEO -  Mar 2013 - clique aqui.
EUA desigualdade de  mundo: 1% ultra-ricos detém 40% da riqueza, e 80% do povão só 7%.
Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America, highlighting both the inequality and the difference between our perception of inequality and the actual numbers. The reality is often not what we think it is.
E a tendencia é só de piorar.

02 março 2013


MSNBC News - Pak Alert - Feb 2013 - click aqui.
Cortes só reduzem invasões, mas para imprensa é "país em risco".
Defesa nacional fica íntegra, mas reduz invasões a outros países.
Queixoso é do "megafone do Pentágono", jornal Washignton Post.
Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward’s ongoing war of words with President Barack Obama’s White House escalated on Wednesday when Woodward took to the set of MSNBC’sMorning Joe to slam the president’s handling of the sequester fight. Woodward said that the president has displayed a “kind of madness” in his decision to make those cuts as painful and deleterious to the nation’s war fighting capability as possible.
Woodward said that the president has displayed a “kind of madness” in his decision to make those cuts as painful and deleterious to the nation’s war fighting capability as possible. “Can you imagine Ronald Reagan sitting there and saying ‘Oh, by the way, I can’t do this because of some budget document’?” Woodward asked incredulously. “Or George W. Bush saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to invade Iraq because I can’t get the aircraft carriers I need.’ Or even Bill Clinton saying, ‘You know, I’m not going to attack Saddam Hussein’s intelligence headquarters,’ as he did when Clinton was president because of some budget document?”  “Under the Constitution, the president is commander-in-chief and employs the force. And so we now have the president going out because of this piece of paper and this agreement, I can’t do what I need to do to protect the country,”


Strategic Culture Organization - Wayne Madson - Feb 2013 - clique aqui.
NEO-COLONIALISMO AVANÇA: Urânio do Níger atrai cobiça dos EUA. Instala base de drones.
Um por um países africanos vão sendo re-subjugados.
However, Obama, as a president with roots in Kenya, gives weighty cover for the U.S. plans to establish a neo-colonialist regime for Africa, one run out of Washington. Niger was once a colonial backwater of the French empire. It is now transitioning into a full-blown protectorate of the American empire. However, Niger should not grow used to its new American masters. The American empire is crumbling due to financial and moral decay. When Pax Americana finally falls, it will leave much of the world, including Niger, in shock. 
In addition to U.S. military personnel in Niamey, there are also U.S. bases in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso; Bamako, Mali; Nouakchott, Mauritania; and Tamanrasset, Algeria. The U.S. presence in Burkina Faso is known as Creek Sand. From these and other suspected bases, the United States has let loose armed and unarmed drones across the Sahara. This is how the peoples of West Africa have been introduced to America’s first president of African descent. Such a military incursion into Africa would have been unthinkable and undoable for such white American presidents as Jimmy Carter, Gerald Ford, John F. Kennedy, or Dwight Eisenhower. 
China investe pesado na África desde 2010. Ocidente quer sufocar o gigante que cresce.
Given our recent discussion (here and here) of the rising importance of Africa in the world’s power and money echelons, it is not entirely surprising that the NY Times reports that US military command in Africa is actively preparing to establish a drone base in northwest Africa to increase “unarmed surveillance missions on the local affiliate of Al Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups” that American and other Western officials say pose a growing menace to the region.
It would appear Niger will be the most likely place for the base – from which officials envision flying only unarmed surveillance drones though, of course, they have not ruled out conducting missile strikes at some point if the threat worsens. “This is directly related to the Mali mission, but it could also give Africom a more enduring presence for I.S.R.,” one American military official said Sunday, referring to intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. Perhaps, actually scratch the “perhaps”, what is really happening is the US now has a drone base with which to supervise Chinese expansion in Northweast Africa, anda drone fleet to use defensively and offensively as it sees fit.From – “The Beijing Conference”: See How China Quietly Took Over Africa.