17 abril 2013


GEAB 74 - Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin - April 16, 2013 - clique aqui.
Está declarada a guerra: 
Nações vs Cartéis Financeiros.
Mundo político-economico vs interesses financeiros e bancários.
Tradução Portugues clik aquiAn impressive number of explosive factors are combining: new financial bubbles inflated by massive injections of public money, worldwide geopolitical instability, currency wars, political the beginning of the political war against “financial terrorism”, political crisis in Europe, massive unemployment and a damaged real economy, not counting of course public debt which is at its highest. “Building a new crisis on the existing one” seems to be the objective of politicians in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Like these financial products which exploded in mid-air in 2008, “CDO squared” (9) are complex structures on complex structures (CDOs on CDOs) aiming to dilute the risk but actually exacerbating it, the headlong flight lead in these countries builds a kind of “crisis squared”, a new crisis on the 2008 crisis. They claim to be putting out the fire by watering it, without realizing that it’s not water but petrol which they are using. 
Supremacia dos EUA está na dominação do dólar. Política é preservá-la a qualquer custo.
But actually the dollar is the ultimate bubble. All the United States’ supremacy rests on dollar domination, and the whole objective of their foreign policy is to preserve this domination at all costs. However, they don’t have this option anymore. The dollar role is fading away on all sides, with sudden swap agreements or ex-dollar foreign trade (19) ; abrupt loss of confidence, in the United States included, where the Fed’s inflationary policy has led several States to authorize gold as a currency or at least to consider it (20) ; China’s progressive dumping of US treasury bonds (21) (would be this only be because it’s amazing trade surpluses have disappeared), etc. In order to prolong the dollar’s supremacy, in addition to the increasingly less effective usual means using oil and their military power, the United States seeks to create free exchange zones left and right.