Gallup Institute, Actvist Post - Jun 2013 - clik 1 - clik 2.
EUA: 10% confiam no Congresso. Nenhuma instituição caiu tanto.
Menos que polícia, imprensa e bancos.
As scandal after scandal rocks Washington DC, the American people are fed up. A new Gallup poll reveals the lowest ever confidence rating for Congress, or any institution ever polled by Gallup. "This is the lowest level of confidence Gallup has found, not only for Congress, but for any institution on record." Gallup writes.

Confidence in Congress fell to just 10%, down from 13% in 2012. In 2009, in the afterglow of President Obama's historic election, 27% of Democrats had confidence in Congress while only 10% of Republicans did. There is no longer a significant partisan divide among those polled. In other words, people of all political persuasions now roundly agree, Congress stinks. Americans' confidence in Congress is not only at its lowest point on record, but also is the worst Gallup has ever found for any institution it has measured since 1973. This low level of confidence is in line with Americans'low job approval of Congress, which has also been stuck below 30% for years. The divided Congress, with Democrats controlling the Senate and Republicans the House, is likely part of the reason for the low levels of confidence rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans express, and is tied to Americans' frustrations with Congress' inability to get much done.
Na imprensa 77% não confiam.